MrEdge73's Item Handling Script Suite!

Sounds like you lost your copies that you'd edited back on post 96 (about 14 months ago) and grabbed the OP versions, because that's exactly the same problem that you reported back on post 94.

I'm assuming that you've tried the versions from post 97...?
Sounds like you lost your copies that you'd edited back on post 96 (about 14 months ago) and grabbed the OP versions, because that's exactly the same problem that you reported back on post 94.

I'm assuming that you've tried the versions from post 97...?

Yes, that's what I'm using and now getting this error
Bad item value: "junk-mail pants" (MrEdge73's Support Script -- Item Lists (Beta).ash, line 1465)

At an unknown date around September 8, 2013, the name of this item was changed. It used to be called junk-mail pants, and had this description:
Do you need a bigger sword? Are you interested in refinancing your Newbiesport tent? Do you want to see hot co-ed Knob Goblins churning butter?
Neither does anyone else. That's why all the junk-mail in the Kingdom ends up being made into pants. Just be careful of papercuts when you put these on, and don't forget to forward them to all of your friends so your wish will come true.
Since some people are still using these and having problems editing them to work with the latest mafia, here are the 2 modified files (functions and items) since post 97. Functions was edited March 4th, items were edited September 13th, both of this year. No guarantees besides that they both passed validation with r14652 on my computer.


I am happily surprised people are still using this being that it is an old script, I worked pretty hard on it.
I have been inactive on here and haven't played KOL in nearly 3 years, so I thank you for keeping it updated and still functional.