New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

You point the X-Ray emitter of your Lil' Doctor™ bag, leave the room, and press the button on the remote. When you come back in, your enemy is extremely angry, having suffered 60 damage from the unshielded radiation.
doctorBagQuestLocation isn't set correctly if you've finished Mayor Zapruder's quest and the location the quest is sending you to is the Bugbear pens.
It is being set to "The Bugbear Pens" when it should be "Post-Quest Bugbear Pens" at that point.

I'm not well versed in the intricacies of snarfblats to know if there are any other locations where this could be an issue so there may be other occurrences of this bug.


> version

KoLmafia v18.11 r19103
If you use adv1 and get the quest offer pop up, automation fails even with choiceAdventure1340 = 1

[62503] The X-32-F Combat Training Snowman
Preference lastEncounter changed from horrible tourist family to the X-32-F Combat Training Snowman
Encounter: the X-32-F Combat Training Snowman
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20190305085036 to 20190305085044
Preference _stinkyCheeseCount changed from 41 to 42
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
Preference _snojoParts changed from 4 to 5
Round 1: Malibu Stacey executes a macro!
Round 1: Malibu Stacey casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence (3)
Round 2: CNV grabs your opponent's pant legs, preventing it from attacking you.
Round 2: Malibu Stacey casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: You lose 1 hit point
Round 3: You lose 1 hit point
Round 3: You lose 2 hit points
Round 3: You lose 1 hit point
Round 3: Malibu Stacey casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 4: X-32-F Combat Training Snowman takes 4592 damage.
Round 4: Malibu Stacey wins the fight!
You gain 193 Meat
You gain 34 Meat.
After Battle: CNV rubs against your leg, shedding a stray pixel.
You acquire an item: yellow pixel
You acquire an item: power pill
Preference _powerPillDrops changed from 0 to 1
After Battle: You gain 6 Beefiness
After Battle: You gain 3 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 8 Cheek
Preference testudinalTeachings changed from 150:5|211:3|203:2|267:4|266:4|198:1|213:4|207:3|206:4|214:5|210:5|197:4|269:3|209:3 to 150:5|211:3|203:2|267:4|266:4|198:1|213:4|207:3|206:4|214:5|210:5|197:5|269:3|209:3
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference _snojoFreeFights changed from 4 to 5
Preference snojoMoxieWins changed from 1075 to 1076
Preference questPAGhost changed from unstarted to started
Preference ghostLocation changed from to The Overgrown Lot
Preference nextParanormalActivity changed from 532887 to 532938
Paranormal activity reported at The Overgrown Lot.

A choice follows this fight immediately.

A choice follows this fight immediately.

EDIT: Looks like it's also incrementing counters unnecessarily. My Digitize counter was off by one the next time it showed up after the above.
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EDIT: Looks like it's also incrementing counters unnecessarily. My Digitize counter was off by one the next time it showed up after the above.

That's not how counters work. Counters are a target turn number, so they never change except when they are cleared completely. Maybe it was set wrong initially, somehow? If you did some stuff that didn't use adventure.php and mafia incorrectly started the counter anyway, that would do it.
I'd been automating 400+ adventures when that happened from the adventure tab or by adv1().
It's probably not related as it looks like the Vote counter was off by 1 once and the Digitize counter was off by 1 a following time (2 total) yesterday.
Literally never seen this happen before.

EDIT: figured out the problem with the Digitize wanderers. My Doctor bag quest location is the Dire Warren & my script is trying to fight the wanderers there to progress the quest. Doesn't explain the Vote Wanderer though as that was attempted in the Toxic Teacups but I'm not going to worry too much about it unless it becomes a regular occurrence.
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Could a daily preference be added for tracking whether you’ve gotten a blood bag during a Dark Gyffte run?
That would be nice. Although if doing that, might as well track all sources of blood bags. which would be:
1. whether you got the basic 5 bags from bloodbank
2. whether you got the 2 extra bags from bloodbank thanks to the skill. (can share a variable with number 1)
3. whether you got a blood bag from your cloake
4. whether you got a blood bag from lil doctor kit.

I think 3 daily preferences here then?
Bumping from Page 5. I think this is as done as its going to be, but let's consider it.
I am looking at the doctor bag tracking preferences and I am not seeing one to track whether it dropped a blood bag for a vampyre. It needs to be a _ preference btw since it resets daily.
Am I just not looking in the right place or is there no such tracker?

If there isn't one, it would be great if this could be added. Should I provide a debug log of it dropping?