Bug - Fixed Multicrafting w/ Corner Cutter + Rapid Prototyping: _expertCornerCutterUsed unchanged


New member
I acquired Rapid Prototyping earlier this week, and it doesn't seem to be playing nicely with the Expert Corner Cutter skill. The following has happened all 3 days since acquiring the skill:

I used my total of 10 free crafts to create 5 neuromancers. I used the relay browser and multicrafted all 5 at once, via the in-game recipes page. The in-game message confirmed that I used rapid prototyping to craft 5 gibsons and corner cutter to craft 5 neuromancers.

But the guide script kept telling me I have 5 free crafts left, and sure enough, "prefref corner" revealed that _expertCornerCutterUsed was still set to 0. However, _rapidPrototypingUsed was correctly set to 5.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this is on v18.11 r19010. And that mafia had always correctly tracked Expert Corner Cutter uses before I acquired Rapid Prototyping.
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I tried a few things and didn't hit an issue. However, I haven't yet tried multi crafting a two stage recipe, and I ran out of corners to cut.

If someone can generate that issue, capturing a debug log with the page would be useful.
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Sorry for the late reply. I struggled with getting the debug log to work. Turns out I wasn't running KoLMafia with enough permissions to create the text file. But I have pasted the debug log here.

The log looks like a mess because I have a ton of buffs on, sorry about that.
Something definitely changed recently. My free crafting code which runs at rollover never saw these as completed yesterday (code has worked fine for a long time).

Today I tried this:

_rapidPrototypingUsed = 0
_expertCornerCutterUsed = 0

create 5 bat-ass leather jacket
0 advs used

_rapidPrototypingUsed = 3
_expertCornerCutterUsed = 0

create 5 bat-ass leather jacket
0 advs used

_rapidPrototypingUsed = 3
_expertCornerCutterUsed = 0

create 5 bat-ass leather jacket
5 advs used

_rapidPrototypingUsed = 3
_expertCornerCutterUsed = 0

The first two creations used no adventures and the last one used 5 adventures. I will try this procedure again (or other one, if any replies to that effect are here) after rollover and THAT time I will remember to enable the debug log.

void main() {
    for i from 1 to 3 by 1 {
        print("proto: "+get_property("_rapidPrototypingUsed"));
        print("corner: "+get_property("_expertCornerCutterUsed"));
        print("advs: "+my_adventures());
        cli_execute("create 5 bat-ass leather jacket");
    print("proto: "+get_property("_rapidPrototypingUsed"));
    print("corner: "+get_property("_expertCornerCutterUsed"));
    print("advs: "+my_adventures());

> call scripts\test.ash

proto: 0
corner: 0
advs: 111
Verifying ingredients for bat-ass leather jacket (5)...
Putting on Travoltan trousers...
Equipment changed.
Purchasing shirt kit (5 @ 90)...Spent: 450
You spent 450 Meat
You acquire shirt kit (5)
Purchases complete.
Searching for "leathery bat skin"...
Search complete.
Purchasing leathery bat skin (5 @ 300)...Spent: 1,500
Purchases complete.
Creating bat-ass leather jacket (5)...
You acquire bat-ass leather jacket (5)
Successfully created bat-ass leather jacket (5)
Putting on time trousers...
Equipment changed.

proto: 0
corner: 0
advs: 111
Verifying ingredients for bat-ass leather jacket (5)...
Putting on Travoltan trousers...
Equipment changed.
Purchasing shirt kit (5 @ 90)...Spent: 450
You spent 450 Meat
You acquire shirt kit (5)
Purchases complete.
Using cached search results for leathery bat skin...
Purchasing leathery bat skin (5 @ 300)...Spent: 1,500
Purchases complete.
Creating bat-ass leather jacket (5)...
You acquire bat-ass leather jacket (5)
Successfully created bat-ass leather jacket (5)
Putting on time trousers...
Equipment changed.

proto: 0
corner: 0
advs: 111
Verifying ingredients for bat-ass leather jacket (5)...
Putting on Travoltan trousers...
Equipment changed.
Purchasing shirt kit (5 @ 90)...Spent: 450
You spent 450 Meat
You acquire shirt kit (5)
Purchases complete.
Searching for "leathery bat skin"...
Search complete.
Purchasing leathery bat skin (1 @ 700)...Spent: 700
Purchasing leathery bat skin (4 @ 2,090)...Spent: 8,360
Purchases complete.
Creating bat-ass leather jacket (5)...
You acquire bat-ass leather jacket (5)
Successfully created bat-ass leather jacket (5)
Putting on time trousers...
Equipment changed.

proto: 0
corner: 0
advs: 106

No inigo's or anvil, or any other source of free smithing that I know of.

Slightly different results than yesterday...hmmm...
Maybe, proto was already at 3 when I started yesterday? I can't be certain.


I've been noticing it breaking too

Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for giant red gummi ingot (1)...
Creating giant red gummi ingot (1)...
You acquire an item: giant red gummi ingot
Preference _rapidPrototypingUsed changed from 0 to 1
Successfully created giant red gummi ingot (1)
Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for giant yellow gummi ingot (1)...
Creating giant yellow gummi ingot (1)...
You acquire an item: giant yellow gummi ingot
Successfully created giant yellow gummi ingot (1)

> ash get_property("_rapidPrototypingUsed")

Returned: 1

> ash get_property("_expertCornerCutterUsed")

Returned: 0

Something is definitely wrong. it's been breaking for last 2 rollovers for me. At first I thought it was when I created more than 1 of the same item but today's failure broke that hypothesis.

[EDIT] more brokenness. I manually set _rapidPrototypingUsed = 2 after the above then ran my log out script.

Creating bat-ass leather jacket (8)...
You acquire bat-ass leather jacket (8)
Successfully created bat-ass leather jacket (8)

> ash get_property("_rapidPrototypingUsed")

Returned: 2

> ash get_property("_expertCornerCutterUsed")

Returned: 0

both of those should be 5 at this point.
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Reverted previous attempted fix, which had made things much worse, in r19042.

I think there is an issue still, which I will attempt to pin down, which I think affects multi-stage crafting where more than one free crafting skill applies.
Looks good

Verifying ingredients for giant green gummi ingot (1)...
Creating giant green gummi ingot (1)...
You acquire an item: giant green gummi ingot
Preference _rapidPrototypingUsed changed from 0 to 1
Successfully created giant green gummi ingot (1)
Verifying ingredients for giant red gummi ingot (1)...
Creating giant red gummi ingot (1)...
You acquire an item: giant red gummi ingot
Preference _rapidPrototypingUsed changed from 1 to 2
Successfully created giant red gummi ingot (1)
Verifying ingredients for giant yellow gummi ingot (1)...
Creating giant yellow gummi ingot (1)...
You acquire an item: giant yellow gummi ingot
Preference _rapidPrototypingUsed changed from 2 to 3
Verifying ingredients for Hand in Glove (7)...
Creating Hand in Glove (7)...
You acquire Hand in Glove (7)
Preference _rapidPrototypingUsed changed from 3 to 5
Preference _expertCornerCutterUsed changed from 0 to 5
Successfully created Hand in Glove (7)