boolean get_decoded_doc()
if (have_skill($skill[Bind Spaghetti Elemental])) return vprint ("You already know how to bind a Spaghetti Elemental.",6);
if ( item_amount( $item[ decoded cult documents ] ) > 0 && !have_skill($skill[Bind Spaghetti Elemental])) return vprint( "You already have the decoded cult documents. Go learn the skill already!", 6 );
if ( item_amount( $item[ encoded cult documents ] ) < 1 && !visit_url( "volcanoisland.php?action=npc" ).contains_text( "important cult documents") )
return vprint( "Could not obtain the encoded cult documents from the volcano NPC.",-1 );
if ( item_amount( $item[ cult memo ] ) == 5 )
return ( use( 1, $item[ cult memo ] ) && item_amount( $item[ decoded cult documents ] ) > 0 );
vprint( "Obtaining cult memos...","green",2 );
// farm 5 cult memos
if ( my_adventures() == 0 ) return vprint( "Out of adventures.",-1 );
cli_execute ( "mood execute" );
if ( my_buffedstat( $stat[ moxie ] ) < ( 155 + monster_level_adjustment() ) )
maximize( "item, moxie, -melee, -ML, -familiar -tie", false );
use_familiar( best_fam("item") );
cli_execute( "conditions clear" );
while ( my_adventures() > 0 )
if ( item_amount( $item[ cult memo ] ) == 5 )
return ( use( 1, $item[ cult memo ] ) && item_amount( $item[ decoded cult documents ] ) > 0 );
adventure( 1 ,$location[ The Temple Portico ] );
vprint( item_amount( $item[ cult memo ] ) + "/5 memos obtained", "green", 4 );
return vprint( "Out of adventures, exiting...",-1 );
boolean get_spaghetti()
if ( !get_decoded_doc() ) return vprint( "Could not obtain the decoded cult documents.",-1 );
vprint( "Making sure the Spaghetti Elemental is our thrall...","green",2 );
// if we have a Spaghetti Elemental with us
if ( my_thrall() == $thrall[Spaghetti Elemental]) return true;
// if we know how to bind a Spaghetti Elemental
if ( have_skill($skill[Bind Spaghetti Elemental]))
use_skill($skill[Bind Spaghetti Elemental]);
return ( my_thrall() == $thrall[Spaghetti Elemental]);
// if we don't know how to bind a Spaghetti Elemental
if ( item_amount( $item[ decoded cult documents ] ) > 0 )
use( 1 , $item[ decoded cult documents ] );
use_skill($skill[Bind Spaghetti Elemental]);
return ( my_thrall() == $thrall[Spaghetti Elemental]);
boolean get_cult_robe()
if ( available_amount( $item[ spaghetti cult robe ] ) > 0 ) return vprint( "You already have the spaghetti cult robe.", 6 );
vprint( "Obtaining a spaghetti cult robe...","green",2 );
// Level up your Spaghetti Elemental and obtain the spaghetti cult robe
if ( (my_class() == $class[Pastamancer]) && ( my_thrall() == $thrall[Spaghetti Elemental]) && ($thrall[Spaghetti Elemental].level <3) && (get_property("_pastaAdditive") == "false") && ( item_amount( $item[Experimental carbon fiber pasta additive] ) > 0 ) ){
use(1, $item[Experimental carbon fiber pasta additive]);
if ( my_adventures() == 0 ) return vprint( "Out of adventures.",-1 );
cli_execute ( "mood execute" );
if ( my_buffedstat( $stat[ moxie ] ) < ( 155 + monster_level_adjustment() ) )
maximize( "item, moxie, -ML, -familiar -tie", false );
use_familiar( previous_familiar );
cli_execute( "conditions clear" );
while ( my_adventures() > 0 )
if ( available_amount( $item[ spaghetti cult robe ] ) > 0 ) return vprint( "Spaghetti cult robe obtained.", 6 );
restore_hp( 0 );
restore_mp( 0 );
// visit the Temple Portico
print( "" );
string response = visit_url( "volcanoisland.php?action=tuba" );
if ( !response.contains_text( "Combat" ) ) continue;
return vprint( "Out of adventures, exiting...",-1 );