New Content - Implemented Folder Holder: August's back to school IotM!


Staff member
Gaining a folder did not update the dropdowns in the Gear Changer correctly; it only added it to the first one. Revision 12907 fixes that.

I see a "use" link on the inventory page. I suspect that we don't currently give you a use link in the Relay Browser, ever since I changed folders to be CONSUME_FOLDER, rather than CONSUME_USE. I can fix that - not change the consumption type, but changing the switch statement in the UseLinkDecorator. In any case, "using" the item via inv_use.php when your folder holder is full just takes you to the choice adventure and tells you that you need to remove a folder first.

In the Item Manager, if I select a folder (with no empty slots in my folder holder), it doesn't try to equip it (correct) but updates inventory (wrong). Presumably, it should tell you to remove a folder in the Gear Changer...


Staff member
Fascinating. When you "use" a folder and have an empty folder slot, KoL gives you a Javascript redirection:

<script type="text/javascript">top.mainpane.document.location = "choice.php?forceoption=1&folder=1";</script>
We respond by simply redirecting to choice.php.

That's a bug - and it makes "using" folders from the Item Manager not work.


Staff member
Revision 12908 lets you "use" folders from the Item Manager. It will limit you to one (if you have a free folder slot) or 0 otherwise.

I also fixed GenericRequest to handle Javascript redirection better so that you don't end up processing results for both the redirect and the final response.

I made UseItemRequest tell GenericRequest to automatically follow redirects. That is a change. Let's see if there are any unexpected consequences of that.


Staff member
I expect that inventory updating is not handled properly in all cases still. At the very least, there's using a folder with no empty slots to check.
We no longer let you do that from the Item manager.
The use link (either generated, when a folder drops, or on the inventory page) in the Relay Browser sends you to choice.php and tells you to discard a folder first. Simply going to that page does not remove a folder from inventory.
The item manager works fine for discarding folders and sticking in new ones.

I think this feature is done.