Feature - Implemented Louvre mapping


Staff member
r8434 says
Hopefully final tweak to Louvre exit prediction, based on an apparently exact
model of how the game generates them. This still applies to manual
adventuring only; this is the last chance for anyone to point out any
problems with the predictions before they start driving automated Louvre
The improvements were never carried over to automated adventuring. It would be nice if that was done. Spading was originally done at http://kolspading.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27 if referencing that is relevant.
From what I remember post-change, the predictions work quite well. Lately I've been forgetting about the difference and clicking the Goal button, meaning I don't see the benefit.
Are you suggesting there has been some veiled sub-optimality that could be eliminated?
The short answer is yes. The long answer is in that kolspading thread, for those that can understand it all (I see results, but the underlying explanation goes over my head).
The short answer is yes. The long answer is in that kolspading thread, for those that can understand it all (I see results, but the underlying explanation goes over my head).

In the time it took me to compose my post Jason addressed my request for information so I deleted the post, but apparently not soon enough :-)