You cannot transform a chef's hat into a chef-in-a-box. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a fishy fish casserole into a fishy fish lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a gnatloaf casserole into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork casserole into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
transform 112 bird rib into wet stew, 190 demon skin into demon whip, 58 disintegrating quill pen into scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil, 12 enchanted bean into insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito, 16 enormous belt buckle into black belt, 322 hill of beans into insanely spicy bean burrito, 65 hot katana blade into icy-hot katana, 62 large cocoa eggshell fragment into cocoa egg, 250 megatofu into super salad, 117 pile of jumping beans into insanely spicy jumping bean burrito, 66 pirate pelvis into spooky pirate skeleton
transform 220 smart skull into brainy skull, 44 tassel into sequined fez
Verifying ingredients for wet stew (112)...
You need 17 more lion oil to continue.
Verifying ingredients for demon whip (190)...
Creating demon whip (190)...
Creation failed, no results detected.
Verifying ingredients for scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil (58)...
You need 39 more inkwell to continue.
Verifying ingredients for insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito (12)...
Verifying ingredients for spicy enchanted bean burrito (12)...
You need 12 more spices to continue.
Verifying ingredients for black belt (16)...
You need 16 more black snake skin to continue.
Verifying ingredients for insanely spicy bean burrito (322)...
Verifying ingredients for spicy bean burrito (322)...
You need 322 more spices to continue.
Verifying ingredients for icy-hot katana (65)...
You need 47 more icy katana hilt to continue.
Verifying ingredients for cocoa egg (31)...
Creating cocoa egg (31)...
You acquire cocoa egg (31)
Successfully created cocoa egg (31)
Verifying ingredients for super salad (250)...
You need 250 more mixed wildflower greens to continue.
Verifying ingredients for insanely spicy jumping bean burrito (117)...
Verifying ingredients for spicy jumping bean burrito (117)...
You need 117 more spices to continue.
Verifying ingredients for spooky pirate skeleton (66)...
You need 459 more skeleton bone to continue.
Verifying ingredients for brainy skull (220)...
Creating 208 meat paste...
You acquire meat paste (208)
You lose 2,080 Meat
Successfully created meat paste (208)
You need 164 more disembodied brain to continue.
Verifying ingredients for sequined fez (44)...
You need 44 more teeny-tiny ninja stars to continue.
You cannot transform a chef's hat into a chef-in-a-box. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a fishy fish casserole into a fishy fish lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a gnatloaf casserole into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork casserole into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
use 1 CSA discount card, 22 Warm Subject gift certificate
Using 1 CSA discount card...
You gain 300 Meat
Finished using 1 CSA discount card.
Using 22 Warm Subject gift certificate...
You gain 9,962 Meat
Finished using 22 Warm Subject gift certificate.
You cannot transform a chef's hat into a chef-in-a-box. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a fishy fish casserole into a fishy fish lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a gnatloaf casserole into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork casserole into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
pulverize 1 actual reality goggles, 3 asparagus knife, 1 brown felt tophat, 15 cold nuggets, 1 cold powder, 2 crowbar, 7 dirty hobo gloves, 1 Galapagosian Cuisses, 1 Garter of the Turtle Poacher, 12 giant needle, 3 giant safety pin
pulverize 13 guard turtle shell, 29 hot nuggets, 2 hot powder, 1 Knob Goblin pants, 4 punk rock jacket, 4 rave whistle, 3 sewer nuggets, 15 sleaze nuggets, 1 sleaze powder, 15 spooky nuggets, 4 spooky powder
pulverize 27 stench nuggets, 1 stench powder, 205 twinkly nuggets, 61 twinkly powder
6083319162831514461144024441756514268143231261936292 is out of range, returning 0
Pulverizing actual reality goggles...
You acquire an item: useless powder
actual reality goggles smashed.
Pulverizing asparagus knife (3)...
You acquire twinkly powder (2)
You acquire an item: stench powder
asparagus knife (3) smashed.
Pulverizing brown felt tophat...
You acquire an item: twinkly wad
brown felt tophat smashed.
Verifying ingredients for cold wad (3)...
Creating cold wad (3)...
You acquire cold wad (3)
Successfully created cold wad (3)
Pulverizing crowbar (2)...
You acquire twinkly wad (2)
crowbar (2) smashed.
Pulverizing dirty hobo gloves (7)...
