int extra_ml = (squeezes * 20 + numeric_modifier("Monster Level")) %100;
switch {
case extra_ml <= current_mcd():
case extra_ml <= numeric_modifier("ur-kel's aria of annoyance", "Monster Level")
&& have_skill($skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance]):
cli_execute("uneffect Ur-kels");
case extra_ml <= current_mcd()+ numeric_modifier("ur-kel's aria of annoyance", "Monster Level")
&& have_skill($skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance]):
cli_execute("uneffect Ur-kels");
old_action = "";
boolean boozey_up = false;
if(my_familiar() == $familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch]
&& get_property("_banderRunaways"). to_int() < floor(numeric_modifier("Familiar Weight") + familiar_weight($familiar[Frumious Bandersnatch]))/ 5) {
if(have_effect($effect[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance]) > 0
&& have_skill($skill[Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance]) )
cli_execute("uneffect Ur-kels");
if(have_effect($effect[Ode to Booze]) < 1 && have_skill($skill[Ode to Booze])) {
use_skill( 1 , $skill[Ode to Booze]);
boozey_up = true;
if(have_effect( $effect[Ode to Booze] ) > 0) {
old_action = get_property( "battleAction" );
set_property("battleAction", "try to run away");
} else abort("Problem casting \"Ode to Booze\" to help your Bandersnatch run away. Probably too many AT Buffs.");
} else if(use_tatter_like) {
old_action = get_property( "battleAction" );
if(have_skill($skill[Ambidextrous Funkslinging]))
set_property("battleAction", "item "+ which_tatter.to_string()+ ", "+ which_tatter.to_string() );
set_property("battleAction", "item "+ which_tatter.to_string() );