New Content - Implemented New Castle Content

Stuff still needing attention:

The raver bounty does not show up as available when you "Visit Bounty Hunter" from the menu.
NPE when manually selecting raver giant bounty in relay browser.
Quest tracking still needs to be updated.
Goth Giant choices need to be corrected (The Copper Feel option shouldn't have the black candle item count, choice 4 should).
There is a Basement choice adventure that opens the ground floor if you have the amulet of extreme plot significance equipped. The spoiler for that adventure tells you how many you have in inventory (useless) but does not tell you that you do not have an amulet equipped (useful).

It would be nice if it worked like the Orcish Frathouse Blueprints choice - which tells you if you have a frilly skirt equipped - or the Felonia choice - which tells you if you have a spooky glove equipped.
Yeah that would be more helpful.

I'm going to be busy this weekend so someone else may want to finish this up.
consumed 3 tomatoes. Moon sign: Vole

Adventures: 13/14/13
Musc: 22/30/20
Myst: 23/27/29
Mox: 24/29/26

edit: tried with another alt, 3 more tomatoes. Moon sign: Mongoose

Adventures: 15/15/13
Musc: 23/23/22
Myst: 29/24/28
Mox: 24/20/27

My guess, 13-15adv, 20-30 each stat. I can't do any more tonight.
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Great, Erich, that looks like tomatoes nailed, so just consumed sushi on two alts, and I think that's now nailed too.

Consumable data on page one added to wiki, and ready for Mafia.
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There is a Basement choice adventure that opens the ground floor if you have the amulet of extreme plot significance equipped. The spoiler for that adventure tells you how many you have in inventory (useless) but does not tell you that you do not have an amulet equipped (useful).

It would be nice if it worked like the Orcish Frathouse Blueprints choice - which tells you if you have a frilly skirt equipped - or the Felonia choice - which tells you if you have a spooky glove equipped.

Done in 11922.
One of today's Bounty Hunter Hunter options is "5 discarded pacifiers from Raver Giants in the Castle in the Sky".
When I go to the Travel/Visit Bounty Hunter, that bounty is not shown.
Revision 11936.

I notice it says that combat rate is 100% for that location. That is not correct. Has the noncombat percentages been spaded yet for the new Giant's castle?
Revision 11936.

I notice it says that combat rate is 100% for that location. That is not correct. Has the noncombat percentages been spaded yet for the new Giant's castle?

It doesn't appear so. I'll toss some multis at the zones, with the NC choices set to neither skip nor go to combat and see what I come up with.
Top Floor is 85% combat, according to 70 NC from 524 adventures.

I've run my own numbers, and came up with (while running 0% combat modifiers) 12.56% NCs in the Basement, 12.84% NCs in Ground Floor, and 12.73% for the Top Floor.

In addition, there's a Floor in effect for the NCs of ~10%. I ran +10-25% combat in the zones, and still wound up with 10.12% (basement), 9.85% (ground floor), and 9.92% (top floor); you're guaranteed to get a NC every 10 advs, no matter how much +NC you run, you get "normal" NCs interspersed in these definite ones, and additional +NC works as normal.
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I'd say, given Jick's preference for the number 5, that 15% is probably more likely for all of those rather than 12.5%...
I'm leaning towards 10%, with the bit over that being explained by guaranteed every 10 adventures non-combats.

10%, with the tenth adventure being forced to be non combat if the previous 9 were not, is probably around 13% overall observed rate.

Edit - Simulating the numbers in Excel, unless I made mistakes, 5% with the 10th forced is actually around 12.5%, 10% with 10th forced is around 15.5%, and 15% with the 10th forced is around 18.5%.

So that'd suggest 5% based on our figures, and that you'd only see the non-combats every 10 turns with +5% combat, which shouldn't be hard to test.
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I'm leaning towards 10%, with the bit over that being explained by guaranteed every 10 adventures non-combats.

I'm clearly missing an important and interesting detail. Why is every 10th adventure guaranteed to be a non-combat?
Well, it was indicated as such based on mstieler's research, and I guess it is that way in order to make sure that the quest doesn't roll on like forever due to RNG-screwage.
I'm clearly missing an important and interesting detail. Why is every 10th adventure guaranteed to be a non-combat?

I'm an idiot, so erased my nonsense. My rates above are ok.

In answer to your question, though, if you go 9 combats in a row, the next adventure is always a non combat.
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