Bug Modifier Maximizer isn't maximizing


New member
I use the modifier maximizer daily to max out my MP for summons. Yesterday it stopped working as intended. It appears to ignore acc3 and hat and it seems to have stopped accounting for my moxie magnet.
Since the maximizer is under discussion elsewhere, would you consider posting the following:

a) The exact maximizer string that you are submitting.
b) What it suggests as a result.
c) What you expected it to suggest instead, after confirming that those items were available for consideration based upon other settings.

I just tried it out starting with my RO outfit equipped as so:

Hat: time helmet
Weapon: time sword
Off-Hand: LL moondial
Shirt: diamond jacket
Pants: stinky diaper
Acc1: fudcycle
Acc2: uncle hobo's beard
Acc3: dead guy's memento

In the gCLI I typed: maximize mp

and ended up wearing this:

Hat: time helmet (no benefit)
Weapon: sniff sword (+30% stats, good)
Off-Hand: moxie magnet (my mox is much higher than mys, so this good)
Shirt: sea salt scrubs (+400 MP, good)
Pants: hobo dungarees (+500 MP, good)
Acc1: fudcycle (no benefit)
Acc2: hodgman's bow tie (+20% stats, good)
Acc3: dead guy's memento (+5% stats, beneficial, but not optimal)

I would have expected it to equip my hodgman's porkpie hat as my highest +moxie hat. Acc2 looks good, but in acc1 and acc3, I would have expected to have seen my maxed out fossilized necklace, hopping socks, ol' scratches manacles, grappling hook, or any of the other better accessories than the fudgcycle or memento.

So then, leaving my gear as is, I maximized moxie and got this:

Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: sniff sword
Off-Hand: Vinyl shield
Shirt: nightie
Pants: uncle hobo's baggy pants
Acc1: grappling hook
Acc2: hodgman's bow tie
Acc3: fossilized necklace

That's a pretty good setup, so it obviously knows how to maximize my moxie. I stripped down to nothing and maximized MP again:

Hat: Necbromancer's hat (it appears to start with the hat and try to maximize MP before considering the moxie magnet)
Weapon: sniff sword
Off-Hand: moxie magnet
Shirt: sea salt scrubs
Pants: hobo dungarees
Acc1: hodgman's bow tie
Acc2: dead guy's memento
Acc3: (none)
My guess is that the maximizer is unaware of the connection between moxie (and the magnet) generating increased mp... As such, it's probably maximizing for mysticality instead of moxie, since that's the relevant stat. Also, if you do -tie as you apparently have, it will leave slots empty if it doesn't directly increase the target, which is partially why fronobulax asked for:
a) The exact maximizer string that you are submitting.
which was never included... Unless there isn't a single item left, it shouldn't have left that slot open, especially after it showed that it DID consider it when it changed from the memento to the fossilized necklace.

Try doing maximize mp, moxie. Or, if that ends up boosting moxie in weird ways... maximize mp, .1 moxie. Since moxie in your case boosts mp, you want it to be noted that it's important to you.

At some point, maybe jason or one of the other maximization experts will be able to work out the exact logic behind everything including completely re-running the mp calculations based on moxie v. mysticality, which is what it needs to do when it considers the moxie magnet in the way you're requesting, but until then...
My guess is that the maximizer is unaware of the connection between moxie (and the magnet) generating increased mp... As such, it's probably maximizing for mysticality instead of moxie
I'm pretty sure it used to let me just run it again after it had equipped the magnet and it would then take moxie into account

Also, if you do -tie as you apparently have, it will leave slots empty if it doesn't directly increase the target, which is partially why fronobulax asked for:which was never included
I didn't type -tie and I did include exactly what I typed: Maximize MP. I use lost's builds, so it's possible he's adding -tie in by default, but I wasn't aware that he had made any changes to the maximizer.

Try doing maximize mp, moxie
That helped to an extent. It now equips the porkpie hat and fossilized necklace, but it still thinks the memento is the best option for acc2.

