Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

Can we get mafia to notice if we've got Disavowed when maximising at the tower? Normally it doesn't matter, as you'd get it back as soon as you hit adventure.php, but this doesn't happen in the tower and would really help with the various tests if we were reminded to get rid of it.
By the way, the third choice adventure in the Super Villian Lair is pretty simple if you understand the code. I added the following to my choice relay for that choiceAdventure so that I could stop referring to the wiki page.

buffer code(buffer page) {
	foreach choice in $strings["Vent Poisonous Gas", "Monorail Shutdown", "Roaring Fire", "Poison Gas"]
			return page.replace_string(choice, '<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">'+choice+'</span>');
	return page;

It would be good if mafia autoselected the correct option if blatant spoilers is active. Only one of those four will be present and it is always the right choice.
18059 spoils the symbology option. I would like to add some tracking and spoiling for the color button, but I don't know of any comprehensive list of in-combat messages to work from.
18059 spoils the symbology option. I would like to add some tracking and spoiling for the color button, but I don't know of any comprehensive list of in-combat messages to work from.

The wiki finally has a good page for that. The list is not yet comprehensive, but it may be in a few more days. There appear to be six different messages for each of the four locations. That will be a total of 24 messages. There's also a complete list of color synonyms at the bottom.

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Looks like seeing a single message is enough to identify the result from all 3 colors, once all the messages are known. If the color buttons are always in the same order (which is how it looks), then this should be easier to support than I expected.
The wiki has 7 of the 8 direct clues for ideal choices. Those are parsed in 18060, and the choice is spoiled if possible.

I tried using indirect clues too (assuming that there are essentially two groups of 3 clues possible for each enemy type, and seeing a single clue tells you the other two clues that you will eventually see), but my first attempt at that (with incomplete clues available) gave the wrong result, so I dropped that for now (as seen by the commented lines in VillainLairDecorator). Adding those in is straightforward once all the clues are available.
I'm not really sure what to do with Disavowed. There isn't a message for getting more turns of the effect, it just happens in the background. I feel like most methods of trying to track when to increase its effect will be flawed. Updating what it does by looking at the effect is an option, but then it will still be wrong most of the time. There's always the option of doing something silly like assume the difference between current and expected buffed mainstat is its effect, which can go wrong plenty of ways, including getting down to 1 buffed mainstat.
Just had a lair where I only saw the messages "Avoid the peach button everyone, the magma heating system isn't quite right" and "Remember everyone, green means alert" and mafia suggestd pushing the orange button, when pushing the blue button would have been better.
Noted that the Wiki has this:

Every day, you can use one each of the Gourd quest items in combat (knob goblin firecracker, razor-sharp can lid, or spider web) to defeat 3 minions each.

I'd like to add support for that to SS. Is that something mafia could track? If not, I will have BatBrain add its own daily tracking properties.
With r18061 the colored button choice was not spoiled after I received the following clues.

As the fight ends, you hear his radio crackle to life, "Please be courteous and engage the flood-wash system if you make a mess in the bathroom. It's the apricot button."

As the fight ends, you hear his radio crackle to life, "In case of emergency, press the seafoam button."

I flipped a mental coin and chose the orange button, which removed five minions.
18064 will recognize the right color from any single color, except the orange clues when fighting minions (since both of those are -5 and can't be definitively grouped just based on the wiki's table).
I can tell you that for the "orange button" green is the right choice, and for the "peach button" blue is right.

The Sniper connection gives +3 kills to Battlefield monsters.
You hear three quick blasts and see 3 hippies fall to Felicity's rifle.
You hear three quick booms and see 3 frat soldiers fall to Felicity's rifle.

The Universal GPS upgrade gives +2% to desert explorations.
Your GPS beeps and directs you towards some new stuff.

Maximizer shouldn't suggest unsuitable booze.
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Missing Content to add!

9491	Targeted Plague Vector	604726380	spraycan.gif	usable	q	0
# Item Targeted Plague Vector
The use messages for the gourd items are on the Super Villain's Lair page.

And a couple messages from Manuel:

New monster #2028 found in Manuel with name '"Blofeld"' image 'bond_villain5.gif' attributes ='Atk: 100 Def: 100 HP: 100 Init: 10 P: dude'
Manuel says that 'Villainous Minion' (2024) 'Initiative +50%', but KoLmafia says it is -10000
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It appears that if you have not unlocked all the Bond skills, r18070 assumes you have those skills. Upon my first visit on day 1:

Setting: lastEncounter: License to Adventure
Encounter: License to Adventure
Setting: lastEncounter: Daily Briefing
Encounter: Daily Briefing
Setting: bondStealth2: true
Setting: bondSpleen: true
Setting: bondStat2: true
Setting: bondDesert: true
Setting: bondHoney: true
You acquire an item: martini

I can't even get any of those. :(