Feature - Implemented License to Adventure


Staff member
The path has upgrades (http://imgur.com/ywpmLiG) to parse, store, and apply.

There might be new martinis since
case ItemPool.DRY_MARTINI:
case ItemPool.GIBSON:
case ItemPool.MARTINI:
case ItemPool.ROCKIN_WAGON:
case ItemPool.VODKA_GIBSON:
case ItemPool.VODKA_MARTINI:
was last updated.

There's probably other stuff.
Parsing choice 1259 with regex
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"k\" value=\"(\\d+)\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"w\" value=\"(s|p)\" />"
is straightforward enough. One idea for storing the results is 24 separate settings. Another idea is a 24 bit int, which comes with its own complications (it doesn't look like % is currently usable in modifier expressions, and adding that is possibly harder than it looks).
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Martini list for bonus adventures wearing Tux may not match Martini list for this path. Certainly Hacked Gibson works for this path, and certainly didn't work for Tux.
The martini list for this path is (per CDMoyer) simply based on checking for martini.gif as the picture. As for the tuxedo shirt, who knows ...
One thing left to handle is Disavowed. Its strength is based on how many times you get it. You can remove it (with Disco Nap), but it comes back at full strength when you start another turn. So it's a variable effect based on something inconvenient to track.
What about tracking skill points? Shouldn't current skill points (pounds of social currency) be available? I'm hoping you'll provide that and I'll add it to ChIT.
Mafia isn't currently handling a max drunkeness of higher than 14 after coming out of the path, although kol itself seems to be a bit messed up there as well (I'm showing at 16/17 on the charpanel but am apparently too drunk to drink any more but am fine to adventure...)
Mafia isn't currently handling a max drunkeness of higher than 14 after coming out of the path, although kol itself seems to be a bit messed up there as well (I'm showing at 16/17 on the charpanel but am apparently too drunk to drink any more but am fine to adventure...)

Sounds like you hit the bug where you keep your bonus capacity after freeing the king, which supposedly has been fixed. It also sounds like a KoL bug that your current drunkenness wasn't reduced to 14. Once KoL gets that all sorted out, there should be nothing to change in KoLmafia.
9488	Thwaitgold bug statue	754030701	thwaitbug.gif	none	t	0
# Item Thwaitgold bug statue
9487	License To Kill	666441939	licensetokill.gif	usable	t	0
# Item License To Kill: ???

Boss fight doesn't need the wand.
What about tracking skill points? Shouldn't current skill points (pounds of social currency) be available? I'm hoping you'll provide that and I'll add it to ChIT.

At best, I can see parsing that when visiting the choice (where you can spend it), and having it be wrong if it ever increases between visits.
So, you think my script should parse it out of the charpane instead of waiting for mafia to support it?
It would be useful if mafia could highlight the minion messages about buttons in the lair. Not sure if that's possible without all of the messages known though...
It would be pretty if the color names were highlighted in the primary color of the actual button, but don't we really want tracking and labeling of the buttons in the non-combat. Yes, that requires even more spading.
With r18038

New monster #2025 found in Manuel with name 'Villainous Henchperson' image 'bond_sidekick5.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: dude'
New monster #2024 found in Manuel with name 'Villainous Minion' image 'bond_minion1.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: 50 P: dude'
New monster #2026 found in Manuel with name 'Villainous Villain' image 'bond_villain1.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: dude'
Revision 18039 gets those, complete with alternate images.
I haven't tried this path yet. What location(s) do they appear in?
It's called Super Villain's Lair, and appears either in the Plains, Town or Mountains. It's an indoor zone. The names of the monsters vary.