Get Slimy


Note to self: Never release a script that is tricky or unusual to configure because all the tech support I'd have to offer would drive me up a wall.


But it looks so delicious. And would save me the trouble. Once people figure out that the WHOLE outfit name is "slime_ml f=purse rat" it's not so bad ...


Or you could just separate the outfit and familiar into different variables, since that seems to be more intuitive for a lot of people. You can do all the genius trickery in the world but it's meaningless if your target audience doesn't understand how to use it.


I HAVE seperated the outfit and familiar into two variables in the latest version. If you aren't seeing the two variables, make sure your cache is cleared when you are getting the latest version of the script!


New member
Yeah, sorry Bale/Alhifar/everyone else who helps so much. I'm very grateful for your efforts.

But um....I'm still curious about the script because it's all gibberish to me =/. Does it change the Moon sign area's annoyance thing when it switches outfits too?

Maybe it's time I start learning programming....


Oh I didn't even look at your latest release, I branched off my own version a while ago that I've been using instead.


There have been quite a few changes in the last few days; you might want to take a look at some of the latest changes


Yeah I pretty much added the same stuff. One of the things we noticed is with 7 levels of slime hate you don't need to tatter out, so you can just kill the small slime to get a chamois meaning you never have to buy them. It only adds like an extra 40 adventures or so and saves the cost of escaping combat or buying bundles of chamoix, we don't even squeeze more then once or twice anymore for dual nodules.
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You're joking, right? The last 7 pages of this thread are people asking the same question. Put it into your /scripts directory and edit the variables at the beginning of the script to reflect your character's uniqueness. Then when you have a specific problem, ask again.


One of the things we noticed is with 7 levels of slime hate you don't need to tatter out, so you can just kill the small slime to get a chamois meaning you never have to buy them.
All you have to do is simply set use_tatter_like to false, and it won't tatter, and instead kill the small slime.

playhavock said:
how do i make this work i am a noob
I don't mind answering questions, but Bale is right. If you have a more specific question, I'll be happy to answer it, otherwise, just read the rest of the thread.


New member
Ok I love the script and I have it working perfectly with green smoke bombs. However I can't get cleesh to work. I would rather cleesh the first guy to save a ton of money per run. When I set the tatter to false and try to run it in mafia is says. CSS can't be found or ran or something. What else do i need to change to make cleesh work. any help woudl be wonderful.


New member
The message is "No Matching CCS Found!" I am getting it as well. I was hoping for help. I just want to fight them and kill the minml slimes.
It first said Putting on "Minml" then I get that message. I thought It was outfit related, so I collected the data of my two outfits:
Hat:nasty rat mask
Shirt:Ye Olde Navy Fleece
Weapon: Coily™
Pants:bounty-hunting pants
Accessory:rickety old unicycle
Accessory:Mr. Accessory Jr.
Accessory:Mr. Accessory Jr.
Familiar: tiny maracas

Hat:corrosive cowl
Shirt:hipposkin poncho
Weapon: villainous scythe
Pants:corroded breeches
Accessory:malevolent medallion
Accessory:C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button
Accessory:stainless steel scarf
Familiar:tiny cell phone

Obviously that might not be it. Quick Question, do you put the familiar's name or type I don't have a hound dog?
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The familiar type. Theoretically, you should be able to use any abbreviation that the CLI would accept.

As to the other problem, that is related to a new feature I added in specifically to allow you to easily change ccs's for min and max ml situations. Do you have anything set under min_ml_ccs and max_ml_ccs?


New member
This is what have. what should I change to get cleesh to work :D

## Slime Speed Run Script by Alhifar/zeroblah
## Modifications added in from Bale

notify Alhifar;

string version = "1.5.3";
string download_location = "";

## Note that the script takes care of aria, so it should NOT be in the mood being used.
string max_ml_outfit = "maxml";
string max_ml_familiar = "purse rat";

string min_ml_outfit = "minml";
string min_ml_familiar = "hobo monkey";

## Set use_tatter_like to true to use a tatter to escape from combat, or to false to simply kill the slime and use an adventure.
## Set which_tatter to which tatter-like item to use to escape from combats
## Reccommended not to use tattered scraps as your tatter-like, large chance of failure makes them inefficient.
boolean use_tatter_like = true;
item which_tatter = $item[green smoke bomb];

## This CCS is ONLY used if use_tatter_like is set to false, and it is not blank
string max_ml_ccs = "lts";
string min_ml_ccs = "cleeshtatter";

boolean use_hottub = true;
boolean verbose = true;

## End Options


Set boolean use_tatter_like to false.
Set string max_ml_ccs to the name of the ccs you use to kill maxed out monster level slimes.
Set string min_ml_ccs to the name of the ccs you use to kill the minimum monster level slimes for acquiring coated in slime. This one should have cleesh in it.


New member
Ok I am not sure what a Css is. what do I need to change cleesh tatter to? Just skill cleesh or something?