Hi folks,
Just bumping this to
a) Keep me on my toes; and
b) Give you a quick update on where I'm at.
Bale -- still can't replicate your issue and I have /hauntedhouse open and working just fine. I've been using it to test the /announce feature

. However, that doesn't mean it's not an issue -- all sorts of things have been brought to my attention and most of them seem to be KoL bugs rather than mafia's (specially since we currently just forward requests back and forth in the relay browser...). The bugs I am aware of are:
1) Chat printing repeated KoL away messages in firefox (every 30 seconds after 15 minutes have passed) -- reported by TurtleBomb13/TurtleX.
2) Bale's report of events making the chat pane freeze in Opera.
3) Chat stopping updating (seems to effect multiple browsers) reported on the forums.
If there are people on here who are experiencing these bugs routinely (as in, you can replicate them on demand), I would love it if you could post the chat frame's source code on here so I can see if there are javascript differences that can explain it. Remember, it is not the source code for the whole page I need, just the chat frame (right click > this frame > view frame source).
More general update -- I've written classes for each of the message types KoL deals with and have used the JSONObject, etc classes from JSON.org to adapt the parser. This has turned into quite a big project, but I think I'm getting there!