Help with use of Transcendent Olfaction


New member
Hello, longtime reader and now firsttime poster.

I have a question about olfaction: is it possible to use this skill with the standard kolmafia option "custom combat"?
Atm i use this option to automatically use "disco nirvana" when farming, and i would like to use olfaction as often as possible on goth giants when im farming in the castle.

Is it possible to implement this with custom combat, or would i need a "true" script to be able to do this?

tnx in advance for the help!
This is easily doable in custom combat, either through a regular "skill olfaction" command or by using First Things First and adding Goth Giants to your list of olfacted monsters. Good luck.

This is the wrong place to ask this, by the way. There's a Community Support forum where you can ask for help, or a Custom Combat Scripts forum where you can ask for help on partially completed ccs's.
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I have a question about olfaction: is it possible to use this skill with the standard kolmafia option "custom combat"?
Atm i use this option to automatically use "disco nirvana" when farming, and i would like to use olfaction as often as possible on goth giants when im farming in the castle.

Is it possible to implement this with custom combat, or would i need a "true" script to be able to do this?

If you are currently under the effect of olfaction, the CCS will skip to the next action in the list.
I have a related question.

How would I make a script or CC that would:

1. Be adventuring in the castle, if a script
2. If not currently under the effects of Olfaction, when first sighting a Goth Giant, putty it and olfact it
3. When olfact runs out, use the spooky putty monster
4. Use spooky putty and Olfact the spooky putty monster
5. Resume adventuring in the castle
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until I run out of spooky putty/adventures

This would be the best way to keep up an olfaction of the Goth Giants as far as I can tell (to use spooky putty instead of waiting for a new one).

I assume it would have to be a script, seeing as I tell it to use the spooky putty monster. More precisely, it has to check to see whether I have a spooky putty monster or a sheet, and if I have olfaction. Probably at the end of every adventure, unless there's a way to only tell it to check after olfaction has run out.

- If neither, then castle it up until I find one and do both.
- If I have the monster, but no olfaction, then use the monster, make a new one from it, and olfact it. Check to see if it is indeed the Goth Giant first, else just beat the tar out of it and resume castling.
- If I have olfaction but no monster for some reason, then putty the next one you see.
- If I have both, then continue adventuring in the castle.
- This is all assuming the olfaction is indeed of the Goth Giant; if it detects olfaction but it's not of the Goth Giant, it would shrug it off.
- Optionally, detect whether I've used up all my spooky putty and just continue olfacting without it. I don't mind missing a turn in combat, so.

Any help on this one, folks? I have a pretty good idea of how it would work, as you can see, but I can't script for the life of me. And don't worry about time, this is theoretical, since I still have several months to go before I get olfaction >_<
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here is something to help you out.
These are the scripts I use every day.

You will need to adjust them if you want to use them with you character.
They are easy to understand and give you an idea for your own script.


Thanks, asturia.

Am I wrong to assume that your adventures.ash basically does this, along with some other fancy things?

I have to find out what checkcombat() and void does, and then I'll pretty much wholly understand the script, I think.
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With the function Checkcombat I verify that I have the correct ccs selected for adventuring.
My ccs are also included if I'm not mistaken.

But yes basically does what you want including some other stuff.
Been using mafia for awhile now and am now trying to script more to get exactly what I want done.

If I use in custom combat script:
[goth giant]
1: steal
2: skill olfaction
3: skill disco dance of doom
4: skill disco dance ii
5: attack

for a castle run, how do I proceed for a mob that isn't a goth giant but running all the same script except the olfaction?
If this is your ccs it will use the olfaction for the goth giant and every thing else will use the portion without olfaction, but otherwise identical.

[ default ]
1:  steal
2:  skill disco dance of doom
3:  skill disco dance ii
4:  attack

[ goth giant ]
1:  steal
2:  skill olfaction
3:  skill disco dance of doom
4:  skill disco dance ii
5:  attack

Is that what you meant?
These days, I would probably do this:

Use Jason's action bar to set - or clear - as desired "Pickpocket before simple actions" and set the CCS like this:

[ default ]
1: skill disco dance of doom
2: skill disco dance ii
3: attack

[ goth giant ]
1: skill olfaction
2: default

This way, you can turn on and off pickpocketing without changing your CCS, and you can change your default set of actions as desired without having to change the CCS of monsters that you want to Olfact.
Except that it doesn't work that way - "simple actions" means "anything but a CCS", I assumed that if you had gone to the trouble of setting up a CCS you would have put the steal action there.
Well, Obviously I hadn't tried exactly that. :-/

I have a "steal" line as action #1 in my CCS. It ignores it when I am the wrong class or don't get initiative. I've been intending to simplify and use Jason's feature, but I guess I need to rethink that. Rats.

Try this, then:

[ default ]
1: steal
2: skill disco dance of doom
3: skill disco dance ii
4: attack

[ goth giant ]
1: steal
2: skill olfaction
3: default