New Content Grey You Challenge Path

In a perfect world there would be a way to display the Grey You skills available in the zone in which the character is adventuring.
This sounds like something that might fit nicely as a brick in CHIT and/or a section in TourGuide, since I know they both can display things conditionally based on challenge path.

(Would "name" be a better default for sort key?)
I think the Character page sorts by ID, right? Do you think it's important to match that for default behavior, or is it probably not really relevant to how people would want to use this?
In a perfect world there would be a way to display the Grey You skills available in the zone in which the character is adventuring.
In a perfect world, we'd have all the information about which monsters give skills or +Adventures or +Stats and could display them in zones:

The Defiled Crannyyesgluttonous ghuol+7 Adventures
nogaunt ghuolMoxie +10
The Copperhead Clubyesfan dancerSubatomic Tango
noMob Penguin Capo+10 Adventures

In addition to having the stats/adventures info, that would require parsing the Absorptions from the Char Sheet.
Revision 26285 adds the "absorptions" command


will list all Grey You absorptions, sorted by zone. It tells you which monster grants it, whether you have it, the type of the absorption and info about what you got.

absorptions needed

will list only the ones you don't have (as shown on the charsheet)

absorptions skill (or skills)
absorptions adventures (or advs)
absorptions muscle (or mus)
absorptions mysticality (or myst or mys)
absorptions moxie (or mox)
absorptions maxhp
absorptions maxmp

(You can also include "needed") will list only the absorptions of the specified type.

For skills, you only get the skill name. If you want the effects, use to gooskills command

Speaking of which:

gooskills type

Is the new default way to sort the skills. You can just say "gooskills" and this is what you get.

First Combat skills (by name)
Then Non-Combat skills (by name)
Finally Passive skills
- by type (there are 18 types - 5 elemental damage, 5 elemental resistance, damage absorption and reduction, item and meat drop, initiative, hp and mp regen, rollover adventures)
- within type, by power (amount of resistance, number of adventures, and so on)
- finally by name, if there are multiple with same type and power. Which there aren't.
Attached is the changed Council text for the various quests for this path. I'm not sure what else is needed to implement this and I'm not sure that I got the formatting correct but here it is.


Revision 26285 adds the "absorptions" command


will list all Grey You absorptions, sorted by zone. It tells you which monster grants it, whether you have it, the type of the absorption and info about what you got.
Does this include re-process matter uses? Each non-skill target can be activated a second time by the goose, meaning that only displaying the status of your native absorb leaves out a fairly significant bit of info.
Does this include re-process matter uses? Each non-skill target can be activated a second time by the goose, meaning that only displaying the status of your native absorb leaves out a fairly significant bit of info.
I did my one and only Grey You run without a goose. I don’t think it was understood at the time. I am quite sure _I_ did not understand it, since what you just said was news to me.

Do we track when the goose activates? If so, easy to update the command. If not, that’s the necessary first step.

Perhaps I will have to make another Grey You run to test. Rats. I’ve ascended 18 times this year and was looking forward to a break.
Nobody has done anything yet to support the Grey Goose.

Wiki says that the success message is "NAME launches almost all of its body mass at your foe. The blob careens off of THEM and then reforms into an identical copy, which is so surprised to exist that it immediately keels over."

It also says "Each monster can be re-absorbed only once per ascension. Afterwards, the skill becomes unavailable in combat against that specific enemy."

OK. I will work on the Grey Goose today. This should be enough info for me to track Grey Goose absorptions.
How does your charsheet look when you have absorbed a monster both by yourself and from your Grey Goose?
Could you post a DEBUG log of visiting your Char Sheet, please?
Can you absorb twice from the same fight? I.e., once with the goose and once by defeating the monster?
Wiki says you can absorb a skill with the goose, but you will not get a second instance of the skill.
Could you post a DEBUG log of a Fight where you used your goose to absorb something, please?
Preferably one where it was not a skill, but I wouldn't mind also having one where you got a skill.
I added support for the Grey Goose - EXCEPT for tracking goose absorptions.
Before I can begin on that, I need to know if they appear on the Char Sheet, like Fight absorptions.
If so, I need a DEBUG log of such a char sheet so I know how to parse them.
If not, that seems like a KoL oversight/bug. :)
I suppose KoLmafia could maintain a property to track them, but, ick.
I did my one and only Grey You run without a goose. I don’t think it was understood at the time. I am quite sure _I_ did not understand it, since what you just said was news to me.