You acquire twinkly powder (4)
You acquire stench powder (3)
dirty hobo gloves (7) smashed.
Pulverizing Galapagosian Cuisses...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (3)
Galapagosian Cuisses smashed.
Pulverizing Garter of the Turtle Poacher...
You acquire an item: twinkly wad
Garter of the Turtle Poacher smashed.
Pulverizing giant needle (12)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (24)
You acquire twinkly wad (6)
giant needle (12) smashed.
Pulverizing giant safety pin (3)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (8)
You acquire an item: twinkly wad
giant safety pin (3) smashed.
4440291445214391384629143873332231514491144315144741441 is out of range, returning 0
Pulverizing guard turtle shell (13)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (21)
You acquire twinkly wad (19)
guard turtle shell (13) smashed.
Verifying ingredients for hot wad (5)...
Creating hot wad (5)...
You acquire hot wad (5)
Successfully created hot wad (5)
Pulverizing Knob Goblin pants...
You acquire an item: twinkly powder
Knob Goblin pants smashed.
Pulverizing punk rock jacket (4)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (8)
You acquire twinkly wad (2)
punk rock jacket (4) smashed.
Pulverizing rave whistle (4)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (12)
rave whistle (4) smashed.
Verifying ingredients for sleaze wad (3)...
Creating sleaze wad (3)...
You acquire sleaze wad (3)
Successfully created sleaze wad (3)
Verifying ingredients for spooky wad (3)...
Creating spooky wad (3)...
You acquire spooky wad (3)
Successfully created spooky wad (3)
1448114422051444611438 is out of range, returning 0
Verifying ingredients for stench wad (5)...
Creating stench wad (5)...
You acquire stench wad (5)
Successfully created stench wad (5)
Verifying ingredients for twinkly wad (41)...
Creating twinkly wad (41)...
You acquire twinkly wad (41)
Successfully created twinkly wad (41)
Verifying ingredients for twinkly nuggets (12)...
Creating twinkly nuggets (12)...
You acquire twinkly nuggets (12)
Successfully created twinkly nuggets (12)
You cannot transform a chef's hat into a chef-in-a-box. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a fishy fish casserole into a fishy fish lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a gnatloaf casserole into a gnat lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
You cannot transform a long pork casserole into a long pork lasagna. There's a problem with your data file or your crafting ability.
mallsell 1 "DRINK ME" potion @ 140, 1 bag of QWOP @ 1,800, 31 cocoa egg @ 920, 1 coconut shell @ 565, 4 devilish folio @ 200, 5 dry noodles @ 850, 3 Green Giant @ 3,540, 3 little paper umbrella @ 580, 12 Mad Train wine @ 100, 1 pumpkin @ 10,340, 4 scrumptious reagent @ 950
Sale price for this line: 63,775
mallsell 1 stomach turnover @ 1,645, 78 thin black candle @ 288, 4 transporter transponder @ 3,350, 1 watered-down Red Minotaur @ 401, 1 Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher @ 550
Sale price for this line: 38,460
Total mall sale = 102,235
Transferring items to store (request 1 of 2)...
Items offered up for sale.
Transferring items to store (request 2 of 2)...
Items offered up for sale.
autosell 69 awful poetry journal, 1 cherry pie, 5 diamond necklace, 3 guard turtle collar, 1 heart of the volcano, 3 magicalness-in-a-can, 220 meat paste, 8 Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub, 4 moxie weed, 3 stalk of asparagus
Total autosale = 23,860
622120205201634444145043162202586184143560 is out of range, returning 0
Autoselling items to NPCs (request 1 of 2)...
You gain 20,737 Meat
Items sold.
Autoselling items to NPCs (request 2 of 2)...
You gain 3,073 Meat
Items sold.
stash put 1 d10, 1 d12, 1 d20, 1 d4, 1 d6, 3 d8, 1 designer handbag, 2 divine blowout, 3 divine can of silly string, 1 divine champagne flute, 2 divine noisemaker
stash put 1 Interview With You (a Vampire), 1 liver and let pie, 5 love song of icy revenge, 3 love song of naughty innuendo, 3 sugar sheet
5288152891529015285152863528713962231203311913123231181530014722537563375934176 is out of range, returning 0
Dropping items into stash (request 1 of 2)...
Dropping items into stash (request 2 of 2)...
Anticipated monetary gain from inventory cleansing: 126,095 meat.