New Content - Implemented New item in swagger shop


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7732 Black Bart's Booty 364177657 chest.gif usable 0
# Black Bart's Booty
The swagger shop uses "whichitem", not "whichrow", so we have all the info we need to add it to items.txt and coinmasters.txt.

However, it appears that special handling is needed. It says:

"You must earn 1,000 swagger during a pirate season to purchase this item."

At the bottom, underneath "You have X swagger", it says:

"You've earned 0 swagger during a pirate season, yarrr."

Note that both messages talk about earning swagger "during a pirate season", not "during this pirate season". Given how the English language works, I parse that as saying that your "pirate season swagger" is a running total that will carry over in to future "pirate seasons" (if there are any) and that having (ever) earned 1,000 in a "pirate season" unlocks this item. In fact, I fully expect that the item will always be available in the swagger shop, but only those who have unlocked it will be able to spend their swagger to buy it.

Others have jumped to conclusion that the item will only be in the shop during a pirate season and that only swagger earned during a specific season can be used to buy it. I don't think the language supports the latter, but it won't be long be long before we can test; there are many people with lots of banked swagger who will, soon enough, earn 1,000 this season and will try to buy multiple of this item.

In any case, this is new for this coinmaster, at least: an item that is "available" that you have to unlock in order to buy. Reminiscent of how the lighthouse keeper's bombs are available from the Dimemaster or Quartersmaster, if you have completed the lighthouse quest for that side. I think that mechanism could stand to be generalized - and that we need to track "swagger earned during a pirate season", even if only by parsing it out of the response text from visiting the swagger shop.
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Revision 14556 adds the item to items.txt and coinmasters.txt. No code yet to disable the item if you don't qualify to buy it, yet.

FWIW, another Swagger Shop thing we don't handle is that the Essence of Annoyance gets more expensive, the more you buy of it.
And a final followup for now: yes, we should make those fixes to the Swagger Shop coinmaster, and there will undoubtedly be things that come out of Black Bart's Booty - which we will learn about as soon as somebody buys and uses one - but none of the above is a reason to delay the upcoming point release; once Heavy Rains and Thor's Hammer are as supported as they will be, we can pull the trigger on that, and fix the Swagger Shop at our leisure.
If anything untradeable comes out of Black Bart's Booty I'm going to be a little irked. I thought I was finally done with PvP when I got my Essence of Annoyance. I've got a thing about earning untradeable items. Sadly it will be a little while until this is known so I better start acquire Swagger now.
Revision 14589 parses the response when you visit the Swagger Shop and sets setting pirateSwagger to whatever it says about how much "swagger you have earned during a pirate season".

Things I don't know (but I bet our KoL dev knows, but can't share):

- if you spend swagger on the special pirate item, does that number go down? (I say no)
- If you earn >= 1,000 pirateSwagger and wait until the season ends, does it still let you buy the item? (I say yes)
- Regardless of your pirateSwagger, if it is no longer a pirate season, does it tell you about the pirate item? (I say yes)
- If it is no longer a pirate season, does it tell you your current pirateSwagger? (I say yes)

I'm slow; in the first 7 days of the PVP season, I earned only 600 swagger, so it will be a few more days yet before I can test #1. My excuse: I am focusing on ascending in Heavy Rains as fast as I can, and doing thing in-run to maximize my pirate PVP minis is simply not a priority; doing such is an aftercore thing for me - to be done on the day I free the king before I ascend again.
Most of those unknowns can be boiled down to a single question: Once a Black Bart's Booty is unlocked, does it stay unlocked and allow you to purchase them with swagger earned outside of a pirate season?

I'm also pretty slow at this PvP stuff so it looks like you're going to beat me to the Booty. Once I have one I'll probably quit the PvP again, unless it there are a variety of untradeables that I need to get from it.
... ... ... That's slow?!? Holy crap!

Yes, but I am even slower. I've only earned 523 Pirrrate Swagerrr.

