If you put in an else block to go with the "if(write_button(...", it would be executed on the initial page load, but not after a successful save. It would be executed again on an unsuccessful save attempt (due to a field validation error), which may or may not be what you want.
count(fields) == 0 would be true only on the initial page load, with one possible exception: all your fields are checkboxes, and none of them are checked. If that's a potential problem, throw in a write_hidden() somewhere.
There is no such HTML tag as <save_text>, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish with that.
count(fields) == 0 would be true only on the initial page load, with one possible exception: all your fields are checkboxes, and none of them are checked. If that's a potential problem, throw in a write_hidden() somewhere.
There is no such HTML tag as <save_text>, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish with that.