Iconic Relay Overriding, Now More At Nonpareil (Iron Man)

By "that", I mean the script that has the "M" next to a box that brings you to the mall search. I haven't used your topmenu.ash ever since I got bored and decided to create a working imitation of Mr. Script's topmenu, so I'm not sure if yours has that as well. The screenshot seemed to suggest otherwise, though.
EDIT: I have done some of the stuff you guys have said, i just can't figure out how to make it so that it checks if you have gotten the consumables that run, i also can't seem to find out how to check which tattoo you have and how much the current one costs

string page=visit_url("account_tattoos.php");
matcher m=create_matcher("/hobotat(\\d*).gif",b);
int ctat=0;
int nextTatCost=0;
if (m.find()) ctat=group(m,1).to_int();
if (ctat<19) nextTatCost=20+20*ctat;
This is now a Master Relay Override script, I added the Hobo Tattoo in there.
I left the individual files in the .Zip file just in case someone wants them like that.
I decided to try the charpane.ash script and it seemed to work well at first when spleen and fullness were at 0. After using some spleen, the information stopped displaying unless I refreshed the character pane, and even then there is no fullness or spleen info displayed. And then the info (meat%, item% and songs) will disappear again, once I adventure somewhere.

Does this not work unless you use the whole package ? I have no idea what a "Master Relay Override" script is. Is this necessary to use the charpane.ash (which is really the only one I was interested in, I have no use for all of the others.) ?

I guess I need to know if I am using this correctly or if something is wrong with the charpane.ash script itself ? All I did was extract the charpane.ash from the zip file and place it in the relay directory. I didn't set any Master Relay Override.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
That is actually from mafia, it seems that it uses a cached charpane.php while you are adventuring, so the script takes no effect. There was sum discussion of that Here
OK. Thanks for the information. But should the fullness / spleen information be displayed when the script does fire ? I only get the hourglass, the meat and items and the songs info.
So...I looked in the frame source and managed to figure out that the fullness and spleen will not display unless you have "Cache KoL images to conserve bandwidth" enabled in Preferences > Browser. The image "src" url is different when the cache images option is disabled.
Finally got around to trying this script and it's pretty great.

One thing I tweaked: since there's already an hourglass above your adventures, I just made that one display my rollover adventures when I click it (instead of the silly help text). Makes charpane.php significantly cleaner.

Now that I think about it.. I could just inject the rollover information into the mouseover alt text on the hourglass. I think.