New Content Grey You Challenge Path


Well-known member
Here are a couple of the things that happened in the new path:

  • At the start of day two of a HC Grey You run I logged in with KoLmafia r26249 and it had the character at level one with all the stats as if this were turn zero of day one. I tried hitting the resync button but but that did nothing. As soon as I loaded the relay browser everything updated.
  • I tried to use the item manager to create some edibles that the character could consume but, at some point between acquiring Boris's key and eating the pie my level dropped to 1. Reloading the relay browser "fixed" the issue.
  • It seems that there is no limit to the number of food/drink/spleen items that may be consumed in a given day but only one of each, unique, item may be consumed in a given ascension.
  • I tried to use the item manager to create some edibles that the character could consume but, at some point between acquiring Boris's key and eating the pie my level dropped to 1.
  • Edit: here is what the character consumed on day one but the session logs don't have the information needed to spade what the gain is after consumption. None of the items consumed granted additional turns.

eat 1 carton of snake milk

eat 1 cherry

eat 1 cherry

eat 1 chorizo taco

eat 1 grapefruit

eat 1 grapes

eat 1 Knob sausage

eat 1 magical baguette

eat 1 overcookie

eat 1 pigeon egg

eat 1 void burger

drink 1 bottle of tequila

drink 1 Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau

drink 1 premium malt liquor

chew 1 beefy pill

chew 1 magicalness-in-a-can

chew 1 moxie weed

use 1 Cloaca-Cola
You gain 13 Mana Points
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You don't want to eat key pies, muffins, etc. You'll absorb the whole thing and get no items back. Maybe a protection is needed? Is someone foolish enough to test a TPS drink once this leaves standard?

Food gives +2 max HP. Booze gives +2 max MP. Spleen gives +1 of both. Tracking everything consumed would certainly be nice. You can't just test everything, because you can consume crafted items too.
You don't want to eat key pies, muffins, etc. You'll absorb the whole thing and get no items back. Maybe a protection is needed? Is someone foolish enough to test a TPS drink once this leaves standard?
I'm crazy enough to test anything. But I'm not stupid (and possibly not rich) enough to buy or trade for one such thing. So, someone would have to send me one. At which point, they'd be better off just testing it themself.
I went for, and consumed, a key lime pie (+2 max HP) and a Steel Margarita (+2 max MP), just to see what would happen. Given that this is a new path, and a HC ascension, I'm more interested in finding things out than speed. That said...I will NOT be testing what happens with a TPS drink in this path. :eek:
My guess about stats going to zero seems correct. I commented out "KoLCharacter.setStatPoints(muscle, rawmuscle, mysticality, rawmysticality, moxie, rawmoxie);" at the end of "request/" (that's parsed from JSON) and I no longer have that problem. I'm sure that makes for other problems. An actual fix would be obviously be more complicated.
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Ha! I know this isn't real, but it freaked me out for a second.
You acquire an item: Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)
Hunting eggs...
You acquire an item: grue egg
Looking for knick-knacks...
You lose 1800 Strongness
You lose 1800 Enchantedness
You lose 1800 Chutzpah
Navigating the forest...
Finding the giant...
You learned a new skill: CLEESH
You acquire an item: giant pinky ring
Strange leaflet completed (magic invoked).
I have to say that I'm underwhelmed at the starting "bonus" after completing a HC Grey You run. Upon starting a second run the character was granted +2 to each starting stat. So instead of starting with one of each it was three. :rolleyes:
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I figured as much. I wonder why TPTB didn't provision some mechanism for retaining learned skills for future Grey You runs? That would have been interesting.
Probably the same reason for the nerfs to Olfaction and item pulls. They want cut down on speed ascending and "encourage people to have fun and enjoy the game", according to what was said in the stream shortly after the nerf-fest.
Oof. Attempting to maximize for +adventures with the maximizer in r26264 in Grey You, out of ronin, mafia keeps reporting my base stats at 0 after each piece of equipment is equipped, and thus doesn't think it can equip any gear that has a stat requirement. I have to go back to relay browser and refresh there to make it refresh in mafia, so it'll equip something that has a stat requirement. Things that don't have this requirement, such as the counter-clockwise watch, get equipped just fine. So, logic tells me that it's gotta be mafia thinking I have 0 stats. Debug log is included for 1 item equip and failure of the next. Attempting to do multiple ones with the refresh included, caused the debug file to be over 1M, so I couldn't upload that.


Oof. Attempting to maximize for +adventures with the maximizer in r26264 in Grey You, out of ronin, mafia keeps reporting my base stats at 0 after each piece of equipment is equipped, and thus doesn't think it can equip any gear that has a stat requirement. I have to go back to relay browser and refresh there to make it refresh in mafia, so it'll equip something that has a stat requirement. Things that don't have this requirement, such as the counter-clockwise watch, get equipped just fine. So, logic tells me that it's gotta be mafia thinking I have 0 stats. Debug log is included for 1 item equip and failure of the next. Attempting to do multiple ones with the refresh included, caused the debug file to be over 1M, so I couldn't upload that.
Yup. That's what I was talking about in post #5. Mafia checks api.php to update your stats after each equip and KoL is bugged. I commented that out, but it has the side effect that mafia doesn't know how your stats have changed.
I see that api.php provides basemuscle (unbuffed stats), rawmuscle (raw substats), and muscle (buffed stat) (along with equivalents for the other stats). KoLmafia ignores basemuscle, since it can be calculated from the more precise rawmuscle value. But in Grey You, rawmuscle is a useless value while basemuscle is accurate. Looks like parsing basemuscle, squaring it, and recording that as rawmuscle would be a reasonable fix (and only done in Grey You).

If I had a reasonable workflow sorted out, I could probably do that pretty quickly. (My one update since the transition was done inline at But the changes should go in the last function of CharSheetRequest.
Revision 26281 adds a little command which you might find useful.


will print out an HTML table showing all the gooskills, what monster drops them, where to find it, whether you have it, and what it does.

gooskills needed

will print only skills you don't have

By default, the table is sorted by skill ID, but you can change that:

gooskills id
gooskills name
gooskills monster
gooskills zone

(You can include needed, if you wish.)
(Would "name" be a better default for sort key?)

I started my first (only?) Grey You run today after I finished this and found it useful.

Some observations:

- I got the Phase Shift and Photonic Shroud skills - each of which gives Combat Rate -10%. They show up on the Skill Casting frame, but when I maximize for -combat, they do not show up. (Looks at statuseffects.txt). Yes. None of the three combat rate affecting goo skills are listed as a source for the effect they create. That's an easy fix.

- I just noticed that Hivemindedness doesn't show its effect. (Looks at modifiers.txt)
# Hivemindedness: Regenerate 100 MP per Adventure (Scales with your Mysticality)
That would be nice to make into an actual modifier. Like "MP Regen Min: [XXX], MP Regen Max: [XXX]", where XXX is the actual formula.
Hmm. My (unadjusted) Mysticality is 419. The skill description says "Restore 42 MP per adventure."
I think I can guess what the formula is.

- I noticed that the writing desk is no longer valid for "Back-up to your Last Enemy". Poo!

Suggestions are welcome.
I'm in my third Grey You run and, for my purposes, I've found that sorting by zone is the most helpful. I scraped the wiki skill list, put them into a spreadsheet sorted by zone, and this will save me looking back and forth between windows. Thank you!

In a perfect world there would be a way to display the Grey You skills available in the zone in which the character is adventuring.
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