New Content - Implemented IotM - May 2015 - Mayo Clinic workshed item

I never sold my portable mayo clinic after getting my wasp. I'm using my DNA lab to ascend (once day one, that's it). Since I don't rollover in aftercore, I can't switch them out to test anything, but I'd happily loan it to anyone (Veracity, etc) who wants to do some testing with it.
Hmm, another thing to add is adding mayo soak to maximizer, which will involve first adding a command to do so.
Could we get the mayo soak added to Daily Deeds? And maybe a relay link to the Minder when you buy mayo, because I never remember what I've got it set to.

EDIT: Also, have the use link point to the food section of inventory, not the misc section.
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Would it be possible for mafia to recognize that eating from the Hot Dog Stand empties my mouth of mayo, or just try to use a mayo when I tell it to, whether it thinks I already have mayo or not?
r16056 - Mayo at Hot Dog Stand (and all helpers at all cafes/hot dog stand) now handled.
r16194 - Warnings about Mayodiol when at drunk limit. With autoFillMayoMinder set to true, and you have a Mayo Minder, buy Mayo when appropriate.
This was never marked implemented yet?

I'm doing it now. After all this time any remaining issues deserve better.
I didn't consider it implemented until today, and even then as I've added two fairly key features, maybe there will be bugs.

And sorry for being so slow.
NP! Glad its finally wrapped up. The drunkeness issue was fairly serious and worth waiting upon.
r16200 adds 'mayominder' CLi command, as it is a bit fiddly to go via the Relay Browser to do it. Can use Mayo name, or a description (drunk, adv, stat, bmc or food). Will also buy Mayo Minder if you issue the command without one.
There still seems to be some small bugs with using mayo while consuming:

Finished using 1 milk of magnesium.
Purchasing Mayoflex (6 @ 950)...
You      spent 5,700 Meat
You acquire Mayoflex (6)
Purchases complete.
Eating      6 pixel banana...
You gain 14 Adventures
You acquire an effect:      Going Ape (40)
You gain 2 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got      Milk (-2)
You gain 13 Adventures
You acquire an effect: Going Ape      (40)
You gain 2 Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-2)
You      gain 14 Adventures
You acquire an effect: Going Ape (40)
You gain 2      Fullness
You lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-2)
You gain 14      Adventures
You acquire an effect: Going Ape (40)
You gain 2 Fullness
You      lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-2)
You gain 14 Adventures
You      acquire an effect: Going Ape (40)
You gain 2 Fullness
You lose some      of an effect: Got Milk (-2)
You gain 14 Adventures
You acquire an      effect: Going Ape (40)
You gain 2 Fullness
You lose some of an      effect: Got Milk (-2)
Mayo Minder™ reminded you to use Mayoflex
Finished      eating 6 pixel banana.
Eating 1 cinnamon cannoli...
You gain 5      Adventures
You gain 26 Muscleboundness
You gain 18 Magicalness
You      gain 17 Sarcasm
You can now equip a crappy Mer-kin mask (and possibly      other things).
You gain a Moxie point!
You gain 1 Fullness
You      lose some of an effect: Got Milk (-1)
Finished eating 1 cinnamon      cannoli.
Eating 1 extra-flat panini...
You gain 10 Adventures
You      gain 61 Sarcasm
You gain 2 Fullness
You lose an effect: Got Milk (-2)
Finished      eating 1 extra-flat panini.

[COLOR=olive]> inv mayof[/COLOR]

Mayoflex      (5)

[COLOR=olive]> refresh inv[/COLOR]

Updating      inventory...
Requests complete.

[COLOR=olive]> inv mayof[/COLOR]
As you can see the count of mayoflex is off after consuming (seems it only removed the first one from the inventory count), and it failed to use a mayoflex with the final food item (an extra-flat panini).
As you can see the count of mayoflex is off after consuming (seems it only removed the first one from the inventory count), and it failed to use a mayoflex with the final food item (an extra-flat panini).
This is actually one bug. Mafia thought there were 5 left so didn't buy one for the final food.

r16203 should fix it, though not as elegantly as I would like.