I found setTimeout( getCLIUpdate, 4000 ) and changed it to setTimeout( getCLIUpdate, 1500 ) in cli.html. If there is a different place to change the timing, tell me and ignore the most of this post.
Running from the jar my version cli.html made it into the relay sub-directory so I assume a jar running user will get the changes. Any one else presumably has the tools and knowledge to get the right file where it needs to be. Bottom line is my concerns about deployment, voiced above, seem to be unfounded.
As for the patch itself, I still don't feel like it is working, or working well. I run mafia, open the relay browser and enable the gCLI in the relay browser. I see a colored oval under the command entry line in the relay gCLI and define success based upon whether that oval is the same color as the character pane on the left of the KoLmafia display or not. Most of the time they don't match. I wondered whether the gray and green colors were reversed but then I get a couple flashes when both places match green or gray.
I note mafia is usually green when I have a script running but the relay cli is gray. This situation can last from three to five minutes with no change.
Entering a command at the relay gCLI does not seem to change the situation.
I admit to a certain laziness in trying to understand what the changed code is doing but something does not seem right. I don't know whether it is my browser/settings, expectations, or whether there are "state changes" that are not being captured and sent to the relay gCLI.