Fustulent Seal Grulch


I'm trying to automate getting Fustulent seal grulches by using the following code; but it doesn't look like it will work (I admit I am overdrunk today and will have to try tomorrow). Does this look valid? I'm not very familiar with conditions and using figurines and combining things.

acquire 20 seal-blubber candle

conditions add 5 figurine of a stinking seal
adv * Hippy Camp (Stone Age)

conditions add 5 worthless
adv * Unlucky Sewer

acquire 5 figurine of an ancient seal

outfit club

use 5 figurine of an ancient seal

combine 5 imbued seal-blubber candle

#use 5 figurine of a stinking seal

I'll have the use the 5 stinking seal figurines on a different day because you can only use 5 figurines per day, which is why it is commented out. Any help?
You can use if in a CLI script, but I'm not sure how you would check if you have a certain quantity of items. The simplest way would be to do this in ASH:
if ( item_amount($item[powdered sealbone]) > 4 - item_amount($item[imbued seal-blubber candle])  ) {
	retrieve_item(  5 , $item[imbued seal-blubber candle] );
	use( 5, $item[figurine of a stinking seal] );
else use( 5, $item[figurine of an ancient seal] );
If you want to keep this a CLI script (instead of rewriting the rest in ASH), you can add a line of ASH code. This is not tested, but try:
ashq if ( item_amount($item[powdered sealbone])>4 - item_amount($item[imbued seal-blubber candle])  ) {retrieve_item(  5 , $item[imbued seal-blubber candle] );use( 5, $item[figurine of a stinking seal] );}else use( 5, $item[figurine of an ancient seal] );
All of this is untested though, especially use( 5, $item[figurine of a stinking seal] );... I'm not sure what the result of that would be. You can replace it with cli_execute(use 5 figurine of a stinking seal), but then you would be invoking CLI from ash that was invoked by a CLI script... maybe the universe will collapse?
LOL, if the Universe collapses it's your fault sylz. :)

I'll give these a go after rollover and see what happens. I'm not sure why I like using .txt files instead of .ash files. Maybe I've learned the basics of too many programming languages to want to get into another one that looks very similar to all the rest. Anyway, thanks for the help, I'll post an update after I try it.
I wrote AutoClub specifically for situations like these. Try it out -- link in my sig.

EDIT: Just noticed I haven't updated that yet -- my local version has been edited to account for Nemesis stuff. I'll post that update when I get home today.
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Here is what I ended up doing; but it's only for fustulent seal grulch, so I like zarqon's script idea better. I'll give it a go.

acquire 20 seal-blubber candle
adv 15 Unlucky Sewer
acquire 5 figurine of an ancient seal

outfit non-combat
use 5 chunk of rock salt
conditions add 5 figurine of a stinking seal
adv 50 Hippy Camp (Stone Age)

outfit club
familiar Baby Gravy Fairy
use figurine of an ancient seal
use figurine of an ancient seal
use figurine of an ancient seal
use figurine of an ancient seal
use figurine of an ancient seal

combine 5 imbued seal-blubber candle

#use figurine of a stinking seal
#use figurine of a stinking seal
#use figurine of a stinking seal
#use figurine of a stinking seal
#use figurine of a stinking seal
I just updated AutoClub as of a couple minutes ago. Haven't been able to test it with the Nemesis stuff yet, but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. Post in the thread if you encounter any issues.
1) you might consider farming for 31337 scrolls as a source of worthless items, instead of using the sewer. Alternatively, you can add "5 worthless item" as a condition before adventuring (or I think acquire 5 worthless item works too).
2) does +noncombat change anything when you are waiting to get seal figurines?
3) You can directly use 5 figurine of an ancient seal and use 5 figurine of a stinking seal
1) you might consider farming for 31337 scrolls as a source of worthless items, instead of using the sewer.

Every once in a long while I spend 1 day in aftercore farming 31337 scrolls. Gives me all the worthless items I need PLUS a large infusion of clovers. Much nicer than sewering to take care of my worthless aftercore needs.
Thanks for the suggestions. Is there a script to farm 31337 scrolls?

I tried the script Zarqon; but it didn't get me any "figurine of a stinking seal" (my input value). It acted as if I hadn't put anything in and went on to my next order of business. That, however, was the script which I downloaded yesterday before you made these updates, so I'll have to try this updated script tomorrow I guess. I'll let you know how that goes.
Thanks for the suggestions. Is there a script to farm 31337 scrolls?

There nothing to it really. Buy enough 334/668 and 30669 scrolls for the amount of 31337 scrolls you want, and set mafia to autoadventure in the chasm. Add the expected number of 31337 scrolls as the condition, setup the orc chasm option in the Choice Advs tab to "creat goal, 31337, 668 scrolls", and hit go. If you have olfaction, set "monster rampaging adding machine" as a one-time olfaction and select attack (if you are safe).

Having high ML helps because it allows you to feed more scrolls in a single machine.
High ML is essential to making it worthwhile. Full Brimstone is good for this because it also boosts item drops. Though if you're really efficient you'd olfact adding machines and forget about item drops. I'm not that efficient about it.