New Content - Implemented November 2016 IOTM - Granny Tood's Thanksgarden Catalog

I just wanted to take a moment and follow-up on a previously mentioned automation request:
Forgive me if this has already been addressed somewhere else, but given that it appears this garden doesn't have a linear progression of harvest yield, will Mafia be getting a setting for breakfast to only harvest if the garden is at max yield? I understand this won't be helpful for those who regularly do sub 5-day ascensions, but I rarely make it below 10 and this would likely also be appreciated by anyone spending a significant amount of time in aftercore.
Decisions like that generally don't get made before content is spaded well enough to make an informed decision.
Growth spading on the official forums confirmed my original hypotheses of the daily growth.

Day 1 = 1 cornucopia (+1)
Day 2 = 3 cornucopia (+2)
Day 3 = 5 cornucopia (+2)
Day 4 = 8 cornucopia (+3)
Day 5 = 11 cornucopia (+3)
Day 6 = 15 cornucopia (+4)

Day 7 has yielded a "megacopia" (search mall & you'll see some for sale). Using the megacopia initiates a fight with a "Thanksgolem" according to the official forum spading.

Looks like the optimal harvesting for cornucopia would be to wait until the 6th day.

Any chance this could be looked at now? An automated 6 day harvest would be really helpful to not think about during Crimbo :)
Can only use three turkey blasters per day :

You can't handle any more delicious herbs and seasonings today.

I guess we also need to track which zones have the delay impacting somehow.

That's probably just adding 5 to turns_spent in the most recent location.

I just want to add that the way turkey blasters actually work might not be fully understood yet:
With r17412

I just fought, by clicking on the "use" link on the megacopia after picking it from the garden, a Thanksgolem and, at the end of the combat, a "Back to your Time-Spinner" link appeared at the bottom of the page.

Clicking on the link does, indeed, take me back to my Time-Spinner.

Edit: the same thing happened when I fought a Bricko monster.
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Ha ha. I added that after a fight that has a "Back to your Inventory" link. I guess I'll have to be a little more particular about it. :)
Revision 17413 should give you a "Return to your Time-SPinner" link only if you came from there.
Any chance this could be looked at now? An automated 6 day harvest would be really helpful to not think about during Crimbo :)

While this doesn't affect me I agree that it would make a great deal of sense to have an option for harvesting 15 cornucopias on the sixth day. After all, if you harvest every day for 6 days you only get 5 cornucopias while waiting until day 6 will 15!

(This doesn't affect me because I use a loginScript to determine when I harvest my garden so I already have this feature. It would be nice if less script-savvy users also got a better harvest. Actually, right now it harvests on day 7, but I know prices will change so my script compares cornucopia prices to megacopia prices before deciding if it wants to harvest on day 6 which means I'd still be better, so nyaaa-nyaaa.)
Yeah, I started looking at it when we first got this content. All the current ones the number to harvest doesn't matter, it always harvests when a particular item is available. So the matching logic now needs to look for a number of an item.

Probably not a big deal, but more than the 10 minutes I had free to investigate, and not had time since.
This would be nice to have before spinning a new release. I'm currently looking for megacopia, since I am slowly but surely collecting factoids for the Thanksgolem, but when done with that, I'll want the 15 cornucopias, I assume.

I'll look into this later today, unless somebody beats me to it. As Darzil says, probably not a bif deal.
BTW if anyone wants to copy my approach, I don't have mafia harvesting my garden. Instead my loginScript basically does this:

boolean pick() {
	foreach c,q in get_campground()
		switch(c) {
		case $item[pumpkin]:
		case $item[huge pumpkin]:		// Day 5 of Pumpkin Patch
		case $item[ginormous pumpkin]:	// Day 11 of Pumpkin Patch
		case $item[peppermint sprout]:
		case $item[giant candy cane]:	// Day 5 of Peppermint Patch
		case $item[frost flower]:		// Day 3 of Winter Garden
			return q > 0;
		case $item[skeleton]:			// Turns into a skulldozer on day 5
			if(q < 0) print("OMG! There is a Humongous Skull in the garden?! It looks DANGEROUS!", "red");
			return q > 0;
		case $item[fancy beer label]:	// total of labels and bottles. First appears on day 2.
			return q > 5;				// Full growth on day 7 with 3 labels + 3 bottles
		case $item[cornucopia]:			// Thanksgarden cornucopia growth is 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15
			if(can_interact() && price($item[megacopia]) > price($item[cornucopia]) * 16.5)
				return false;
			return q > 11;
		case $item[megacopia]:			// Thanksgarden day 7 is a megacopia.
			return true;
	return false;

if(pick()) cli_execute("garden pick");
The dropdown for crops to harvest now includes:

cornucopia (3)
cornucopia (5)
cornucopia (8)
cornucopia (11)
cornucopia (15)

They are ranked in that way, so if you have cornucopia (5) as your setting, say, anything that good or better will be harvested for breakfast.

Revision 17415
I think there is only one bit of content left to implement on this: The stuffing fluffer.

If a stuffing fluffer is used it will kill 32-46 soldiers on both sides of the Island War. That however is self-correcting when people look at the image for the Battlefield.

The important part to implement though is to count the number that have been used since the war began. It will increase the kill count by 1 for each stuffing fluffer used. At least this number needs to be stored in a per ascension preference so that it can be tracked by scripts.
I think ungawa's spading disagrees with you.

The stuffing fluffer could be handled like the modeling claymore (from KOLHS), where we load the battlefield image to take a guess at current progress.
The stuffing fluffer could be handled like the modeling claymore (from KOLHS), where we load the battlefield image to take a guess at current progress.

That solves part one. Don't forget that we also need to track the total number used since it affects the progress for each kill.
I did not catch that. Thanks. That will make this very easy to support since someone can just use the code for the modeling claymore.

I think once that is done we can mark this content implemented.