Bug - Fixed non-ASCII characters error

I can't test it on Windows, but revision 17687 converts CLI input to UTF-8 before passing to ASH. Supposedly.
> ash $effect[ Sacré Mental ].to_string().contains_text( "acute" )

Bad effect value: "Sacr? Mental" ()
Returned: void

> ash $effect[ Memento Moiré ].to_string().contains_text( "acute" )

Bad effect value: "Memento Moir?" ()
Returned: void


I don't think that was what you were expecting, but it is past my bedtime...
OK, fine. Since I can't fix it to work for you, I'm just going to roll it back.

You have to save your ASH files in UTF-8.

It is not important that if your input method is not UTF-8 that "ash" commands in the gCLI don't work if you use non-UTF characters in your input.