i need hidden temple script


New member
i need an adventuring script for the hidden temple

i want it to use all but 1 adventure

and whenever i get beaten up it should restore 1 hp from doc galactic

i can't pay you but i will name a familiar after you and put a thank you in my profile
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but when you are in the Hidden Temple, my recovery script will only heal 1 HP using Doc Galaktik, among many other improvements to mafia's recovery ability.

That way if you use my script, it will automatically adjust your healing requirements whenever you enter the temple so you can use mafia's automated adventuring there without any worry.
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Okay, I thought a bit about what you wanted and it was a little interesting, but not too time consuming, so I wrote it up for you. The important part was to bypass normal recovery so that it will only heal that 1 HP, not try to recover from beaten up or abort activity because of insufficient HP.

This should be exactly what you wanted. Please choose a nice familiar to name after me.


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You don't like the burn? I figured that since the hidden temple will drain your MP, if you have any MP (or have MP regeneration), you'd like to use it on something before it is lost.
I suspect you are using an old version of kolMafia then. Checking the logs, it seems that the burn command was only added to kolMafia on June 8. There's been an official release since then, but obviously not everyone updates.

It's fine if you delete that line, or else you could update.
I confess that makes sense. I was thinking of burning off mana gained by mana regen while in the temple, but it does work better for several reasons if you put it first.
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