Bug - Fixed Goal does not update with location change

I'm going to spin the release now. I have a list of api.php changes that I asked CDM for. He says he'll get to them "soon" - and clarified that as being "10ish days or so." The world event will certainly introduce new items, but we handle those quite nicely with overrides.

I asked CDM for a mail api field to indicate if the mail is new. Unfortunately I did not get a response. :( Could you ask him if my request was noted? (Since he pays more attention to you.)
I suppose we could automatically make adventure.php overrides, now that Jick has said he has no problem with instantly supporting new areas, if you adventure in an unrecognized place. If the world event introduces new areas, I will do exactly that, which will only help people who use daily builds. Oh, well.

Would it be possible to also generate monster overrides fo runkown monsters so that consult scripts won't break down on those? Or is it intended to be like that in order to make us notice new content?
It stops execution with a "bad monster"-error and you have to fight the rest of the fight in the relay browser.
OK. I commented out the Icy Peak monsters. I made my CCS look like this:

[ default ]
consult consult.ash
try to steal an item
attack with weapon

consult.ash looks like this:

void main( string round, string encounter, string text )
	print( "Consult: In round " + round + " fighting " + encounter );

I got this:

[310120] Icy Peak
Encounter: Knott Yeti
Strategy: brianna [default]
Round 0: Brianna wins initiative!
Consult: In round 1 fighting knott yeti
Round 1: Brianna tries to steal an item!
Round 2: Brianna attacks!
Round 3: knott yeti takes 1489 damage.
Round 3: Brianna wins the fight!
After Battle: Gort winks at you.
You gain 584 Meat
You gain 12 Fortitude
You gain 5 Mysteriousness
You gain 12 Smarm

Let me try with a monster type:

void main( string round, monster encounter, string text )
	print( "Consult: In round " + round + " fighting " + encounter );
which gives me:
[310121] Icy Peak
Encounter: upgraded ram
Strategy: brianna [default]
Round 0: Brianna wins initiative!
Bad monster value: "upgraded ram"
Round 1: Brianna tries to steal an item!
Round 2: Brianna attacks!
Round 3: upgraded ram takes 1484 damage.
Round 3: Brianna wins the fight!
After Battle: Gort winks at you.
You gain 296 Meat
You acquire an item: ram horns
You gain 10 Beefiness
You gain 7 Wizardliness
You gain 11 Cheek
I see the "Bad monster value". I don't see the "aborts execution and you have to finish in the relay browser". You are correct in that it did not call my consult script. It just moved on to the next line in the CCS.

I don't see any reason to write an override for monsters.txt. I see a couple possibilities if we cannot coerce the encounter name into a monster:

- Give you $monster[none]
- Enter it into the internal monster table with null attributes, which will give you the monster name, at least.
I guess my "aborts execution" error came from the fact that I only had consult scripts (smartstasis and my own finisher) which meant that since it fell out of the consult script it then had no more lines to execute and aborted.

Number two sounds like a reasonable way to go ahead, thank you.
I was using the latest mafia build today (9280). I decided to spend some time in the Peak getting Hideous Eggs, so I set the goal for 3 and started mafia for a predetermined number of turns I had to burn. At the end of those turns, I still had not satisfied the condition, but I had made level 10 and switched to another zone and the +1 Hideous Egg goal persisted until I did "goals clear" in the cli.
I just encountered (v14.6 r9320) that the Goals dont change when I change location.

After spending a few adventures in the frathouse and changing the zone to the Dark Neck, the Goals stay "+1 homoerotic frat-paddle, +1 Orcish baseball cap, +1 Orcish cargo shorts". The other zones in the friars also show the frat outfit instead of the questgoals which I think used to be the default. Marking everything in the goals field clicking delete and clicking a new friar zone, the frat goals reappear.
Clicking the button to the Right in the goals field that open the dropdown with other goals also show the frathouse goals (figurine of slippery seal and rhinocerous hormones)
Same happened again now.
BeeCore, v14.6, r9346

I could not shake the Knob Goblin Elite Guard outfit goals when going to the Friars to get the quest items and had to restart Mafia, and going back to the Barracks afterwards I'm stuck with +1 eldritch butterknife as a goal.
Spookyraven wine goals

On my last few ascensions I have used the 'automatic' spookyraven location and the automatically determined goals to complete the the wine cellar. Which works beautifully, often only taking 4 or 5 adventures to complete the goal. After mafia has obtained the needed wines the goals box will say 'none'. I then proceed to pour the wines and kill Lord S. After I have done this, mafia re-adds goals for any wines that have been used up and also stops updating the adventure location box when I adventure elsewhere. This occurred today with r9494 (Win 7, 64 & FF 4.01). But I have noticed it with past revisions as well.

My question is: am I doing something wrong or is this a bug ?
Yeah. Sorry about that. This seems to be a special case of a known bug. Goals simply won't go away when we want them to. :(

I'll merge it into that bug report.

In the meantime please type goals clear in the CLI to make unwanted goals go away.
OOOOOH! This is working for me.

I wasn't able to confirm that this solved the problem in the Wine Cellar also since I was there yesterday, but I'm switching zones and the goals are being cleared.