New member
I just wanted to take a moment and follow-up on a previously mentioned automation request:
Any chance this could be looked at now? An automated 6 day harvest would be really helpful to not think about during Crimbo
Forgive me if this has already been addressed somewhere else, but given that it appears this garden doesn't have a linear progression of harvest yield, will Mafia be getting a setting for breakfast to only harvest if the garden is at max yield? I understand this won't be helpful for those who regularly do sub 5-day ascensions, but I rarely make it below 10 and this would likely also be appreciated by anyone spending a significant amount of time in aftercore.
Decisions like that generally don't get made before content is spaded well enough to make an informed decision.
Growth spading on the official forums confirmed my original hypotheses of the daily growth.
Day 1 = 1 cornucopia (+1)
Day 2 = 3 cornucopia (+2)
Day 3 = 5 cornucopia (+2)
Day 4 = 8 cornucopia (+3)
Day 5 = 11 cornucopia (+3)
Day 6 = 15 cornucopia (+4)
Day 7 has yielded a "megacopia" (search mall & you'll see some for sale). Using the megacopia initiates a fight with a "Thanksgolem" according to the official forum spading.
Looks like the optimal harvesting for cornucopia would be to wait until the 6th day.
Any chance this could be looked at now? An automated 6 day harvest would be really helpful to not think about during Crimbo