New Content - Implemented Feb 2016 IotM -- LT&T telegraph office deed


From using the iotm to clicking the office to opening the gift shop (there are 3 hidden items in the gift shop):

8836	LT&T telegraph office deed	544828426	document.gif	usable	t	0
# Item LT&T telegraph office deed: Opens a LT&T telegraph office in Seaside Town

use 1 LT&T telegraph office deed

Encounter: LT&T Office
8850	your cowboy boots	529185925	cowboyboots.gif	accessory	q	0
your cowboy boots	0	none
# Item your cowboy boots: Lets you engage in Cowboy Kicking
Item	your cowboy boots	Maximum HP: +25, Maximum MP: +25
You acquire an item: your cowboy boots
Took choice 1171/6: Check out the Gift Shop
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	3	steel knuckles	ROW795
8915	steel knuckles	321514802	knuckles.gif	accessory	t,d	45
steel knuckles	0	Mus: 10
# Item steel knuckles: +30 Damage to Unarmed Attacks
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	3	Shrub's Premium Baked Beans	ROW793
8875	Shrub's Premium Baked Beans	480503509	beanscan.gif	offhand	t,d	25
Shrub's Premium Baked Beans	0	none
Item	Shrub's Premium Baked Beans	Maximum MP: +25, Spell Damage Percent: +25, Spell Critical Percent: +5
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	3	reliable sixgun	ROW794
8914	reliable sixgun	630007259	sixgun4.gif	none, combat	t	0
# Item reliable sixgun: Bang!
# Item reliable sixgun: (does not go away when used)
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	10	western-style skinning knife	ROW792
8913	western-style skinning knife	240086558	skinknife.gif	weapon	t,d	77
western-style skinning knife	40	Mus: 5	1-handed knife
Item	western-style skinning knife	Weapon Damage: +5, Hat Drop: +10
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	10	inflatable LT&T telegraph office	ROW803
8851	inflatable LT&T telegraph office	940920959	inflatltt.gif	usable	t	0
# Item inflatable LT&T telegraph office
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	20	Hell and How I Bent It	ROW797
8917	Hell and How I Bent It	339356359	book4.gif	usable	t	0
Item	Hell and How I Bent It	Skill: "Bend Hell"
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	40	Tales of Western Braggadoccio	ROW796
8916	Tales of Western Braggadoccio	171555336	book3.gif	usable	t	0
Item	Tales of Western Braggadoccio	Skill: "Bow-Legged Swagger"
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	60	The Western Look	ROW798
8918	The Western Look	660540030	book5.gif	usable	t	0
Item	The Western Look	Skill: "Steely-Eyed Squint"
LT&T Gift Shop	buy	100	LT&T tattoo kit	ROW799
8919	LT&T tattoo kit	894752161	ltttatkit.gif	usable	t	0
# Item LT&T tattoo kit

Encounter: LT&T Office
Took choice 1171/8: Leave
Got an un-tradable reward from a boss fight:

8892	El Vibrato restraints	928444655	lvcuff.gif	none, combat	d	1500
# Item El Vibrato restraints: Bind up any foe with arms
# Item El Vibrato restraints: (does not go away when used)
This stuff too!

8923	strange disc (white)	984618205	powerball.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item strange disc (white)
8924	strange disc (black)	477735521	powerball.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item strange disc (black)
8925	strange disc (red)	439434832	powerball.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item strange disc (red)
8926	strange disc (green)	533508074	powerball.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item strange disc (green)
8927	strange disc (blue)	155330801	powerball.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item strange disc (blue)
8928	strange disc (yellow)	148455337	powerball.gif	none, combat	q	0
# Item strange disc (yellow)
Ah, Investigating a Plaintive Telegram! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!


