New Content - Implemented Monsters in the Mer-kin Deepcity

Can confirm my earlier guess on Gladiator stats based on round. They are affected by +ML as usual.

Round 1 - 820 Att, 770 Def, 710 HP balldodger
Round 2 - 850 Att, 800 Def, 800 HP netdragger
Round 3 - 880 Att, 810 Def, 850 HP bladeswitcher
Round 4 - 910 Att, 860 Def, 900 HP balldodger
Round 5 - 940 Att, 890 Def, 950 HP netdragger
Round 6 - 970 Att, 920 Def, 1000 HP bladeswitcher
Round 7 - 1000 Att, 950 Def, 1050 HP balldodger
Round 8 - 1030 att, 980 Def, 1100 HP netdragger
Round 9 - 1060 Att, 1010 Def, 1150 HP bladeswitcher
Round 10 - 1090 Att, 1040 Def, 1200 balldodger
Round 11 - 1120 Att, 1070 Def, 1250 netdragger
Round 12 - 1150 Att, 1100 Def, 1300 bladeswitcher

At level 14, Jiggu had 3000 HP. Wouldn't be surprised if it's based on level.
lastColosseumRoundWon is tracked now, which should make it possible to add stats for these monsters. It would be convenient if pref() could be used in monsters.txt like it can be in modifiers.txt, but that seems like a bit of work.
It would be convenient, and it is. A number of functions are already available to monsters.txt. We should probably change the header of that file to remove redundant information like thanking the sources for initiative and drop rates now most of that information probably comes from elsewhere (Manuel, wiki, kolspading etc), and add the expressions that can be used.

Added stats for these monsters in 12849.