Bug - Fixed Mafia Freezing

Only if Mafia changed that setting all on its own.

> prefref mru

maximizerMRULength (user, now '0', default 0)
maximizerMRUList (user, now 'mainstat;mus;mys;mox;familiar weight;HP;MP;ML;DA;DR;+combat -tie;-combat -tie;initiative;exp;meat drop;item drop;2.0 meat, 1.0 item;item, sea;weapon dmg;ranged dmg;elemental dmg;spell dmg;adv;hot res;cold res;spooky res;stench res;sleaze res;all res;0.5 mp regen min, 0.5 mp regen max;ML, 0.001 slime res;4 clownosity;7 raveosity;+four songs', default mainstat;mus;mys;mox;familiar weight;HP;MP;ML;DA;DR;+combat -tie;-combat -tie;initiative;exp;meat drop;item drop;2.0 meat, 1.0 item;item, sea;weapon dmg;ranged dmg;elemental dmg;spell dmg;adv;hot res;cold res;spooky res;stench res;sleaze res;all res;0.5 mp regen min, 0.5 mp regen max;ML, 0.001 slime res;4 clownosity;7 raveosity;+four songs)
scriptMRULength (user, now '0', default 0)
scriptMRUList (user, now '', default )


Anytime I maximize something for the first time it gets stuck in gray mode. Subsequent requests in the same session (at least without any changes to available and relevant gear) do not get stuck.

I have experienced similar behavior. It does seem that whenever I type something non-standard and click "update" it gets stuck. Esc clears it. Re-running with the same query works fine. But typing a new query often (but not always) gets it stuck again.

maximizerMRULength (user, now '0', default 0)
maximizerMRUList (user, now 'mainstat;mus;mys;mox;familiar weight;HP;MP;ML;DA;DR;+combat -tie;-combat -tie;initiative;exp;meat dropitem drop;2.0 meat, 1.0 item;item, sea;weapon dmg;ranged dmg;elemental dmg;spell dmg;adv;hot res;cold res;spooky res;stench res;sleaze res', default mainstat;mus;mys;mox;familiar weight;HP;MP;ML;DA;DR;+combat -tie;-combat -tie;initiative;exp;meat drop;item drop;2.0 meat, 1.0 item;item, sea;weapon dmg;ranged dmg;elemental dmg;spell dmg;adv;hot res;cold res;spooky res;stench res;sleaze res;all res;0.5 mp regen min, 0.5 mp regen max;ML, 0.001 slime res;4 clownosity;7 raveosity;+four songs)
scriptMRULength (user, now '0', default 0)
scriptMRUList (user, now '', default )
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What info are you waiting for? Ask and ye shall receive. I was able to reproduce this behavior in 10051.

I was unable to reproduce the behavior in either 10021 or 10022, so you're probably right that it's not the MRU change. Despite that, I wouldn't dismiss that as a suspect quite yet. My reasoning is that the behavior happens when I enter a new maximization query the first time, but not the second time I run that query in the same session. Not a smoking gun of course, but an indication it might be worth looking at.


Staff member
OK. I am pretty sure the MRU code is not a factor, but you never know ;-)

I delete the preference maximizerMRULength, start mafia and log in. I bring up the Modifier Maximizer and type ",spell dmg, all res" after "mainstat" which is already there and selected. If I press enter, the maximizer does its thing and stays gray as reported. I press esc, get world peace and everything seems fine. If, however, at initial entry I press the Update button instead, things are normal. In particular, I don't have the Maximizer stuck in gray.

I note that the diff between 10022 and 10033 is that open and closing a RequestSequence has been removed. Perhaps there was a unobserved side effect?


Perhaps that was the hidden part of the inconsistent repro. I found this using the Flower Hunter: <enter> freezes the UI, mouse-clicking on the search button does not.