New Content - Implemented New Challenge Path - KOLHS

Here's the last unknown item from the Chemistry Lab:

Unknown item found: superwater (6675, 250057853)
6675 superwater 250057853 potion16.gif usable q 0
superwater Effect: "Ultrahydrated", Effect Duration: 50
You acquire an item: superwater
Several simple things of note that are still missing:

encounters.txt is missing an entry for
Art Class	SEMIRARE	François Verte, Art Teacher

We are also missing two monsters: $monster[François Verte, Art Teacher] and $monster[Principal Mooney]
Do you have the stats for the art teacher? Before I added all the other scaling monsters, I used manuel stats to see how much of an adjustment from my stats they have.
Do you have the stats for the art teacher? Before I added all the other scaling monsters, I used manuel stats to see how much of an adjustment from my stats they have.

According to Manuel, the Art Teacher scales, just like the Chemistry and Shop Teachers. They both use HP: [0.75*(MUS+6+max(ML,0))] Def: [MUS+6+max(ML,0)] Atk: [MOX+6+max(ML,0)] so I doubt that Frank is any different.
Still missing $item[ yellowcake bomb ] and $item[ quasireligious sculpture ]. I have yellowcake bomb.

Unknown item found: yellowcake bomb (6673, 361363071)
6673 yellowcake bomb 361363071 clusterbomb.gif none, combat q 0
# yellowcake bomb
You acquire an item: yellowcake bomb

I don't have a quasireligious sculpture, but here's the information.
description id#521435379
image: religious.gif
Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item
Added the two monsters, the semi-rare, all the monster's drops from the wiki (added a second drop to sodium golem, didn't seem right for there to be only one monster not dropping two items) as unspaded, other than Art teacher which I put in as 100%. Added shop teacher and art teacher to combats.txt as special monsters.

Edit - added above two items.
Edit2 - Drop rates mentioned on DRP thread for non-halls monsters, so added them.


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Edit2 - Drop rates mentioned on DRP thread for non-halls monsters, so added them.

Tried to apply patch. Got bad item messages about Ogres etc. module. Problem may be it is in monsters.txt and missing the ™ Regardless, I could not get it to work which is almost certainly a whitespace issue, perhaps local to me. I've run out of time but will get back to it if no one else beats me to it. Sorry.
There's handling Saved by the Bell visits. At the very least mafia needs to remove ingredients when things are purchased. I don't think mafia should be set up to visit the shop automatically to acquire things; acquiring the items could simply remove ingredients from inventory without it being a shop, maybe. There's also a limit of 3 visits there per day.

Removing ingredients added in 12606.
Removing ingredients added in 12606.
It will be months before I see this challenge path, if ever. Perhaps you can tell me something.

The Wiki says that Saved By the Bell is a choice adventure. The Chemistry, Art, and Shop classes all have an after-school "shop" of some sort in which you can create items from collections of ingredients. Seems like a creation method - pixels, stars, Grandma - all of whom are now "shop.php".

I assume that the three after-school teachers are also "shop.php" concoctions. Unlike the others, it seems like you can only get there via the After The Bell choice.php.

Has somebody tried that? You can get to The Shore's gift shop directly, even though it is also accessible via The Shore's choice.php.

How do these creations log in the session log? Ideally, "Trade a, b, c" (like pixels, stars, grandma, ...), listing the ingredients.

In any case, I'd prefer if these three were also creation methods so we could have the recipes, so to speak, in concoctions.txt. They could be marked MANUAL, so they wouldn't appear on the Creatables list, if, in fact, you cannot go directly to the shop without going through After The Bell first. But the ingredient consumption needs to log consistently in the session log.
I'd hope that you can't get there, as you use up 1 of your 3 afterschool options visiting it, and if you could make things without doing so, that sounds like a bug.

You can only go there (other than 'cheating', if possible) when you have an appropriate intrinsic, and when you have finished your 40 turns in school, until you've used up your 3 afterschool options.

I can look at doing this tomorrow, see if I can get my head around it. Just wanted a fix that at least kept our inventories in order.
Well, the chemists is shop.php?whichshop=kolhs_chem and on trying to go to it outside normal 'allowance' times, you get:
Uh Oh!

This isn't a place you're allowed to go to right now.
I suspect it will not let you visit without choice.php, but if it does, I fully expect it would dock you a visit.

Take a look at KoLConstants.CraftingType. Add CHEMCLASS, ARTCLASS, and SHOPCLASS.
Take a look at ConcoctionDatabase and add appropriate things for those new crafting methods.
Take a look at CreateItemRequest and add subclass delegation for the new methods.
Take a look at PixelRequest. In particular, registerRequest and parseResponse. You will want stubs for the constructor, run(), and processResults methods, since you will not be creating these items via internal requests.
Take a look at concoctions.txt and the PIXEL creation method.
Take a look at NPCPurchaseRequest.parseShopRequest and NPCPurchaseRequest.registerShopRequest.
Take a look at RequestLogger.doRegister.
trying to go to it outside normal 'allowance' times ...
What happens if you go directly to that URL DURING normal "allowance" times? I.e., you have the intrinsic, you are after school, and you have not used all 3 visits yet today? If you can do that, we COULD make it a normal "shop" creation method, with certain restrictions on when it is available, which could be tracked.

Do we currently track how many after-school activities you have used so far today?
I can't test it right now, but I've heard from cannon that if you spend a visit at a shop, you can return there directly after, if you haven't gone somewhere else. No idea if you can still go there if it was your 3rd visit, or if returning counts as a visit.
Tried it with the muscle option, wood shop (whose whichshop is kolhs_shop) and it did require entry though the choiceadv... On attempting it outside the choiceadv, it gave me the same "not supposed to be here" message. On attempting it during the choiceadv, it showed me the choices (since I was in a choiceadv).

Partial confirmation on Cool's anecdotal. If you leave the wood shop (with the exit shop button) and immediately go back to the URL, it does work. If you try to go to the halls or anything else that marks you as outside the shop, you can't return.

Might be able to use this to craft a bunch of items on a single trip. I didn't have components, so... couldn't test that.
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