This is what have. what should I change to get cleesh to work
## Slime Speed Run Script by Alhifar/zeroblah
## Modifications added in from Bale
notify Alhifar;
string version = "1.5.3";
string download_location = "";
## Note that the script takes care of aria, so it should NOT be in the mood being used.
string max_ml_outfit = "maxml";
string max_ml_familiar = "purse rat";
string min_ml_outfit = "minml";
string min_ml_familiar = "hobo monkey";
## Set use_tatter_like to true to use a tatter to escape from combat, or to false to simply kill the slime and use an adventure.
## Set which_tatter to which tatter-like item to use to escape from combats
## Reccommended not to use tattered scraps as your tatter-like, large chance of failure makes them inefficient.
boolean use_tatter_like = true;
item which_tatter = $item[green smoke bomb];
## This CCS is ONLY used if use_tatter_like is set to false, and it is not blank
string max_ml_ccs = "lts";
string min_ml_ccs = "cleeshtatter";
boolean use_hottub = true;
boolean verbose = true;
## End Options