Has maximize-min changed?


Active member
> mymax 10 moxie, 10 elemental damage, 10000 min, 10 max

1 combinations checked, best score 2,627.25 (FAIL)

> mymax 10 moxie, 10 elemental damage, 1000 min, 10 max

1 combinations checked, best score 2,627.25
Mymax, since I'm calling it in this:
mymax => ashq string maxstring = "0 beeosity, 4 item, 3 meat, 2 mainstat, .05 familiar weight, " + (my_primestat() == $stat[Moxie] ? "ranged damage, weapon damage, .1 initiative, -melee, " : my_primestat() == $stat[Muscle] ? "weapon damage, .1 initiative, melee, " : "spell damage, .1 initiative, ") + "%%"; maximize(maxstring, false);

Basically, the way I remember the 'min' working is that it modifies the bit immediately prior to say that it's a requirement for the whole maximization string being suggessful. It appears now to just require the total score to reach that level, not the score for that specific entry. My goal is to maximize for moxie (while still liking things like initiative and item drop over other tie items), with a minimum of 10 elemental damage points... max does still work the way I'd expect, where only 10 points of elemental damage are counted, but... I can't get it to prefer elemental damage without going way overboard anymore.
min/max have never worked on compound modifiers like "elemental damage". That's really just a shortcut for specifying the five individual elemental damage types, all with the same weight.
Ahh... that explains it. Thanks jason... guess I'll need to try to figure out some other way to limit for deciding when Hidden City can be weapon-smacked. :)

Guessing that means that the new hp regen and mp regen that work as compounds fail in the same way.