Modifier Maximizer

That's about what I would expect, given that Critical behaves differently than any other modifier. The shortlist of items being considered for each slot is built by scoring the items in isolation, so your offhand shortlist probably didn't have anything in it other than the lighter, leaving nothing to replace it with when the shillelagh obsoleted it.

The results are wrong in this case, but it's not something I'm likely to spend the time necessary to fix it, considering that maximizing Critical alone is rather useless. Surely you'd also want to exert some control over the amount of damage that the critical hits will do?
I *hope* I am bumping the correct thread. I wasn't able to find what I was looking for using search-but then again, I wasn't sure what terms to use beyond Pvp*, so if I'm in the wrong place, please feel free to correct me, and my apologies!

I came today to try to find a way to have Kolmafia determine the best gear for the current PvP season. I didn't see any recent scripts in the repository for the current season, so I thought I'd check the Modifier Maximizer and didn't find what I was looking for there, either. It looks like at some point, a bees hate you run could use the modifier maximizer to check how many "B"s were in equipment. In past PvP seasons and current, we've also needed either "equipment with the shortest name" or "equipment with the longest name", plus the current season also wants to know how many of a specific (regularly rotating) letter are in a name.

So, that's my question. Is it possible to have either the modifier maximizer do this, or is there already a script/feature I've missed elsewhere that can determine my:
a) longest equipment names
b) shortest equipment names (sure to be used again in future seasons)
c) maximize by specific letter appearing in equipment names
name_length is a proxy record for items that would help with both longest and shortest name (for example, $item[pilgrim shield].name_length gives 14), and it was added just for pvp. to_slot( item ) will tell you what slot an item goes in. You can iterate through all items using a for loop and $items[]. It isn't too hard to check each character in an item's name to see if it matches the current letter, and count those up.

So, all of that stuff can be scripted. I have scripts for those minis, even. This stuff isn't likely to make it into the maximizer for a few reasons. First, no one is that interested in adding it. Second, it's unlikely that an optimal maximizer input could be found, especially in something like this season where there are 5 minis that are significantly affected by your equipment, and the ideal setup really depends on what other people pick (it's especially noticeable when going for the hill, but it applies some to basic swagger farming too).

Also, I don't know that many people competitive enough at pvp to put in the effort to make a script would want to share it and lose the edge that they would gain from the script