Feature - Implemented Modifier Maximizer needs BeeCore features


Staff member
Edit by Minion, Bale: This was originally posted in THIS thread.

This one is for the left pane of the GUI. When you are in Beecore, a "Bees: X" is added to the list of modifiers shown (ML/Enc/Init/...). X is the "Bee-osity" (the number of 'b's contained in the names of your currently equipped items, excluding the stickers).

Beeosity. I like it.
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I guess it could become a real Mafia modifier, so that ASH scripts and, more importantly, the Modifier Maximizer are able to access it.



Without concatenating all of the possible returns from item_type(), is there a function or proxy field available to tell if something in your inventory is equippable? Can_equip() does not meet the need because if I use that function on a random piece of non-equipment, it will return true. My goal is to be able to do some maximizer -equip params in my code for any B items that are not specifically necessary for the current task, until/unless Slyz's B checkbox feature is extended to the maximizer (or another equivilent if Veracity were to get there first ;) )

~ Nifft


Active member
Or even if filtering could be added to the maximizer... "maximize !=b" to equip only items without a b, or "maximize =b" to equip only items with, or similar... it would allow for standard avoidance of beeosity, but still allow for it to be used when/if needed.


If someone goes forward with creating the filtering inside the maximizer, please make any +equip or +outfit calls that contain B's be included in the results rather than excluded, if possible?

~ Nifft


Staff member
Edit by Minion, Bale: This post was originally written in another thread, HERE. It was a very long post so only the relevant portion of the original post is retained in this thread's copy.

But, as I said, this thread is cumbersome, and I'd prefer if each such issue got split into its own thread. Perhaps some Minion would be interested in doing that? ;)

5) The Modifier Maximizer will suggest both equipment and consumables with "b"s when you are in Beecore. It should not show consumables, period, since you cannot use them. Equipment is trickier: you might be perfectly willing to take the hit from wearing (some) "b" equipment. Perhaps it could have a "Maximum Beeosity" spec. So:

5a) Modifier Maximizer should not show "b" consumables in Beecore (Bug)
5b) Modifier Maximzer should have a way to specify Maximum Beeosity for equipment in Beecore (Feature)
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5a is implemented in r9438.
5b is in progress - but the question is, what should the default Maximum Beeosity be? Zero? Unlimited? 2 or so? I was thinking of adding a defaultBeeosity pref, so you don't have to retype it for each maximization, but I'd still need to know what to set its default value to.


Active member
Probably 0 default, overwritten by specific outfit and equip requests? So if you do maximize moxie, +outfit swash, it should allow the 1 beeosity.


Active member
I would agree with Theraze's idea of setting it default to 0 and overriding that for any explicit calls to equip item with Bs in them (+equip, and +outfit I guess are the only ones). I'm likely going to set it to 2 for most of the time, but a default of 0 would be great especially for automatic scripts which can do crazy things (had a friend running round with a beeosity of 8 with BCCascend the other day).


I know the Maximizer doesn't suggest anything for sticker slots, but your current stickers count towards the current Beeosity. Maybe that should be taken into account?


Active member
I shall test this as soon as I ascend and enter beecore again since the modifier maximizer ignores beeosity-features if you are not in beecore (probably rightly so).


Active member
Appears to work great... if you set beeosity 0 but define an equip or outfit that involves Bs, those are the exception... the rest stays off.


Active member
Yep. My modifications to BCCascend are working as well so now the script can cope with equipment once again without killing me just because all my equips are full of bs... I'd say "implemented".