I refuse to let it handicap me too much and oh dear goddess I refuse to be sucked into saving up another 11,000 for a second Essence of Annoyance. I refuse!!
Things I don't know (but I bet our KoL dev knows, but can't share):

- if you spend swagger on the special pirate item, does that number go down? (I say no)
- If you earn >= 1,000 pirateSwagger and wait until the season ends, does it still let you buy the item? (I say yes)
- Regardless of your pirateSwagger, if it is no longer a pirate season, does it tell you about the pirate item? (I say yes)
- If it is no longer a pirate season, does it tell you your current pirateSwagger? (I say yes)

According to the G-D forum thread you can only ever purchase one Black Bart's Booty. It grants a skill called Pirate Bellow which activates a chat effect.

If it is true that only one can be purchased, most of those questions are moot. Still, it will be good to see this for ourselves since most of the people who post about PvP are unreliable sots.
I refuse to let it handicap me too much and oh dear goddess I refuse to be sucked into saving up another 11,000 for a second Essence of Annoyance. I refuse!!

And I refuse to break my stone at all, saves me the trouble. (I did enough pvp back when the trophies was introduced and has never looked back, stupid pvp) :)
PvP is a good way of making meat even if you do nothing but break your stone on day 1 and type "swagger" into mafia occasionally.
PvP is a good way of making meat even if you do nothing but break your stone on day 1 and type "swagger" into mafia occasionally.
Most of the valuable stuff you could lose has been fixed. Either they made it unstealable or the price fell drastically when the mirror semi rare came out. Yes, you could still lose something expensive, but the risk is very low now. Although I still hide my valuables. You can add "PVPBestGear;swagger" into your bedtime scripts and do very well without ever looking to see what minis are there. That's basically what I do most seasons. Last season was an exception. Still, I certainly understand not wanting to deal with it.
PvP is a good way of making meat even if you do nothing but break your stone on day 1 and type "swagger" into mafia occasionally.

Annoyingly I've already figured out that earning swagger for stuff to mall is a good way to make some supplemental meat. Unfortunately it requires me to constantly check what was stolen and replacing my cheap shit that isn't worth putting in my closet or else it won't be there when I expect it. And occasionally something more expensive and stealable gets pulled from my closet because I was using it. :(

I suppose I could always write a script that checks peevpee.php?place=logs&mevs=0&oldseason=0&showmore=1 and looks to see if I lost an item since my previous check so it can automatically replace it from the mall. Adding that to my loginScript would make me dislike PvP a lot less.

I normally use pvp flowers ballyhoo. What exactly does swagger do?
Some details on how Pirate Bellow works. This should affect how we implement it.
  • Once per day. Reset on ascension.
  • Once cast, it will be stored until something is said. Can KoLmafia track this? This image will be displayed at beginning and end of the chat effect so that you know the effect was used.
  • If the effect is not used before ascension or rollover, it is carried over.
  • If the effect is waiting to be used and is cast again, the counter for having cast Pirate Bellow is incremented. This means we should keep an integer value for number of times Bellow was cast. Increment it each time it is cast and decrement it when the chat effect is seen.

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That conversation doesn't necessarily demonstrate that it is once per ascension as opposed to once per day. Daily things are often reset by ascending.

I believe you are correct. I'd come to that decision, corrected myself and edited just before you posted.

Edit: And I just found a testimonial elsewhere that clearly verifies it resets on rollover.
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This means we should keep an integer value for number of times Bellow was cast. Increment it each time it is cast and decrement it when the chat effect is seen.
I don't see why KoLmafia should care about this. You can cast the skill once per day, so we need to track that just like any other limited-per-day skill. But keeping a count of how many times you have it stored up and monitoring what you say in chat? Seems like a lot of work for no benefit. If the user cares, surely they can remember.
One of the benefits of automation is having the computer remember for you. As for purpose here - conservation of bellows? Which would mean chatting less. Anyway, lot of work for little benefit. "You have one more bellow remaining - measure your words!" eh, whatever.
Okey-doke. I just thought it was a good idea. I can't really find a good use for the feature so I don't mind. A lot of work for little benefit, indeed.