8890	Glenn's golden dice	465662384	golddice.gif	usable	d	1500
# Item Glenn's golden dice: Grants you some random beneficial effects
8887	Daisy's unclean bloomers	172482300	daisybloomers.gif	pants		0
Daisy's unclean bloomers	150	Mox: 30
Item	Daisy's unclean bloomers	Stench Damage: +30, Stench Spell Damage: +30, Monster Level: +15
8889	Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes	819147479	nemes.gif	hat		0
Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes	225	Mox: 50
Item	Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes	Mysticality Percent: +35, Spell Damage: +25, Spell Critical Percent: +15
8888	Pecos Dave's sixgun	305060180	davesixgun.gif	none, combat		0
# Item Pecos Dave's sixgun: Bang!
# Item Pecos Dave's sixgun: (does not go away when used)

Some effects of interest also:

2061	Milk is Blood is Milk	blooddrops.gif	00662ad268709d76800df67f0daec5be
Effect	Milk is Blood is Milk	Muscle Percent: -50, Mysticality Percent: -50, Moxie Percent: -50, Muscle: -5, Mysticality: -5, Moxie: -5

2062	The Moomy's Curse	scarab.gif	0e125f8b36ad36e4959ad5b5d382289a
Effect	The Moomy's Curse	Mana Cost: +20, Familiar Weight: -40, Muscle Percent: -200, Mysticality Percent: -200, Moxie Percent: -200

The effect of "Milk is Blood is Milk" is not actually in its description. It is that value times the number of turns of the effect. So 2 turns of it is twice that horrible.
Lots of items:
8837 plaintive telegram 819771344 lttgram.gif usable q 0
# Item plaintive telegram
8871 World's Blackest-Eyed Peas 201826562     beanscan.gif offhand t,d 10
World's Blackest-Eyed Peas 0 none
Item     World's Blackest-Eyed Peas Spooky Spell Damage: +15
8873 Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans 488524941     beanscan.gif offhand t,d 10
Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans 0 none
Item     Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans Sleaze Spell Damage: +15
8876 plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beans     199791931 franksbeans.gif food t,d 5
plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney     Beans 1 2 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item plate of Heimz Fortified Kidney     Beans
8878 plate of Mixed Garbanzos and Chickpeas     339294938 franksbeans.gif food t,d 5
plate of Mixed Garbanzos and     Chickpeas 1 2 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item plate of Mixed Garbanzos and     Chickpeas
8895 buffalo dime 957218049 buffdime.gif none 0
# Item buffalo dime
8896 cow poker 598945063 spine.gif none, combat t,d 35
# Item cow poker
8897 poker face paint 563214513 balm.gif multiple t,d 24
Item poker face paint Effect: "Poker Faced", Effect Duration: 10
8898 realistic cap gun 459373479 sixshooter.gif none, combat t,d 28
# Item realistic cap gun
8899 tainted milk 360141428 milk.gif food t,d 18
tainted milk 1 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item tainted milk Effect: "Cowrruption", Effect Duration: 30
8900 gun parts 188246979 gunparts.gif multiple t,d 15
# Item gun parts: Maybe you can make a gun out of them?
8902 ghost bit 395021532 ghostbit.gif multiple t,d 17
Item ghost bit Effect: "Partially Ghosted", Effect Duration: 30
8903 buzzard feather 723857149 feather.gif multiple t,d 6
Item buzzard feather Effect: "Buzzard Breath", Effect Duration: 30
8904 lion musk 655258040 lightvial.gif multiple     t,d 29
Item lion musk Effect: "Lion in Ambush", Effect Duration: 20
8905 bear claw 355563460 catclaw.gif food t,d 14
bear     claw 2 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item bear claw Effect: "Bear Clawed",     Effect Duration: 30
8906 rattler gland 993787330 pineal.gif multiple t,d 12
Item rattler gland Effect: "Venomous Weapon", Effect Duration: 20
8907 half-digested coal 287234360 evil.gif multiple t,d 21
Item half-digested coal Effect: "Coal-Powered", Effect Duration: 20
8908 tightly-wound spine 444616225 clspine.gif multiple t,d 21
Item tightly-wound spine Effect: "Tightly-Wound Spine", Effect Duration: 20
8909 rotting beefsteak 217124698 gnatfilet.gif food t,d 4 rotting beefsteaks
rotting beefsteak 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item rotting beefsteak Effect: "Cowrruption", Effect Duration: 30
8910 firemilk 627877078 milkbottle.gif drink t,d 32 bottles of firemilk
firemilk 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item firemilk Effect: "Cowrruption", Effect Duration: 30
8911 spidercow eye-cluster 763991554 spidereyes.gif multiple t,d 38
Item spidercow eye-cluster Effect: "Spidercow Vision", Effect Duration: 10
8931 rinky-dink sixgun 920378151 sixgun1.gif none, combat t,d 75
# Item rinky-dink sixgun: Bang!
# Item rinky-dink sixgun: (does not go away when used)
8932 makeshift sixgun 877959676 sixgun2.gif none, combat t,d 120
# Item makeshift sixgun: Bang!
# Item makeshift sixgun: (does not go away when used)

