New Content - Implemented June 09 - Monster Manuel has 30 more avatar potions


(In this thead, please copy/paste descriptions from the session log, not the CLI because the CLI does not retain proper tab spacing.)

A lot of these 30 items haven gotten into the mall or wiki yet, but I found a few:

8315	muscle oil	270624749	bottle.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	muscle oil	Effect: "Built Body", Effect Duration: 100
1845	Built Body	strboost.gif	a1f01892662b396524988933365d7871	use 1 muscle oil
Effect	Built Body	Avatar: "Mr. Loathing"
8308	piggy tattoo	377475455	swisspig.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	piggy tattoo	Effect: "Pigulated", Effect Duration: 30
1838	Pigulated	swisspig.gif	3414a618756ec56a0dd74eb6d45d09ed	use 1 piggy tattoo
Effect	Pigulated	Avatar: "piggy"
8334	spare neck bolts	588076798	bolts.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	spare neck bolts	Effect: "Big Square Head", Effect Duration: 100
1864	Big Square Head	bolts.gif	9db9bc6115bc77d269319da1fb43c425	use 1 spare neck bolts
Effect	Big Square Head	Avatar: "Arthur Frankenstein"
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Happened to find a few on the mobs in the Secret Council Warehouse:

8339	warehouse walkie-talkie	373911451	walkietalkie.gif	multiple	t,d	5
Item	warehouse walkie-talkie	Effect: "Wearing a Guard's Hat", Effect Duration: 30
1869	Wearing a Guard's Hat	walkietalkie.gif	8b2ef75057d8f1b7703c73799473eb64	use 1 warehouse walkie-talkie
Effect	Wearing a Guard's Hat	Avatar: "warehouse guard"

8340	janitor's mop	570677877	mop.gif	multiple	t,d	5
Item	janitor's mop	Effect: "Janitoriffic", Effect Duration: 30
1870	Janitoriffic	mop.gif	4605a47559bc4f8571d0438ae4906009	use 1 janitor's mop
Effect	Janitoriffic	Avatar: "warehouse janitor"

8341	warehouse clerk's glasses	468187859	obsglasses.gif	multiple	t,d	5
Item	warehouse clerk's glasses	Effect: "Disguised as a Warehouse Clerk", Effect Duration: 30
1871	Disguised as a Warehouse Clerk	obsglasses.gif	324b84b76ac914e711eb297ec0532032	use 1 warehouse clerk's glasses
Effect	Disguised as a Warehouse Clerk	Avatar: "warehouse clerk"
As soon as sourceforge lets me commit again, I will submit 27 of them. Judging by the gaps in statuseffects.txt and items.txt, I'd say there are actually 36 of them...
Unknown Item 8310

Looking at item #8310...
Unknown item found: little red .epub file (8310, 640026029)
8310 little red .epub file 640026029 transmission.gif usable t,d 5
Item little red .epub file Effect: "Xiblaxian Sympathizer", Effect Duration: 50
1840 Xiblaxian Sympathizer transmission.gif 92ecfd67a1a91dbdf3839ecf3bcbc2b1 use 1 little red .epub file
Effect Xiblaxian Sympathizer Avatar: "Xiblaxian political prisoner"
Got a couple today:

Unknown item found: smellbook (8329, 289853477)
8329 smellbook 289853477 book4.gif multiple t,d 5
Item smellbook Effect: "Cheezardly", Effect Duration: 50
1859 Cheezardly book4.gif c5c0d106de8a6faa3e63cf291c9b4e5f use 1 smellbook
Effect Cheezardly Avatar: "Cheese Wizard"
Unknown item found: assassin's cheese knife (8330, 279451446)
8330 assassin's cheese knife 279451446 knife.gif multiple t,d 5
Item assassin's cheese knife Effect: "Wearing Assassin Robes", Effect Duration: 50
1860 Wearing Assassin Robes knife.gif 31a0ef8a27afb34010a0ba33366d5f41 use 1 assassin's cheese knife
Effect Wearing Assassin Robes Avatar: "Assassin"
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Revision 15939 has those three new potions.

Looking at the items, I'd guess that Item #8316 (Effect #1846) comes from the Smartest Adventurer Contest and Item #8327 (Effect #1857) comes from the Coldest Adventurer Contest.

Item #8306/Effect #1836 and Item #8307/Effect #1837 might also be avatar potions, but those are at the very beginning of the range of newly added avatar potions, so, they could be other not-yet-released (or discovered) things.
8307	Überraschthexengebräu	408549054	fancybrew.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	Überraschthexengebräu	Effect: "Überraschthexengebrühten", Effect Duration: 100
1837	Überraschthexengebrühten	fancybrew.gif	dbafe534e6cca5803ab3615b6c389f2f	use 1 Überraschthexengebräu
Effect	Überraschthexengebrühten	Avatar: "surprised and annoyed witch"
8307	Überraschthexengebräu	408549054	fancybrew.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	Überraschthexengebräu	Effect: "Überraschthexengebrühten", Effect Duration: 100
8327	Iceberglar scarf	211011165	scarf.gif	usable	t,d	5
Item	Iceberglar scarf	Effect: "Icebergled", Effect Duration: 50
1857	Icebergled	scarf.gif	1e88e749e4aa1772c602041eae3959a0	use 1 Iceberglar scarf
Effect	Icebergled	Avatar: "Iceberglar"
Now only two remain before we close the thread:

Item #8316 (Effect #1846) comes from the Smartest Adventurer Contest
Item #8306 (Effect #1836) ?
8307 and 8308 come from the White Citadel quest. I'm guessing that 8306 does, too.
I think the biclops would be good. :)
I was curious, so I went through that quest today. I cleared out the spider webs (to see the unique monsters there) and fought the spider hut and the angry witch. I found no new potions. Avatar potions are not 100% drops, so that doesn't prove there isn't another one in that quest.

What % drops ARE avatar potions? (Does it vary)? I.e., what amount of +Item would force them to drop...
First twitch stream verified 10% on secret mummy herbs and spices, so they might very well just be that across the board.
It definitely varies. For instance, in the Crowds of Adventurers outside the Sorceresses Lair, I have not yet gotten a potion from the Tasmanian Devil which appears every ascension, but I have always gotten an avatar potion from the two random crowd bosses so I suspect they are much closer to 100% if they are not absolutely guaranteed.
r15971 added Item #8316, bottle of Red-Out which gives Effect #1846, "No Accounting for..." to make you look like an Accountant-Barbarian.

Now only Item #8306 and Effect #1836 remain. There's a chance (albeit a small one) that they aren't avatar potions and effects, so should we close this?
r15971 added Item #8316, bottle of Red-Out which gives Effect #1846, "No Accounting for..." to make you look like an Accountant-Barbarian.

Now only Item #8306 and Effect #1836 remain. There's a chance (albeit a small one) that they aren't avatar potions and effects, so should we close this?

Confirmed 1836 isn't an avatar potion:
1836	Sludgesick	sludgesicle.gif	22c787e5659a38d39eb052a6b2976226
Effect	Sludgesick	Stench Damage: +10, Cold Damage: +10