Feature HP burning in HP/MP Usage for Dark Gyffte skills

I've permed the Blood Bubble skill, because it sounded really handy to be able to not take any damage from an enemy's first attack. So far I haven't been disappointed. Mafia is able to re-cast the skill when it runs out, but it doesn't seem willing to queue it up past 3 turns. I was thinking that if the mana burning functionality was duplicated for HP, moods would be able to better queue up many turns of that and other Dark Gyffte-related skills that take HP to cast. Say, "Start recasting at 95% HP, recast Dark Gyffte buffs down to 80% HP", that kind of thing. I run with HP-restoring familiars much of the time, so I'd love Mafia to be able to queue up lots of turns when I'm not worried about my HP, and can switch to a different familiar once I've got enough turns queued up.

EDIT: This is actually two requests in one, I guess - make Mafia be able to queue more than 1 cast of skills that take HP, and add the aforementioned HP-burning functionality.
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Giving this a bump, I guess? Is that a thing on this forum? Although, I am in the middle of downloading the latest KoLMafia as I write this, so maybe I should wait until after it's done to see whether or not this has been implemented... nahhhhh.
Giving this a bump, I guess? Is that a thing on this forum? Although, I am in the middle of downloading the latest KoLMafia as I write this, so maybe I should wait until after it's done to see whether or not this has been implemented... nahhhhh.

Bump is fine, The absence of discussion almost certainly means nothing has been done. I cannot tell whether this was overlooked, deemed of no widespread interest, deemed more work than anyone wanted to invest or what. Maybe this comment will start discussion?
I recently went through the first 10 pages of the backlog and resolved things I knew were done and bumped things thst seemed important to me. I saw this, but 1) I am done with Dark Gyffte and 2) I didn’t use automated buffing when I was doing it, so, it didn’t appeal to me.

I don’t understand what you mean by “queuing” buffs. Sounds sort of like a preemptive mood or something.
The skill in question, Blood Bubble, isn't one that's part of the Dark Gyffte path itself. Doing Dark Gyffte while it was in season gave a tradeable Booke of Vampyric Knowledge, which gives a skill based on current class. These can then be used in any path that allows permed skills. And all of them use HP to cast instead of MP.

KoLmafia currently has MP burning functionality, where if you have MP above some threshold, it can automatically use that extra for summons and buffs. As I understand it, this request would be to have something similar for HP burning, so instead of just being able to recast the Blood Bubble when the effect runs out, you'd be able to automatically use any HP above some threshold to build up those effects.

This seems like a really niche thing, though, given how few skills use HP. It's also something that can potentially be done via scripted moods. For example, you could have an unconditional trigger that executes this:
ashq if (my_hp() > .95 * my_maxhp()) use_skill((my_hp() - .8 * my_maxhp()) / hp_cost($skill[Blood Bond]), $skill[Blood Bond])
I kinda forgot about this for a while. I would still like to get Mafia to queue up more turns of Blood Bubble. Currently it's re-casting it whenever it runs out, but it doesn't do it multiple times and so the maximum it'll queue is 3 turns.

This seems like a really niche thing, though, given how few skills use HP. It's also something that can potentially be done via scripted moods. For example, you could have an unconditional trigger that executes this:
ashq if (my_hp() > .95 * my_maxhp()) use_skill((my_hp() - .8 * my_maxhp()) / hp_cost($skill[Blood Bond]), $skill[Blood Bond])

Did you test this? Does it work? If it does work, how do I go about adding it to my Mafia?
I haven't tested the command as written but to try it yourself:
  1. Go to the mood tab on the adventure tab
  2. Create a new mood
  3. On the "Trigger On" line select "Unconditional trigger" from the dropdown
  4. Copy the command above in to the "Command" slot
  5. Hit the add entry button
  6. Hit execute and see whether it works
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