And effects:

2063 Poker Faced deuce.gif cb201992ac7589203e0bc582d844f1a4 use 1 poker face paint
Effect Poker Faced Moxie: +25
2064 Cowrruption cowskull.gif 806613cfee09c055a57d9dcbdd2dc5a2 eat 1 tainted milk
Effect Cowrruption Muscle Limit: 30, Moxie Limit: 30, Weapon Damage Percent: +200, Spell Damage Percent: +200
2066 Partially Ghosted ghostbit.gif 487f468a1e6674254309a9ecf8bd3823 use 1 ghost bit
# Effect Partially Ghosted: Reduces physical damage taken by 30%
2067 Buzzard Breath skull.gif b38a499ed169fd92bc330c1c4a8188cc use 1 buzzard feather
Effect Buzzard Breath Stench Damage: +30, Spooky Damage: +30
2068 Lion in Ambush 3claws.gif     f114b2c1531448d2649fd705fb626aa0 use 1 lion musk
# Effect Lion in     Ambush: Makes you significantly more attractive to monsters
2069 Bear Clawed 3claws.gif     9f76dc8caece84722921e2c835a6cd01 eat 1 bear claw
Effect Bear Clawed     Weapon Damage Percent: +100
2070 Venomous Weapon blooddrops.gif b3b8722c7cba18094401780ca69e5463 use 1 rattler gland
# Effect Venomous Weapon: Causes your regular attacks to poison foes
2071 Coal-Powered evil.gif ff6973e86961cafe7ca93cbd337d71df use 1 half-digested coal
# Effect Coal-Powered: Deal 20-30 Hot Damage to foes each round
2072 Spidercow Vision spidereyes.gif 0281add44e0d1e9796120bee2e111ca5 use 1 spidercow eye-cluster
Effect Spidercow Vision Muscle Percent: -50, Mysticality Percent: -50, Moxie Percent: -50, Item Drop: +25
2076 Tightly-Wound Spine clspine.gif e85983ba9472ce64d308d0ca6d508f2b use 1 tightly-wound spine
Effect Tightly-Wound Spine Initiative: +25
And after what may be the most difficult fight i've ever been in:

8894 Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun 674447022 grannygat.gif weapon 0
Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun 300 Mox: 70 1-handed machine gun
Item Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun Moxie Percent: +25, Critical Hit Percent: +10, Ranged Damage Percent: +200
These monsters look like they scale to 11,111 attack / defense. source: having > 2M buffed muscle / moxie
I think the easy quest monsters scale equal to you (though I haven't fought any of them), the moderate ones are +25, and the hard ones are +50. The same monsters are used for varying difficulties. The monsters do have different names, so they need to be recognized by image or possibly by their modified name.
The monsters do have different names, so they need to be recognized by image or possibly by their modified name.

I haven't paid too much attention, but from what I've seen, the monster's name is always there in full with the modifier before it (compared with the manuel entries). If that's the case, it should make it a little easier.
All of the unique combat encounters I've encountered from 8ish hard quests:
blazing [B]pyrobove[/B]
cyclopean [B]moomy[/B]
Granny Hackleton
horrifying [B]spidercow[/B]
huge [B]diamondback rattler[/B]
relentless, unstoppable [B]caugr[/B]
reprehensible [B]cow cultist[/B]
shrieking ghost - restless ghost in Manuel, has Elizabeth Spookyraven's image
terrifying [B]skeletal gunslinger[/B]
tough-as-nails [B]grizzled bear[/B]
trained mercenary - hired gun in Manuel
unusual construct
very angry, very [B]drunk cowpoke[/B]
very talented [B]camp cook[/B]
vicious, rabid [B]mountain lion[/B]
[B]wannabe gunslinger[/B] with a chip on his shoulder
white-hot [B]coal snake[/B]

