Bug - Not A Bug KoLmafia r9029 is trying to steal items, even when it's not eligible to

A snippet of my gCLI, showing clearly what's happening (I'm an Accordion Thief):

[10727] Burnbarrel Blvd.
Encounter: Sir Billy Bob "Magma" Berry
Strategy: skill shieldbutt
Round 0: wrldwzrd89 loses initiative!
You lose 438 hit points
Round 1: wrldwzrd89 executes a macro!
Round 1: wrldwzrd89 tries to steal an item!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
Round 2: wrldwzrd89 casts SHIELDBUTT!
Round 3: hot hobo takes 1160 damage.
Round 3: hot hobo takes 28 damage.
Round 3: hot hobo drops 5 attack power.
Round 3: With a queftick swipe of his hugantic claw, Jizzt Dofaggen smacks your shield and sends you spyrating around, raising a thick cloud of smust.
Round 3: wrldwzrd89 wins the fight!
After Battle: Jizzt Dofaggen bares his frightious teeth in a broad grile, while the jub-jub bird gives you a feathery thumbs-up.
You gain 45 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 30 Magicalness
You gain 76 Cheek
You gain a Moxie point!

See what's going on before I cast Shieldbutt? KoLmafia detects that I lost initiative, but is trying to steal an item anyway. This is clearly a bug.
Could you give us some more information, please? Specifically, tell us what automation were you using for that fight.

Were you clicking the "script" button from the relay browser? If you were auto-adventuring please tell us what combat settings you were using. Tell us anything that seems relevant.
Auto-adventuring, no custom combat script (just Mafia's default conversion into a combat macro of combat actions), with strategy set to "skill shieldbutt". I also had over 200 ML running at the time. Special actions are set to defaults - which are attempt to steal items, and use in-combat MP restores if required. No goal was specified during the automated adventuring with KoLmafia. The relay browser was also open, but that's just to use chat, as I do not like KoLmafia's internal chat.
Auto-attack is disabled, and as far as I know has been that way ever since a change to KoLmafia stopped enabling it by default, and setting it to your selected strategy. I never use the auto-attack feature in KoL.
This is still happening in r9055... I haven't had the nerve to look at the source code to figure out what might be causing it, though.
Bed of coals, flamin' bindle, Tales from the Fireside, and Kissin' Cousins are all unspaded. Unspaded drops are all attempted to be pickpocketted.
He's pointing out that we generated a macro with a pickpocket in it even though he'd lost initiative.
There's already one way for a pickpocket to be valid even if you lost initiative (Bling of the New Wave), and likely to be more in the future. Also, an invalid pickpocket attempt in a macro is simply skipped without error, so no harm is being done. This is not a bug, as far as I'm concerned.