New Content - Implemented Folder Holder: August's back to school IotM!

So, just checking in: has this been fixed in KoL yet?

Might as well take a look.

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What is eleronkey?
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He gets his very own key and we can't even get folder holder contents? If the sticker sword and cardsleeve are there, it seems obvious this should be also.
Are we definitely waiting on the api.php change to implement the folder modifiers? I'm doing OK at remembering the +25 ML and -5% combat, but every neuron I can turn off while running turns is welcome.
I do not want to write special code to parse the output of the choice adventure that you use to examine and manipulate the folder. OK, we will have to do that in order to handle adding and removing folders, but I am unwilling to add an extra server hit or two to the login sequence to see the current contents of your folder holder. I want that info to be in api.php.

And then, once it is there, I think we need an extra tab or card or something in the gear changer to hold stickers, folders, and the card sleeve.

It's going to be a fair amount of work, which I am not especially looking forward to. Fortunately, I am not the only dev. ;)
And then, once it is there, I think we need an extra tab or card or something in the gear changer to hold stickers, folders, and the card sleeve.

This. We need a place for Equipment Gear, so that equipment can properly gear up also. I've always thought that the sticker slots were weird there, but it wasn't a problem as long as they were the only bonus slots. It'll be nice for them to have a proper place.

Should fake hands also have a spot there? (Just a quantity of course, along with the code to equip that many hands and then put the off-hand item in the last.) Or is that just too pointless and annoying to code?
The extra server hit does seem like it would fit in the same category as the Crown of Thrones. I haven't ascended much lately, so the lack of support for the folder holder hasn't bothered me enough to start writing code yet.
Oh, yeah! The crown of thrones also needs to be added to the equipment gear tab.

And on the api... :(
From CDMoyer (#599619) [reply] [quoted]
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2013, 10:40AM

Heya, I just made two quick changes to api.php.

1) there's a folder_holder array in there now.
2) lastadv/container should include the place.php whichplace now.
And in my api.php responseText:
We are good to go on this project.
I'm surprised what=closet didn't come at the same time, but it's good to see stuff being added. I expect I'll have the folder holder supported by the end of the weekend, if no one else gets to it sooner.
Should we add Folder drops to monsters.txt, as conditionals presumably as they require them for older monsters? The only folders so far added are in School.

I presume we took a decision not to add the items that change appearance when you have full Manuel entries, or maybe I should add them too?
Should we add Folder drops to monsters.txt, as conditionals presumably as they require them for older monsters? The only folders so far added are in School.
I assume it was an oversight that we've not added all the others yet.

I presume we took a decision not to add the items that change appearance when you have full Manuel entries, or maybe I should add them too?
What are you talking about? Oh - the potions.

Again, I think it was a matter of nobody caring enough to go add them, rather than "making a decision to not add them."
I'm pretty certain that there was no actual discussion about adding or not adding those silly avatar potions. Honestly I wish they didn't even exist, but there's no actual reason to avoid adding them.

Should we add Folder drops to monsters.txt, as conditionals presumably as they require them for older monsters?

Those should definitely be added. As conditionals.