New Content New Year 2019 changes

Malibu Stacey

Active member
I expect there will be some changes required for one or more of these things:

December 31 - The abridged dictionary has been removed from Barrrtleby's Barrrgain Books. We'll figure out somewhere harmless to stuff it later.
December 31 - The Talisman o' Nam can no longer be obtained from the pirates. Sorry. It's time.
December 31 - A couple of important quest monsters can no longer be copied. Nerf nerf nerf.
December 31 - Some very old potions have been converted to spleen items. Look forward to more of this kind of thing in the coming weeks.

Knob Goblin potions (the ones from the dispensary) are some of the things which require Spleen now.
I think I have these sorted.
One thing I'd like to check, for posterity, is if gaudy keys still drop, and what happens when they are used. Basically which bits of creations still work and which don't.
Interestingly the talisman is now untinkerable, as it now always has the same source.
I don't know what this is, but I saw this in the CLI:
(Note: extender for Big Veiny Brain is a spleen item that doesn't use 'chew')
(Note: extender for Heavy Petting is a spleen item that doesn't use 'chew')
I don't know what this is, but I saw this in the CLI:

Seeing these in the CLI when I maximize meat drop

(Note: extender for Heavy Petting is a spleen item that doesn't use 'chew')
(Note: extender for Wasabi Sinuses is a spleen item that doesn't use 'chew')
Also, with 2019, ascending does not seem to recognize some things. After freeing the king, with a source terminal:

You don't have a Source terminal.

visiting the campground seems to reset and fix this (as checked by get_campground() before and after visiting campground.php in the relay browser)
I am completely unsurprised that they didn't think through all the implications of older IOTMs.
We can add a visit to campground.php to our "refresh after freeing King Ralph" stuff.
I applaud you for ascending in the post-new-year full-of-KoL-bugs period.
I'll ascend, come Standard 2019, on the 15th or so.
I hope they have fixed (most of) their bugs by then.
Not looking forward to it.
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The maximizer lists the witchess buff as an option, but "Sorry, Witchess is too old to be used on this path." It is visible in the campground, so not that surprising mafia thinks I can use it.

Sorry if this isn't exactly the right thread.
On a related note, I noticed yesterday that the maximizer thinks that the skill 'Fifteen Minutes of Flame' is standard-viable. The skill was derived from Gingerbread City. standard.php listed the skill source item (Pop Art: a Guide) but not the skill. I don't know if you want to accomodate what appears to be a KoL glitch, or not, but thought I would mention it.
r19071, untested.
I'm in a standard run. I did a "maximize familiar weight" and the witchess buff showed up. I logged out and updated mafia, then logged back in. Now when I do "maximize familiar weight" there is no witchess buff. I can't speak for any other cases, but so far so good. Thanks!
On a related note, I noticed yesterday that the maximizer thinks that the skill 'Fifteen Minutes of Flame' is standard-viable. The skill was derived from Gingerbread City. standard.php listed the skill source item (Pop Art: a Guide) but not the skill. I don't know if you want to accomodate what appears to be a KoL glitch, or not, but thought I would mention it.
r19073 - But report as a KOL bug, untested.
Fifteen minutes of flame is now (properly) unavailable in standard restricted runs.

It still doesn't show in standard.php (which I suspect is why maximizer thought it could cast it). I did report it the other day though.

The behavior I saw was maximizer recommended it. However, when it tried to cast it...the cli response indicated success I think, but the effect wasn't acquired (ie.. it was properly not working). Since the effect wasn't actually acquired, maximizer would continue to list it in its recommendations.
Just tested with r19076 and maximizer is in fact still recommending it...(maximizing for +init).

When executed the cli says

Casting Fifteen Minutes of Flame 1 times...
Fifteen Minutes of Flame was successfully cast.
Requests complete.

However, the effect, "Your Fifteen Minutes" isn't actually gained.

So, it appears that Darzil's attempted fix isn't working? And KoL hasn't fixed it.

I would try it in the browser to see the game's actual response but the skill properly doesn't show up in my list at the moment. So, it appears, all of the standard restrictions are working for it, it just doesn't appear on standard.php?
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Yeah, I actually url manipulated my way into casting the skill (it's missing from skills.php) and you get an error message stating that it's too old.
I know why the fix hasn't worked. It is because in Standard KoL tells us we don't have non-standard skills, so Mafia knows only about standard skills. Hence when we check for knowing a skill, we don't care what standard thinks, so don't check it.

So this needs a different fix, either KOL side (ideal) or Mafia side to ignore KOL when it tells us we have the skill, rather than just marking it non-standard.