Bug - Fixed mafia is convinced my bugged talisman of baio is suboptimal for everything!


The modifier maximizer wants to unequip my bugged talisman anytime I try to maximize anything, including rollover adventures and item drop. Meanwhile I want to wear it all the time for extra style points...

... I usually remember to add "-container" when I do a maximize, but today I forgot, and some darn pvp'er managed to steal it, so I thought I would request a formal fix before the tragedy is repeated.
Given the choice between nothing and the useless item, without -tie, the useless item should be equipped... or at very least, not be unequipped.
If you have nothing to replace an item - it's a choice between the item and nothing at all - why would the maximizer ever consider removing an item which is not actively harmful to the desired goal?
Yeah... it's possible that this was caused by the addition of making mafia aware that sometimes, nothing is better than filling a slot with a negative-score item. But full with a 0-score item (when +tie is set, or at least -tie isn't set) is better than empty.
It is/should not the same for optimization if it's the difference between +0 server hits and +1 server hits (and nothing else).
Yeah... game-wise, it's flavour v. empty. In that sense, full is more 'interesting' than not. It also saves a server hit if you've already got it equipped and mafia unequips it, so...
It might also prevent maximize from suggesting to unequip container "(none)"
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r10506 fully considers the container slot when maximizing - which for the vast majority of users simply means that it will put on a bugged baio if you have one, and leave it there.