A number of these are recycled monster images.
Unknown objects as of r16653

Looking at item #8908...
Unknown item found: tightly-wound spine (8908, 444616225)
8908 tightly-wound spine 444616225 clspine.gif usable t,d 21
Item tightly-wound spine Effect: "Tightly-Wound Spine", Effect Duration: 20
2076 Tightly-Wound Spine clspine.gif e85983ba9472ce64d308d0ca6d508f2b use 1 tightly-wound spine
Effect Tightly-Wound Spine Initiative: +25
Looking at item #8903...
Unknown item found: buzzard feather (8903, 723857149)
8903 buzzard feather 723857149 feather.gif usable t,d 6
Item buzzard feather Effect: "Buzzard Breath", Effect Duration: 30
2067 Buzzard Breath skull.gif b38a499ed169fd92bc330c1c4a8188cc use 1 buzzard feather
Effect Buzzard Breath Stench Damage: +30, Spooky Damage: +30
Looking at item #8930...
Unknown item found: demonic cow's blood (8930, 294998917)
8930 demonic cow's blood 294998917 potion15.gif usable t,d 19
Item demonic cow's blood Effect: "Cowrruption", Effect Duration: 20
Looking at item #8941...
Unknown item found: frontwinder skin (8941, 975742491)
8941 frontwinder skin 975742491 frontskin.gif usable t,d 300
Item frontwinder skin Mysticality Percent: +50
Looking at item #8942...
Unknown item found: rotting cowskin (8942, 149029249)
8942 rotting cowskin 149029249 zomcowskin.gif usable t,d 300
# Item rotting cowskin: Adds Demonic Bovine Taint to your cowboy boots
Looking at item #8940...
Unknown item found: coal snakeskin (8940, 219623277)
8940 coal snakeskin 219623277 blacksnakeskin.gif usable t,d 300
# Item coal snakeskin: Adds Spooky Damage to kicks with your cowboy boots
Looking at item #8938...
Unknown item found: grizzled bearskin (8938, 302654757)
8938 grizzled bearskin 302654757 grizbearskin.gif usable t,d 300
Item grizzled bearskin Muscle Percent: +50
Looking at item #8939...
Unknown item found: diamondback skin (8939, 885630248)
8939 diamondback skin 885630248 diamondskin.gif usable t,d 300
# Item diamondback skin: Adds +20 Monster Level to your cowboy boots
Looking at item #8937...
Unknown item found: mountain lion skin (8937, 132547662)
8937 mountain lion skin 132547662 mtlionskin.gif usable t,d 300
Item mountain lion skin Moxie Percent: +50
Looking at item #8864...
Unknown item found: nicksilver ring (8864, 674028369)
8864 nicksilver ring 674028369 weddingring.gif accessory 0
nicksilver ring 100 Mys: 10
Item nicksilver ring Pickpocket Chance: +15, Item Drop: +15, Weapon Drop: +30, Single Equip
Looking at item #8865...
Unknown item found: ticksilver ring (8865, 485357896)
8865 ticksilver ring 485357896 weddingring.gif accessory 0
ticksilver ring 100 Mys: 10
Item ticksilver ring Adventures: +6, PvP Fights: +4, Single Equip
Looking at item #8858...
Unknown item found: nugget of ticksilver (8858, 843632518)
8858 nugget of ticksilver 843632518 crimnugget.gif none t,d 150
# Item nugget of ticksilver
Looking at item #8871...
Unknown item found: World's Blackest-Eyed Peas (8871, 201826562)
8871 World's Blackest-Eyed Peas 201826562 beanscan.gif offhand t,d 10
World's Blackest-Eyed Peas 30 none
Item World's Blackest-Eyed Peas Spooky Spell Damage: +15
Looking at item #8870...
Unknown item found: Frigid Northern Beans (8870, 673710091)
8870 Frigid Northern Beans 673710091 beanscan.gif offhand t,d 10
Frigid Northern Beans 30 none
Item Frigid Northern Beans Cold Spell Damage: +15
Looking at item #8873...
Unknown item found: Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans (8873, 488524941)
8873 Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans 488524941 beanscan.gif offhand t,d 10
Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans 30 none
Item Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beans Sleaze Spell Damage: +15
Looking at item #8887...
Unknown item found: Daisy's unclean bloomers (8887, 172482300)
8887 Daisy's unclean bloomers 172482300 daisybloomers.gif pants 0
Daisy's unclean bloomers 150 Mox: 30
Item Daisy's unclean bloomers Stench Damage: +30, Stench Spell Damage: +30, Monster Level: +15
Looking at item #8891...
Unknown item found: Former Sheriff Dan's tin star (8891, 672557731)
8891 Former Sheriff Dan's tin star 672557731 danstar.gif accessory 0
Former Sheriff Dan's tin star 225 Mus: 50
Item Former Sheriff Dan's tin star Muscle Percent: +25, Maximum HP: +50, HP Regen Min: 5, HP Regen Max: 10, Weapon Damage Percent: +25, Critical Hit Percent: +5
Looking at item #8897...
Unknown item found: poker face paint (8897, 563214513)
8897 poker face paint 563214513 balm.gif usable t,d 24
Item poker face paint Effect: "Poker Faced", Effect Duration: 10
2063 Poker Faced deuce.gif cb201992ac7589203e0bc582d844f1a4 use 1 poker face paint
Effect Poker Faced Moxie: +25
Looking at item #8890...
Unknown item found: Glenn's golden dice (8890, 465662384)
8890 Glenn's golden dice 465662384 golddice.gif usable d 1500
# Item Glenn's golden dice: Grants you some random beneficial effects
Looking at item #8889...
Unknown item found: Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes (8889, 819147479)
8889 Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes 819147479 nemes.gif hat 0
Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes 225 Mox: 50
Item Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes Mysticality Percent: +35, Spell Damage: +25, Spell Critical Percent: +15
Examining Meat in closet...
Updating closet...
Looking at item #8898...
Unknown item found: realistic cap gun (8898, 459373479)
8898 realistic cap gun 459373479 sixshooter.gif none, combat t,d 28
# Item realistic cap gun
Unknown items as of r16659:

