Is the new property really VMF.GingerbreadCity?
I had a hard power related computer crash that trashed one character's settings file. It has been interesting recovering because VMF works best if it can buy from the mall, buy from coinmasters, etc. and if settings that try and override defaults actually use the same case. None of this is VMF's fault but at the moment I am hypersensitive to the difference between VMF.NightCap and VMF.Nightcap.
Tangentially because Veracity scripts and some zlib scripts as well have adopted the convention of only storing settings that change from the default, the ability to discover things using prefref or the settings text file is diminished. I'd love the ability to type "vprefref VMF" and have a prefref type display that included VMF preferences that were set to their default as well as ones I have changed. Not to hard to build with awk but...
(zarqon's implementation has a defaults file and his relay script prefrefplus displays a merge from the default and user settings file but his autobuilding of the defaults file sometimes gives interesting results when multiple characters are played).
I had a hard power related computer crash that trashed one character's settings file. It has been interesting recovering because VMF works best if it can buy from the mall, buy from coinmasters, etc. and if settings that try and override defaults actually use the same case. None of this is VMF's fault but at the moment I am hypersensitive to the difference between VMF.NightCap and VMF.Nightcap.
Tangentially because Veracity scripts and some zlib scripts as well have adopted the convention of only storing settings that change from the default, the ability to discover things using prefref or the settings text file is diminished. I'd love the ability to type "vprefref VMF" and have a prefref type display that included VMF preferences that were set to their default as well as ones I have changed. Not to hard to build with awk but...
(zarqon's implementation has a defaults file and his relay script prefrefplus displays a merge from the default and user settings file but his autobuilding of the defaults file sometimes gives interesting results when multiple characters are played).