Bug Maximizer excludes some items when checking for price but the field is left blank


I want to maximize primarily for item-drop, and when maximizing with the option to include pullable / buyable equipment in the check I get a few suggestions for improvements.
Now, I want to have an idea of how much meat I'll have to pay to include the suggested improvements in the outfit, so I include the option "buyable only" when saying what prices I want to check. Since there is no entry to the textbox for max price, I figure it should show all items which can be bought in the mall. However, most of the improvements which I got when not checking mallprices are no longer available. Any idea what the issue could be?
I don't let the maximizer buy stuff for me (I don't let mafia buy stuff for me automatically in general), but I think it uses your normal item acquisition settings, so if you don't let mafia buy in the mall, the maximizer won't buy in the mall, and if you don't fill in a price, it might take your normal mallbuylimit.
[FONT=&quot]If the Max Price field is zero or blank, the limit will be the smaller of your available meat, or your autoBuyPriceLimit (default 20,000).[/FONT]
I assumed that when no value was entered into the max meat field it would just print prices for the best item in the slot. I feel almost certain it did so in the past, but it could be I am misremembering.

Personally I would prefer it if it searched for all items when nothing is entered into the max meat field, instead of limiting itself to the autoBuyPriceLimit, and rather giving a warning when attempting to buy the item (which I believe it already does for items more expensive than your limit). It's no big deal now that I know about it though :-)
[FONT="]If the Max Price field is zero or blank, the limit will be the smaller of your available meat, or your autoBuyPriceLimit (default 20,000).[/FONT]

Is that even exposed anywhere in the UI? I looked around preferences, the item manager (because you can set valueOfAdventure in the "Fine Tuning" tab) and the maximizer itself & found nothing.