New Content - Implemented Feb 2016 IotM -- LT&T telegraph office deed

When I try to use the skill granted by "your cowboy boots", cowboy kick, in a CCS it displays in the CCS as an unknown skill.
r16674 :

Some basic quest stuff for LT&T quest. lttQuestDifficulty is 1, 2 or 3 for Easy, Moderate and Hard. lttQuestName has the name of the quest from the LT&T office. lttQuestStageCount has the count of appropriate monster kills for the current stage. questLTTQuestByWire SHOULD have the quest stage, but isn't currently working for some reason!

Things to do :
Work out why questLTTQuestByWire updates aren't happening - any ideas ?
Reset questLTTQuestByWire on ascension.
Update questLTTQuestByWire stages on reading Quest Log (will be different messages to gather for each stage for each quest).
Make AreaCombatData give accurate predictions based on lttQuestName, lttQuestDifficulty and lttQuestStageCount.
Any chance that monster names aren't being converted to the canonical names before QuestManager processing? I've only glanced at the diff, so I'm not sure.
The monster stuff in quest manager works fine. It's all the quest step increases in ChoiceManager that aren't changing the preferences, though the preference changes in the same code are.
Okay, I looked into this more closely. It looks like QuestManager.setQuestProgress calls prefToIndex, fails to find questLTTQuestByWire in the parsed version of questslog.txt (prefToIndex then returns -1), and proceeds to skip over setting the quest progress.
Last edited:
As of r16683

Also, all *icksilver rings are made by meatpasting a red-hot knucklebone with the corresponding nugget of *icksilver.
8862 slicksilver ring 417664517 weddingring.gif accessory 0
slicksilver ring 100 Mys: 10
Item slicksilver ring Sleaze Damage: +20, Sleaze Spell Damage: +40, Moxie: +10, Single Equip
Looking at item #8859...
Unknown item found: quicksilver ring (8859, 535136555)
8859 quicksilver ring 535136555 weddingring.gif accessory 0
quicksilver ring 100 Mys: 10
Item quicksilver ring Initiative: +40, Single Equip
r16688 adds quest log parsing and fixes quest tracking. Lightly tested.
r16689 adds frequencies and combat rate in Area Combat Data based on quest and quest stage. Untested.
16695 recognizes modifiers for skin/spurs on your cowboy boots. For consistency, those maybe should be handled like stickers/folders, but they are not for now. Partly because I didn't want to dig into that code right now, and partly because the Customizable tab of Gear Changer will then be taller than the Equipment tab.
I want them to be handled like other Customizable items in the Gear Changer, but I was waiting for them to appear in api.php, like stickers and folders, before starting that. Whether it is you or I who will do this "not right now" doesn't matter to me. You might like learning how that code in the Gear Changer works. :)