I got an error while trying to set this up to run farm.ash
Bad effect value: "the ode to booze" (EatDrink.ash, line 1384)
This has been answered many, many times. Open EatDrink.ash in notepad (or equivalent). Use Ctrl+F to find the line that uses "the ode to booze" (1384) and change it to "ode to booze".
An additional point - if you have an open hobopolis where bosses haven't been killed in the side zones, but the zone is completed, a between battle script can allow you to collect semi rares without bothering with eating a fortune cookie. Between each adv (within the semi rare bracket - only 40 turns) you visit the zone - if the semi rare is there and you have the nickels, you get it; if not, simply reject the boss fight. Lewd playing cards and, I think, jar of squeeze, sell for an equal amount of (or more) meat as lunchboxen, and this saves you those fullness points.