Do we track when the goose activates? If so, easy to update the command. If not, that’s the necessary first step.
Goose re-absorb is tracked by "NAME launches almost all of its body mass..." as you said.
This immediately gives you whatever special absorb you would have received as if you killed the monster.
How does your charsheet look when you have absorbed a monster both by yourself and from your Grey Goose?
Could you post a DEBUG log of visiting your Char Sheet, please?
There appears to be no charsheet indication of what monsters you use goose to re-absorb. I believe the assumption was that every monster you Goose re-absorb would have been absorbed naturally anyway, but you can also absorb+banish on a monster.
Can you absorb twice from the same fight? I.e., once with the goose and once by defeating the monster?
Wiki says you can absorb a skill with the goose, but you will not get a second instance of the skill.
Could you post a DEBUG log of a Fight where you used your goose to absorb something, please?
Preferably one where it was not a skill, but I wouldn't mind also having one where you got a skill.
Yes. The goose doubling up your natural absorbs is the main reason why the fam is so relevant for GY. All non-skills can be re-absorbed twice (adventures, stats, hp, mp). I don't have DEBUG logs for it, unfortunately.

[9] The Haunted Kitchen
Encounter: possessed silverware drawer
Round 0: the erosionseeker wins initiative!
Round 1: the erosionseeker casts RE-PROCESS MATTER!
Round 2: <Grey Goose> launches almost all of its body mass at your foe. The blob careens off of it and then reforms into an identical copy, which is so surprised to exist that it immediately keels over.
Round 2: You gain 7 Adventures
Round 3: the erosionseeker casts INFINITE LOOP!
Round 4: possessed silverware drawer takes 27 damage.
Round 4: the erosionseeker wins the fight!
After Battle: <Grey Goose> does the nanobot. Which is a dance like the robot, but smaller and harder to see.
You acquire an item: corn holder
After Battle: You gain 7 Adventures

More specific to the goose, the other bit of tracking needed is for the drones, maybe gooseDronesRemaining
  • X bits of goo emerge from <name> and begin hovering about, moving probingly around various objects.
  • One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the <item> and then transforms into an exact replica. <X-1> more drones are still circling around.
  • One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the <item> and then transforms into an exact replica. That was the last drone.
Goose re-absorb is tracked by "NAME launches almost all of its body mass..." as you said.
This immediately gives you whatever special absorb you would have received as if you killed the monster.
Yes. I could track that in a KoLmafia property.

There appears to be no charsheet indication of what monsters you use goose to re-absorb. I believe the assumption was that every monster you Goose re-absorb would have been absorbed naturally anyway, but you can also absorb+banish on a monster.
The issue, as you pointed out, is that if you neglect to goose absorb a monster (your goose was not heavy enough?) you have to remember to come later for it, if it is important to you.

And for KoLmafia, sure - I can add a column to the table for the absorptions command - Fight and Goose - and check off the second one if we happened to see you do it and add it to the setting. That's clumsy. Considering that KoL itself obviously knows if you've done a goose absorption, it COULD make it easy for you, rather than forcing you to depend on your memory - just as it does for normal absorptions.

It is probably true that "every monster you Goose re-absorb would have been absorbed naturally", but the opposite is not true - and you have to depend on your memory.

Seems like an oversight.

Yes. The goose doubling up your natural absorbs is the main reason why the fam is so relevant for GY. All non-skills can be re-absorbed twice (adventures, stats, hp, mp). I don't have DEBUG logs for it, unfortunately.
Thanks. Don't need a DEBUG. I can add to the Goose Absorptions set when we see the goose do it, and to the regular absorptions list after the battle, as before.

