Added that stuff in 17349. Looks like salmonella is variable.
Yeah, looks like current fullness * 20%. 15/18/19 fullness (+300/360/380%) are all consistent with this.
Added that stuff in 17349. Looks like salmonella is variable.
Decisions like that generally don't get made before content is spaded well enough to make an informed decision.
Unknown item found: bomb of unknown origin (9188, 761793147)
9188 bomb of unknown origin 761793147 bomb.gif none, combat 0
# Item bomb of unknown origin
This is created by meat pasting a bread mold with a fire of unknown origin and is on kolwiki
9184 megacopia 680810357 megacopia.gif usable t 0
# Item megacopia
9185 giant pilgrim hat 642418610 pilghat.gif usable q,d 1000
# Item giant pilgrim hat
Is that zone dependent or monster dependent?
Can only use three turkey blasters per day :
You can't handle any more delicious herbs and seasonings today.
I guess we also need to track which zones have the delay impacting somehow.