8934	baconstone-handled sixgun	198901214	sixgunbac.gif	none, combat	d	1500
# Item baconstone-handled sixgun: (does not go away when used)
8935	porquoise-handled sixgun	278462466	sixgunpor.gif	none, combat	d	1500
# Item porquoise-handled sixgun: (does not go away when used)
8932	makeshift sixgun	877959676	sixgun2.gif	none, combat	t,d	120
# Item makeshift sixgun: Bang!
# Item makeshift sixgun: (does not go away when used)
8947	quicksilver spurs	576074050	sspurs.gif	usable	t,d	500
Item	quicksilver spurs	Initiative: +30
8948	thicksilver spurs	444876324	sspurs.gif	usable	t,d	500
Item	thicksilver spurs	Spooky Resistance: , Stench Resistance: , Hot Resistance: , Cold Resistance: , Sleaze Resistance: 
8933	custom sixgun	381338216	sixgun3.gif	none, combat	t,d	180
# Item custom sixgun: Bang!
# Item custom sixgun: (does not go away when used)
Combine 1 custom sixgun + 1 hamethyst
8936	hamethyst-handled sixgun	994402430	sixgunham.gif	none, combat	d	1500
# Item hamethyst-handled sixgun: (does not go away when used)

A makeshift sixgun is created by multi-using seven piles of gun parts
A custom sixgun is created by multi-using eleven piles of gun parts
A baconstone-handled sixgun is created by meatpasting a custom sixgun and a baconstone
A porquoise-handled sixgun is created by meatpasting a custom sixgun and a porquoise
A hamethyst-handled sixgun is created by meatpasting a custom sixgun with a hamethyst
Quicksilver spurs are created by smithing a nugget of quicksilver with jangly spurs
Thicksilver spurs are created by smithing a nugget of thicksilver with jangly spurs
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