More specific to the goose, the other bit of tracking needed is for the drones, maybe gooseDronesRemaining
  • X bits of goo emerge from <name> and begin hovering about, moving probingly around various objects.
  • One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the <item> and then transforms into an exact replica. <X-1> more drones are still circling around.
  • One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the <item> and then transforms into an exact replica. That was the last drone.
Yeah, OK. I'll un-mark the Goose as being Implemented. :)
This is a note to add 'System Sweep' as a Banisher in and wherever else makes that work the way it does
It banishes for the rest of the day.
Is it limited?
If you banish another monster, does this one return?
If you free the king and cease being Grey You, does the monster return?
Revision 26281 adds a little command which you might find useful.


will print out an HTML table showing all the gooskills, what monster drops them, where to find it, whether you have it, and what it does.

gooskills needed

will print only skills you don't have

By default, the table is sorted by skill ID, but you can change that:

gooskills id
gooskills name
gooskills monster
gooskills zone

(You can include needed, if you wish.)
(Would "name" be a better default for sort key?)

I started my first (only?) Grey You run today after I finished this and found it useful.

Suggestions are welcome.
Gooskills is a nifty command and one I used heavily on my one (and so far only!) run. Thank you!
Suggestions (you did ask...):
  • a way to limit the list to available zones, so I know where I can pick stuff up now, probably a subset of needed, but maybe not.
  • a way to view classes of skills, like gooskills adventure for +adventure absorbs. Adventure, Damage (possibly by type), effects, stats, etc. seem like reasonable groupings.
These two are both in support of "where can I adventure now to fight something that gives me 10 adventures?"
  • A way to filter by string (might give me what I want with bullet #2 above
It banishes for the rest of the day.
Is it limited?
If you banish another monster, does this one return?
If you free the king and cease being Grey You, does the monster return?
The mechanic is that you do X damage, where X is your muscle. If that damage kills the enemy, then that enemy is banished until rollover. It's one of the skills I played around with when I did a grey you run. When you do banish a monster, it seems to act like a 20 mp alternative to the Seal Clubber skill "Batter Up!". I didn't bother to stick around after freeing the king to test that point. But yes, when you banish a second monster, the first one comes back, just like any other banish method.
The maximizer just recommended that the character chew a beefy pill for +cold resist. Eating, drinking, and spleen items should be removed from maximizer calculations for this path.
I just finished a run, expecting "gooseReprocessed" to be a list full of numbers of monsters I had Re-Processed from this PR, but there is something going wrong.

> get gooseReprocessed


Looking though my runlog, I see that after those two, I get 'Unexpected error, debug log printed.' after I casts RE-PROCESS MATTER!

[608] The Haunted Laboratory
Encounter: model skeleton
Round 0: ckb1 wins initiative!
Round 1: ckb1 executes a macro!
Round 1: ckb1 casts RE-PROCESS MATTER!
Round 2: ck-Bleak launches almost all of its body mass at your foe. The blob careens off of him and then reforms into an identical copy, which is so surprised to exist that it immediately keels over.
Round 2: Your nanites vibrate as they absorb the creature. It must have had a lot of potential energy!
Round 2: You gain 7 Adventures
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Round 2: ckb1 executes a macro!
Round 2: ckb1 uses the beehive!
Round 3: model skeleton takes 9 damage.
Round 3: model skeleton takes 9 damage.
Round 3: model skeleton takes 9 damage.
Round 3: ck-Bleak reaps your enemy for 1 damage.
Round 3: model skeleton takes 1 damage.
Round 3: ckb1 attacks!
Round 4: model skeleton takes 428 damage.
Round 4: ckb1 wins the fight!
After Battle: ck-Bleak moves as though a collective consciousness is attempting to mimic dance through the quick reorganization of tiny grey particles.
You acquire an item: funny bone
You acquire an effect: Musician's Musician's Moustache (11)
After Battle: Your nanites become excited as they incorporate this energetic creature.
After Battle: You gain 7 Adventures

Giant Debug log attached.
I turned on debugging for my last fight (when I noticed this) to it should have complete info on that.

