New Content - Implemented KoLmafia doesn't fully support KoL's built-in tabbed chat

All events in chat show up in every tab. I'm pretty sure that was an intentional design decision from before I was a mafia dev. Having /who done in every channel when you enter chat is a much more recent KoL option, but that didn't actually happen for me when I opened mafia's chat GUI, only when I opened chat in the relay browser. The /who results for every channel showed up then.

Strangely, it seems that the away mode message never shows up with only mafia chat open. The repeated message only happens with both mafia chat and relay chat open. I have no idea why in either case.

The underscore issue seems like something I can actually look into.
I don't know how to fix that one, since KoL responds to outgoing messages with the update for chat, as opposed to bundling them with the rest of incoming messages (which I imagine happened before).

chatBeep works in 12761. No messages sent from mafia's GUI, whether typed in or using faxbot or whatever, show up in the relay browser; I probably won't be the one to fix that minor issue.

Well, if it only affects messages sent from mafia's GUI, I can't really say it will negatively effect my happiness. Who cares, really?

Thanks for the catBeep fix!

I also get a *lot* of "You are now in away mode, chat will update more slowly until you say something." in the CLI. Like 11 at a time (i.e. one for each channel open, including events, but excluding PMs). And I think it happens for each channel separately, as if each channel has its own awaymode timer.

I hate those in both the CLI and in the chat window.

I would consider it a very positive feature if KoLmafia could prevent idle mode from being activated or at least if there was an option to ignore all "You are now in away mode, chat will update more slowly until you say something." messages. By "ignore" I mean that they won't show up in chat at all, ever. Or at least they shouldn't show up after the first. They are incredibly annoying and force me to use an /update command to return from idleness just so that I don't see them spamming out the channel.

I will probably open a feature request for that if nobody adds it in the next few days.
Is it really that common to use both chat interfaces simultaneously (the only case where chat gets spammed with that message)?
Something weird's going on with KoLmafia event detection: /whois stuff along with /listen and unlisten changes show up as events now when you visit main.php. That didn't happen before.
Oh dear. I noticed a rather serious bug with this:

When I respond to a PM in the mafia chat window I do not see my response mirrored in the relay browser chat. (By contrast, all my messages in the relay browser are mirrored in mafia chat.)
Native for chat commands, and mafia for chat logs.
You get chat logs in the relay browser now, otherwise there's no way I would have marked this implemented. Chat commands seem to work in mafia's interface too.

Oh dear. I noticed a rather serious bug with this:

When I respond to a PM in the mafia chat window I do not see my response mirrored in the relay browser chat. (By contrast, all my messages in the relay browser are mirrored in mafia chat.)

I was trying to tell you that the faxbot issue you reported earlier is just one example of this issue.
Yes, but if you keep the relay for the command and the mafia interface for the logs you can obviously now pick one and stick with it since both variants handle both things :)

(I only use the Mafia interface since the few times I'm in the relay browser I can just as easily switch back to the Mafia window if I need a command, well or use the CLI I guess)
If you really like chat commands better than CLI commands, you can type them into the CLI exactly as you do into chat - starting / and all.
ETA2: also, I have a tab with outgoing PMs to antic_the_fearless , and a tab with incoming PMs from antic the fearless; note the underscores and missing underscores - separate bug report?

I made a new account with underscores in the name to work on this, but I can't reproduce the issue. More details please.
If you really like chat commands better than CLI commands, you can type them into the CLI exactly as you do into chat - starting / and all.

I play in relay browser with chat open, so chat commands are a bit more convenient for me than switching to mafia. They also have different matching (only matches items in inventory, can match familiar by name) - sometimes I like kol's matching better, other time's mafia's matching (mainly when I only remember nonconsecutive parts of the name, and any consecutive part is too ambiguous).
Also, I got used to them (chat commands). Familiarity breeds complacency.

I made a new account with underscores in the name to work on this, but I can't reproduce the issue. More details please.

It's not an account with underscores in the name. It's an account with spaces in name, and I had to use underscores to do a /w name_with_spaces_that_I_have_to_replace_with_underscores_otherwise_kol_would_think_the_name_stopped_at_the_first_blank message goes here.
Perhaps you didn't read what I said: if you type a command starting with "/" into the gCLI, it is submitted to chat. When I said "if you like chat commands better than CLI commands, you can submit them via the gCLI" I meant exactly that - you can submit chat commands via the gCLI, NOT "the CLI has equivalents to all the chat commands and you can type CLI commands into the gCLI".
After a bit of testing, I finally determined that the underscore issue only happens when you send the message from the relay browser to open a new tab and already have mafia chat open. It is a bug, but it's a bit lower priority in that case.
Perhaps you didn't read what I said: if you type a command starting with "/" into the gCLI, it is submitted to chat. When I said "if you like chat commands better than CLI commands, you can submit them via the gCLI" I meant exactly that - you can submit chat commands via the gCLI, NOT "the CLI has equivalents to all the chat commands and you can type CLI commands into the gCLI".

But when I am in mafia window, I use mafia commands .... (in other words, when both are option, then which commands I use depends on what makes me switch windows less - that's like switching contexts for me).

After a bit of testing, I finally determined that the underscore issue only happens when you send the message from the relay browser to open a new tab and already have mafia chat open. It is a bug, but it's a bit lower priority in that case.

That's a very specific amount of bug!
I will now learn to not open mafia chat interface, and will stop having these issues. Is that acceptable?
I hate those in both the CLI and in the chat window.

I would consider it a very positive feature if KoLmafia could prevent idle mode from being activated or at least if there was an option to ignore all "You are now in away mode, chat will update more slowly until you say something." messages. By "ignore" I mean that they won't show up in chat at all, ever. Or at least they shouldn't show up after the first. They are incredibly annoying and force me to use an /update command to return from idleness just so that I don't see them spamming out the channel.

I will probably open a feature request for that if nobody adds it in the next few days.

Any word on fixing the spamarific 'you are not in away mode'
Well, I deal with it by only using chat in the relay browser now. It's an acceptable work-around.
I can't seem to find this mentioned anywhere, but when I'm chatting in the relay browser, messages regularly fail to appear. Sometimes they're mine, sometimes other people's. They don't seem to have anything in common; it seems to be random.
It seems to occur regardless of how chat-related preferences are set, but I can post that info if it would be helpful.
If I have Mafia's chat window open as well, I seem to get all the messages there, but other messages are randomly duplicated (usually not the same messages that disappear from relay chat).
Is anyone else experiencing this?