New Content IOTM - December 2020 - Box of Ghosts


Well-known member
10649    gregarious ghostling    765862389    cghost1.gif    grow        0
Item    gregarious ghostling    Free Pull
10650    grinning ghostling    538954574    cghost2.gif    grow        0
Item    grinning ghostling    Free Pull
10651    greedy ghostling    200115865    cghost3.gif    grow        0
Item    greedy ghostling    Free Pull
10648    box o' ghosts    408419791    cghostbox.gif    usable    t    0
Item    box o' ghosts    Free Pull

When used it created three familiar hatchlings.
Add Ghost of Crimbo hatchlings and box o' ghosts items
Add familiars and make them updat eachothers' experience counters, ensure they cannot equip things
Add effects from Ghost of Crimbo Carols
Update Ghost Dog Chow to recognise not being consumed when used on a Ghost of Crimbo
(was previously r20540 but that contained typos in the item database)
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Other things I plan on doing
  • Track the item that the Ghost of Crimbo Commerce asks you for
  • Updating the Throned behaviour for Ghost of Crimbo Cheer once we know it
  • Possibly support for tracking snow once we know what's going on with that?
A couple of things about this IotM:

Ghost of Crimbo Cheer doesn't appear to be showing up under "stat gain" familiars in the mafia picker. (at least, not for me)

Enthroned Ghost of Crimbo Cheer: does small (3-5-ish) spooky damage on random rounds; haven't used it enough to nail down activation rate (and probably won't any time soon), but seems somewhere >20% and <50%. Also the listed +3 stats/fight enchantment on the throne/bjorn.

Snow Zones: Seems to make the first 4 zones of the day you adventure in snowy. Snow persists even if you switch familiars. All cold damage in a snow zone is multiplied by 1.5. This includes both spell damage and melee damage. The multiplier applies to base damage (e.g., of cold-aligned spells) as well as bonus damage. (e.g., sleaze-aligned weapon of the pastalord did 230230 phys + 230230 stench; cold-aligned WoP did 229094 phys + 343641 cold; physical attack with only an old ball and chain for elemental damage (+100 cold damage) did +150 cold damage in a snow zone) The multiplier won't help align saucegeyser (saucegeyser against an unaligned monster with +112 hot spell damage and +110 cold spell damage in a snowy zone was still hot), so need to be careful about showing multiplied modifiers, or it might lead to some confusion. Possibly just track which zones are snowy ("in the snow"), and leave the rest to the player/script writer.

Familiar equipment: Mafia's current default behavior is to equip the best available familiar gear when you change familiars, unless the familiar you were changing off of wasn't using familiar equipment, in which case it leaves the new familiar naked if it was naked to begin with. If I'm using a hookah/astral pet sweater/tall grass equipment for all my familiars, that results in my often having a naked familiar after switching away from the ghosts, since they can't be equipped. Indeed, it can result in my using naked familiars for many turns if I don't notice. I'm requesting that this change.
I'd prefer if mafia always equipped naked familiars on changing (I'm not entirely sure of the historical reasons for the current behavior, though, maybe there's a good reason it doesn't do that, but I have no use cases where I want mafia to leave my familiars naked, if I have equipment they can use somewhere), but at least, it should probably treat ghosts as if they were equipped when changing off of them.
Also the listed +3 stats/fight enchantment on the throne/bjorn.
Where is this listed?
Ghost of Crimbo Cheer doesn't appear to be showing up under "stat gain" familiars in the mafia picker. (at least, not for me)
Small typo, will push it with my next change
Possibly just track which zones are snowy ("in the snow")
Agreed. I will need to just do this when I have the turns to test it and run the HTML
but at least, it should probably treat ghosts as if they were equipped when changing off of them.
I'm reluctant to make a wide-reaching change here but I think I could consider finding a best familiar equip if and only if you have just switched away from a familiar that cannot ever equip any familiar equip (just the ghosts and comma chameleon I believe).
Where is this listed?
It shows as (part of) the throne enchantment when the ghost is enthroned. The "Put a Familiar In It! That Familiar gains 1 Experience per Fight" enchantments are the throne itself, whatever else it shows is derived from the enthroned familiar.

I'm reluctant to make a wide-reaching change here but I think I could consider finding a best familiar equip if and only if you have just switched away from a familiar that cannot ever equip any familiar equip (just the ghosts and comma chameleon I believe).
I'll confess to not understanding the reason for Mafia's default behavior here, but your proposed change would solve the problem for every use-case of mine that I can think of, so I'll be perfectly happy with that.
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I seem to recall one case where I wanted a naked familiar and got frustrated because I had trouble making it happen.

I think it was fighting a sea mine and for some reason I wanted a familiar. I thought the iteam was causing or increasing damage from the familiar so I didn't want it.

In any event it might be worth discussing the default behavior and possible changes. Feature Request? My plate is pretty full so if anyone else cares, consider making the FR instead of waiting for me :-)
It shows as (part of) the throne enchantment when the ghost is enthroned. The "Put a Familiar In It! That Familiar gains 1 Experience per Fight" enchantments are the throne itself, whatever else it shows is derived from the enthroned familiar.
You know what I never knew this. But then I don't have a Bjorn
You know what I never knew this. But then I don't have a Bjorn
I have both. I sold a Mr. A to buy a crown of thrones way back when. How far back? Mid-January 2014. How do I remember that? Guess when the Bjorn came out....
</off topic>
This isn't an argument against changing the default behavior, but if it ever isn't suitable then you can use a familiar script to override the behavior however you would like.
Actually that IMO is a strong argument for not changing the default and for documenting the existence of the behavior and the workaround. Thank you for reminding us.
Bjorn stuff and the stat familiar flag are addressed in r20555
I think special-casing behavior for familiars that can't ever be equipped is still appropriate. I can write and maintain a familiar script, but not everyone can, and I suspect that mafia users for whom "find and install a familiar script" is a major hurdle are the same ones who will expect mafia to auto-equip their familiar when switching off of a crimbo ghost.

On a semi-related note, in the familiar script thread lostcalpolydude linked, he said "Currently, if you switch from a familiar wearing anything to a familiar wearing nothing, mafia will equip what it thinks is best on the new familiar, with no control over that process." The crimbo ghosts have me paying extra manual attention to familiar gear right now, and I just noticed that that's not what's happening currently (r20555). If I switch off of a familiar wearing some sort of generic equipment (hookah, child leash), it auto-equips the new familiar, but if I switch off of a familiar wearing its own equipment (e.g., Pocket Professor Memory Chip), it doesn't auto-equip the new familiar. No idea when this changed. I'll make a new bug-report thread after RO, but I need to not lose turns to RO tonight.
May still need an X/10 fight counter for the Commerce ghost.
Every 10 combat victories, it'll tell you to buy something from the mall, which you do and then it rewards 25x playerlevel in stats at the end of the next combat victory (and then resets to 0/10).
Other things I plan on doing
  • Track the item that the Ghost of Crimbo Commerce asks you for

The tracking of the Ghost of Crimbo Commerce item would sure be super useful now that it is a major part of leveling in early 2021 play.
Do we have a way to force a purchase from the mall even if the npc price is lower when using something like buy()? Someone got a request for a cool whip and they couldn't figure out how to automate buying it from the mall because the npc was always used instead.
Why would you want to buy from the mall if the NPC price is lower?
I don't understand the motivation for this question.
Why would you want to buy from the mall if the NPC price is lower?
I don't understand the motivation for this question.
The Ghost of Crimbo Commerce tells you to buy a specific item, specifically from the mall. Doing so gives a reward in the form of a pile of stats.