New Content - Implemented November 2016 IOTM - Granny Tood's Thanksgarden Catalog

Whoa. Does good salmonella poisoning increase even if you eat stuff that isn't Thanksgetting food?
Decisions like that generally don't get made before content is spaded well enough to make an informed decision.

According to the iotm thread on the kol forums the output is spaded up to 5 days, and it matches with the description given on the podcast. The only thing we don't know yet is where it stops, but the images indicate it either doesn't grow past 6 days or transforms into something a la the bone garden at some point after 6 days. Either way, it is 100% that harvesting once per day is the least rewarding.

I've only ever had a bone garden, so I never had reason to look into what Mafia does for the others. I see that it has options to harvest particular days of the beer and peppermint gardens, so I suppose that should answer my question.

Unknown item found: bomb of unknown origin (9188, 761793147)
9188 bomb of unknown origin 761793147 bomb.gif none, combat 0
# Item bomb of unknown origin

This is created by meat pasting a bread mold with a fire of unknown origin and is on kolwiki

Unknown item found: bomb of unknown origin (9188, 761793147)
9188 bomb of unknown origin 761793147 bomb.gif none, combat 0
# Item bomb of unknown origin

This is created by meat pasting a bread mold with a fire of unknown origin and is on kolwiki

Mystery solved!
Growth spading on the official forums confirmed my original hypotheses of the daily growth.

Day 1 = 1 cornucopia (+1)
Day 2 = 3 cornucopia (+2)
Day 3 = 5 cornucopia (+2)
Day 4 = 8 cornucopia (+3)
Day 5 = 11 cornucopia (+3)
Day 6 = 15 cornucopia (+4)

Day 7 has yielded a "megacopia" (search mall & you'll see some for sale). Using the megacopia initiates a fight with a "Thanksgolem" according to the official forum spading.

Looks like the optimal harvesting for cornucopia would be to wait until the 6th day.
Some new unknown items from the day 7 harvest:
9184	megacopia	680810357	megacopia.gif	usable	t	0
# Item megacopia
when used leads to a fight with a Thanksgolem which drops a number of leftovers and a new housing item:
9185	giant pilgrim hat	642418610	pilghat.gif	usable	q,d	1000
# Item giant pilgrim hat
Gravy Boat removes one extra evil in it's zone :

Some gravy sloshes out of your hat and douses some extra evil!
Can only use three turkey blasters per day :

You can't handle any more delicious herbs and seasonings today.

I guess we also need to track which zones have the delay impacting somehow.
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Can only use three turkey blasters per day :

You can't handle any more delicious herbs and seasonings today.

I guess we also need to track which zones have the delay impacting somehow.

That's probably just adding 5 to turns_spent in the most recent location.
Which would be fairly straightforward, except for all the times (any time an item or skill use leads to a fight) that we set everything tracking the last location to null (or something equivalent).
Maybe we need a last adventured location that only includes the adventure.php stuff that appears in the character pane (and which we can update from character pane), which we only use for stuff like that.