[COLOR=blue]send gift to 845708: 1 black candy heart[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]The message didn't send for some reason.[/COLOR]
Fair enoughI'm not going to worry about it. Nothing's broke and error message was informative if not helpful.
It'd be really neat if the relay script could show you what the default (the thing it picks if you hit default all) for the items were next to the add item fields, instead of just having to add them all to the database and then take a look at them![]()
It's time for me to finally completely disable kBay support. I figure I'll just uncategorize all kBay items so that everyone can reset them to a different destiny.
Does anyone disagree with that or have a better idea? Do you want your kBay items to remain categorized that way even though it is a useless category? Perhaps I should move kBay items to a reminder instead?
Boris's key MAKE 0 Boris's key lime pie true
Boris's key lime MAKE 0 Boris's key lime pie true
That's the best I can figure. When the CLI runs, it seems mafia is telling me that you can't turn a Boris's key into a Boris, but the data file clearly has Boris's key lime pie. I don't know what happens where. Thought I'd run it by you first before reporting a bug.The correct information was saved to the data file? This was just an erroneousness error message?