At some point, maybe jason or one of the other maximization experts will be able to work out the exact logic behind everything including completely re-running the mp calculations based on moxie v. mysticality, which is what it needs to do when it considers the moxie magnet in the way you're requesting, but until then...
Ok, then don't change it. I was simply trying to report that mafia was not working as intended and or as it used to.
I didn't type -tie and I did include exactly what I typed: Maximize MP. I use lost's builds, so it's possible he's adding -tie in by default, but I wasn't aware that he had made any changes to the maximizer.
Lost's diff is here. It says:

Index: src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/swingui/MaximizerFrame.java
--- src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/swingui/MaximizerFrame.java	(revision 10450)
+++ src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/swingui/MaximizerFrame.java	(working copy)
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@
 		int hands = 0;
 		int melee = 0;
 		boolean requireShield = false;
-		boolean noTiebreaker = false;
+		boolean noTiebreaker = true;
 		HashSet posOutfits, negOutfits;
 		TreeSet posEquip, negEquip;
Uh-yup. You are using a non-standard KoLmafia and getting non-standard behavior.

I was simply trying to report that mafia was not working as intended and or as it used to.
The maximizer has not changed since Nov 23 of last year, when frono added the MRU list.
If you're not using an official build of mafia, your best bet is to begin by asking whomever is building your version what they did before reporting it as a mafia bug, since in this case, -tie was changed into the default, as Veracity pointed out. This is not a mafia bug, but a 'feature' of your compiler's whims. :)
I just tried it out using the non-modified 10447. Without -tie, it knows to equip the moxie magnet, and goes on to maximize mys, as you would expect, but it still thinks the dead guy's memento is the best option. Hardened slime belt, for example, would be better there. If I put in the -tie, it returns the same weirdness as with Lost's build.

ETA: I just tried it again after using an oil of slipperiness so as to eliminate the whole issue of mox>mys. Both maximize MP and maximize MP -tie returned the same, correct results.
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Could you maximize "mp, dump" and post the gCLI output here?

EDIT: oh nevermind, I could reproduce this myself:
2976 combinations checked, best score 4113.0
SLOT     0
[Hodgman's porkpie hat (257), Admiral's hat (536,871,169)]
[drywall     axe (3,855)]
[moxie magnet (257), Loathing Legion moondial     (536,871,169)]
[sea salt scrubs (3,855),     General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket (536,871,169)]
[hobo     dungarees (257), paperclip pants (536,871,169)]
[Brimstone     Brooch (513), Brimstone Bracelet (257), hopping socks (257), Uncle Hobo's     epic beard (536,871,169), fudgecycle (536,871,169)]
[Hodgman's     whackin' stick (257), time sword (536,871,426)]
[super-sweet     boom box (257), scratch 'n' sniff crossbow (536,871,169)]
[super-sweet     boom box (257)]
[dead guy's memento     (536,871,169)]
[super-sweet boom box (257), Hodgman's     whackin' stick (257), time sword (536,871,426), scratch 'n' sniff crossbow     (536,871,169)]
2976 combinations checked, best score 4113.0

Here's hoping JasonHarper will come have a look at this :)
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For what it's worth, I'm seeing bizarre behaviour with the maximizer today. I've never been very good with it, so it's possible that I simply don't know how to use it properly. In any case, here's what I'm seeing:

(unequip everything)
> maximize -tie, hot damage, dump
[fire (257)]
[flamin' bindle (514)]
[misfit teddy bear (257)]
[TΤ◊lisman of Baiø‡ (257)]
[extra-see-thru nightie (1,285)]
[poodle skirt (771)]
[malevolent medallion (257), imp unity ring (3,855)]
[war tongs (1,028), scratch 'n' sniff sword (536,871,169)]
[happiness (1,285)]
[Loathing Legion helicopter (257)]
[wristwatch of the white knight (257)]
[happiness (1,285), scratch 'n' sniff sword (536,871,169)]
42 combinations checked, best score 77.0
Putting on fire...
Equipment changed.
Wielding flamin' bindle...
Equipment changed.
Putting on extra-see-thru nightie...
Equipment changed.
Putting on poodle skirt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on malevolent medallion...
Equipment changed.
Putting on imp unity ring...
Equipment changed.
Putting on imp unity ring...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Loathing Legion helicopter...
Equipment changed.

This looks pretty good, except it equips the Loathing Legion helicopter, despite me including -tie. How do I absolutely stop any kind of equipment change that doesn't directly contribute to the modifier? (I know about the workaround to blacklist the familiar equipment, but I'm curious all the same)
You don't by any chance have a familiar with you that can at least sometimes do weight-based hot damage do you? Figuring not, but just want to check for sure.