Whoops, how did I manage that. Sorry for not being more careful when sorting the files, but luckily it seems the problem was sorted out anyway. Thanks a ton for putting in all this effort in order to provide us end-users with such an amazing program and such nice scriptsUnfortunately it appears that the two logs are from different events. The DEBUG log has an autosale total of 280, while the ASH log has an autosale total of 69. Not having joined logfiles does make this much more difficult to compare, especially as it appears that the ASH log, where we'd actually find out what went wrong, doesn't have the error as "out of range" does not appear in it, unlike in the DEBUG log.
If you have the pulverize skill, it'll smash for you. Otherwise, if available, it'll send the items to wadbot.I am setting the items and was wondering what happens when I select pulverize.
Only if you are incapable of smashing them yourself.Does it send them to the wad bot?
Pulverize. If they can be combined, it's handle it as appropriate. If you have Pulverize and have access to the muscle guild, it'll upgrade. Otherwise, it'll send the stuff to wadbot to be upgraded.Also, what option should I select for malusing?
> call scripts\OCD Inventory Control.ash
autoSatisfyWithCloset => false
Pulling items from stash...
Transfer failed for commemorative war stein (65)
Movement of items failed.
Searching for "commemorative war stein"...
Search complete.
Purchasing commemorative war stein (1 @ 2,000)...
Purchasing commemorative war stein (2 @ 2,000)...
Purchasing commemorative war stein (2 @ 2,000)...
Purchasing commemorative war stein (16 @ 2,000)...
Purchasing commemorative war stein (4 @ 2,000)...
Purchasing commemorative war stein (3 @ 2,000)...
Purchasing commemorative war stein (37 @ 2,000)...
Purchases complete.
Pulling items from stash...
You acquire an item: goatskin umbrella
Pulling items from stash...
Transfer failed for solid gold bowling ball (14)
Movement of items failed.
Searching for "solid gold bowling ball"...
Search complete.
Purchasing solid gold bowling ball (1 @ 10,000)...
Purchasing solid gold bowling ball (2 @ 10,000)...
Purchasing solid gold bowling ball (5 @ 10,000)...
Purchasing solid gold bowling ball (1 @ 10,000)...
Purchasing solid gold bowling ball (1 @ 10,000)...
Purchasing solid gold bowling ball (2 @ 10,000)...
KoLmafia declares world peace.
Pulling items from stash...
You acquire an item: goatskin umbrella
Pulling items from stash...
You acquire an item: goatskin umbrella
Well, at the time of your log, there apparently was...
Pulling items from stash...
You acquire an item: goatskin umbrella
Considering that any such behavior constitutes a bug - when you log out and log in again without exiting, KoLmafia's state is supposed reflect the new character and only the new character - we have gone to considerable trouble to squash any and all such bugs when they are reported.Also note that logging out and logging back in does NOT fully refresh mafia when it gets weird.
Considering that Hagnk's is "storage", not the "stash", that is clearly what it is referring to.Could the "pulling items from stash" comment be referring to a clan stash instead of Hagnk's?
Considering that Hagnk's is "storage", not the "stash", that is clearly what it is referring to.
Considering that any such behavior constitutes a bug - when you log out and log in again without exiting, KoLmafia's state is supposed reflect the new character and only the new character - we have gone to considerable trouble to squash any and all such bugs when they are reported.
Since you claim that such bugs still exist (by using the present tense and all that), I assume there are some existing bug reports that we have missed. Can you point me to them, please? Or, if there are no such bug reports, yet you still claim that bugs exist (by using the present tense, and all that), how about if you write a bug report?
You know - explain exactly which character state lingers from an old character when you log out and log in with a new one.
Of course! As I said, that is the kind of bug that we always fix.It was fixed, but that was one spot recently where restarting mafia fully cleared something. Note that this doesn't meet your requirement of unfulfilled, since you did fix it.![]()
This has nothing whatsoever to do with character state persisting between one character and the next one.This thread from February/March on a chat-related memory increase was eventually closed because requested information was not given. Regardless, logging out of mafia didn't reduce memory usage back to normal levels, but fully quitting mafia did.
Fully refreshing mafia. Clean slate. All new memory allocations. It does include the character state, but that wasn't what I was mainly referring to.Also note that logging out and logging back in does NOT fully refresh mafia when it gets weird. Quit. Make sure mafia is completely closed. Update mafia to the latest daily build if it isn't. Then see if it still happens.