I'm wondering if it is possible for the category dropdowns to be changed but not submitted right away. Just to make sure thats what i want to do with them
PAtoOCD only affects uncategorized stuff. If you want it to recategorize, just set them back to uncategorized, and re-run PAtoOCD then.![]()
Can't find zarqon's PAtoOCD.ash anywhere in the forums for best attachment of this post, but this is one of the two threads that got found when I tried (the other was an SVN log) so I'm putting it here.
I recently got frustrated at its hardcoding to name, even if you've changed the name you'd like using the OCD relay script for shared purposes or ascension v. normal OCDness or whatever. Attached is a copy that should check your zlib variables to see what OCD file to use, so you can PA multiple bits easily if needed.
send gift to holatuwol: 34 stuffed cocoabo
send gift to Veracity: 7 rubber WWtNSD? bracelet
it is a slick feature, and i would have loved to use it when i started using the script and categorizing everything, that was the major hurdle, deaing with a few thousand items at the beginning.![]()
Any chance the feature request from Banana Lord in #634 (Minimum mall price) will make it to the next version?
boolean getit(int q, item it) {
if(first) first = !vprint("Stocking up on requred items!", "blue", 3);
return retrieve_item(q, it);
if(full_amount(it) < stock[it].q && !getit(stock[it].q - full_amount(it) - (get_property("autoSatisfyWithCloset") == "true"? closet_amount(it): 0), it)) {
boolean getit(int q, item it) {
if(first) first = !vprint("Stocking up on requred items!", "blue", 3);
boolean autoSatisfyWithCloset = get_property("autoSatisfyWithCloset").to_boolean();
if(autoSatisfyWithCloset && closet_amount(it) > 0)
set_property("autoSatisfyWithCloset", "false");
boolean autoSatisfyWithStorage = get_property("autoSatisfyWithStorage").to_boolean();
if(autoSatisfyWithStorage && storage_amount(it) > 0)
set_property("autoSatisfyWithStorage", "false");
q = q - closet_amount(it) - storage_amount(it) - equipped_amount(it);
boolean suc = retrieve_item(q, it);
if(autoSatisfyWithCloset && !get_property("autoSatisfyWithCloset").to_boolean())
set_property("autoSatisfyWithCloset", "true");
if(autoSatisfyWithStorage && !get_property("autoSatisfyWithStorage").to_boolean())
set_property("autoSatisfyWithStorage", "true");
return suc;
if(full_amount(it) < stock[it].q && !getit(stock[it].q, it)) {